Sexual Confusion At Nebraska Youth Rally and College View Academy

Below is the copy of a letter that was sent to the CVA (College View Academy) Principal, CVA School Board Chair, Union Education Superintendent, and Conference Education Directors, after witnessing morally troubling events at the Youth Blast youth rally and College View Academy. There is also a lesbian couple in CVA high school that is being affirmed; one of the lesbians is the daughter of a Nebraska pastor.

Here is the letter, with the names of several female students redacted. It was sent to us by two different people:

“Good morning,

 A youth event called Youth Blast was recently co-organized and led by Pastor Mic Henton and Pastor Nate Elias in Lincoln NE May 2021. The event was sponsored by the Seventh Day Adventist Church, funded by the KS-NE Conference, and held at 49er Field owned by Union College. Pastor Henton serves as Youth Pastor at College View Church (CVC) and leader of Campus Ministries at College View Academy (CVA). Pastor Mic plays an integral part in providing spiritual leadership to the students of CVA and his actions as well as inaction greatly influences the youth of our school. Pastor Nate Elias serves as the Youth Pastor for Piedmont Park Church. Following the Youth Blast, parents from four families initiated a conversation with myself regarding behavior of CVA girls which is contrary to biblical and church belief, the actions or lack of action by CVA, deep concerns for their own daughters, as well as the cultural norms some are attempting to create at CVA. Failure on CVA’s part to address the immediate situation and develop a plan moving forward to proactively reaffirm sexual behavior and relationships between boys and girls from both a biblical and church perspective may lead to the spiritual and physical destruction of our children.

I reached out to Pastor Michael Halfhill who to my surprise was already aware of the issue. Shawn Sorter had come to Pastor Michael during the latter part of the school year asking for some guidance on addressing what he had come to see as both an existing and growing issue. Pastor Michael also informed me he had discussed the issue with Principal Hannah and Jeff Bovee which is why I am including all of you in this correspondence.

I have attached the North American Division Statement on Human Sexuality dated November 2, 2015 as it clearly defines both God’s and our church’s attitudes toward sexual behavior and relationships between males and females.

These are some of the points made by parents and CVA students:

  • During the Youth Blast Pastor Henton made a point to bring up a wheelchair bound young woman with cerebral palsy onto the stage in front of CVA students, children, and adults in attendance and when telling her story addressed her as “him” and “he” at all times. The couple who has been her caregivers since she was four years old had prior in-depth conversations with Pastor Henton regarding her recent issues with sexual identity as they know M is a female yet Pastor Henton is supportive of her desire to be a male. Pastor Henton took the focus from the Christ-centered youth event to use the platform for other purposes.

  • On Sabbath 26 June 2021 my family and I attended worship at College View Church and Pastor Henton was preaching. Pastor Henton again decided to turn the focus to this same wheelchair bound young lady who was also in attendance. During his sermon he spoke briefly about M and referred to her as “Him” and “He.” Afterwards our family ate lunch with M’s caregivers and M was in attendance with us. My 10-year-old daughter who will be a fifth grader at College View Academy approached Steve Ladig, one of M’s caregivers and asked “Is M a boy or a girl?” Steve replied to her “She is a she.” My daughter G asked, “Then why did Pastor Mic call her him?” This coming from a girl who knows M is a girl, but not understanding why a Pastor who is in a position at CVA to influence students of all ages including my daughter and two sons is addressing her this way. These actions by Pastor Henton must stop as they are even confusing CVA's elementary children.

  • KB (a CVA Senior this coming fall) and Pastor Nate’s daughter A (a CVA Junior this fall) were in attendance as a couple and their lesbian relationship is known by High School students as well as many CVA staff and some parents. One of the young ladies wore a gay pride t-shirt previously worn at CVA, they held hands while walking around during the event, and one placed her hand on the other’s thigh while sitting. Their actions were never discreet, but instead they appeared emboldened as they sat in the front row clearly observable by both Pastor Mic Henton and Pastor Nate Elias.

  • KB likes to hug other girls while at school. A senior stated that she would at times not reciprocate K’s hug and K would call her “homophobic.” K was observed using the term “homophobic” with other students as well. This creates a hostile environment not conducive to learning.

  • A father told me his daughter who will be a Senior this year now thinks she is also a lesbian. He is confused and does not know what to do, but only says his daughter used to like boys. His daughter told him that half of the High School girls are lesbians or gay. KB is the popular girl and a leader among the older students.

  • KB was made student leader of CVA Campus Ministries by Pastor Mic Henton for this coming Senior year. This creates confusion as she is flagrant in her lesbian behavior and current relationship with another CVA girl. How can she be a spiritual leader and role model given her flagrant actions?

  • At one point in the past CC propositioned another girl while in school. C approached this girl and said “I love you” then asked her to be her girlfriend. The girl was “grossed out” according to her mom. Again, this type of flagrant behavior is creating an environment not conducive to learning.

  • Numerous parents are asking if CVA is proactively engaging in conversations regarding sexual behavior and relationships between boys and girls from both a biblical and church perspective on a regular basis and starting early in the children’s education.

  • Numerous parents hold to the North American Division Statement on Human Sexuality clearly stating the responsibilities of Adventists educational institutions relative to human sexuality and expect this to be clearly documented in the bylaws and student handbook of College View Academy. The statement appearing on page three, states:

 “Adventist educational institutions do not condone gay, lesbian, or bisexual practice or the promotion of sexual behavior outside of our biblical beliefs. Institutional governance documents, such as bylaws and student handbooks, must align fully with Church beliefs; and students are expected to adhere to the codes of conduct and all relevant institutional policies.”

  • Sexual behavior includes, but is not limited to courtship, exploration, and solicitation.

  • Pastor Henton plays an integral role in addressing this behavior and parents expect him to lead, teach, and guide them according to our biblical beliefs. The North American Division Statement on Human Sexuality also discusses Church membership, leadership roles, and employment on page three. It makes the point that church membership requires individuals to hold to a biblical view on human sexuality. When addressing employment, it states church members promoting “…any sort of sexual behavior inconsistent with Adventist beliefs and mission are ineligible for employment.”

The individuals choosing to take these inappropriate behavioral actions are being emboldened by both the actions and lack of action taken by both Pastors and CVA staff. Their actions are in turn affecting the decisions of other girls. In a world where this type of behavior is celebrated and endorsed by many people and mainstream media, the biblical solution may not seem feasible to some. The North American Division Statement on Human Sexuality makes a clear point on page one which is certainly applicable to this situation. 

“…In harmony with biblical teaching, we affirm that sexual relationships are to be celebrated and endorsed only within the context of heterosexual marriage between one man and one woman. We recognize that this belief may be in conflict with the philosophy and practice of contemporary culture outside of the Adventist Church; however, Christian beliefs have been challenged in other times and places, and we hold to the historic Christian position on this issue. We believe that we must not compromise biblically grounded compassion or conviction.” 

The above statement also establishes which relationships between boys and girls are to be endorsed and celebrated as they begin courtship. It is our responsibility as parents and the responsibility of those in our Adventist Christian schools and Churches to teach our children these moral principles.  A failure to do so may lead to the spiritual and physical destruction of our children. Making the choice to go against the will of God and choose self-desire over His will places distance between us and Him. That is evident from the fall of humankind until now and it is Satan’s desire to create that separation. That is the pathway to spiritual destruction. Meanwhile, suicide is the second leading cause of death among young people ages 10-24 and this is even more concerning to those youth who make the choice to act out their desires to live a non-heterosexual lifestyle. According to The Trevor Project and data from the CDC:

  • LGB youth seriously contemplate suicide at almost three times the rate of heterosexual youth.

  • LGB youth are almost five times as likely to have attempted suicide compared to heterosexual youth.

  • Of all the suicide attempts made by youth, LGB youth suicide attempts were almost five times as likely to require medical treatment than those of heterosexual youth.

  • Suicide attempts by LGB youth and questioning youth are 4 to 6 times more likely to result in injury, poisoning, or overdose that requires treatment from a doctor, or nurse, compared to their straight peers.

  • In a national study, 40% of transgender adults reported having made a suicide attempt. 92% of these individuals reported having attempted suicide before the age of 25.

The job of all those who influence our children is to guide them down the path that God has established which leads to happiness and contentment in a very confusing and destructive world. Leading them down the opposing path may lead them to self-destructive behavior as outlined above.

There are parents who desire to enroll their children at CVA yet are delaying this action to see how CVA addresses this issue going forward. Many parents send their children to CVA for the sole reason that they do not want them to be subjected daily to the norms found within public schools. The world’s norms are celebrated in contemporary culture which are contrary to biblical beliefs and those of our church. The same norms are being imported by various people into our Adventist schools.

Will CVA address this with firm Adventist Christian conviction or half-heartedly not wanting to offend people who are embracing the philosophy and practice of contemporary culture?

 A concerned parent and voice for others,

Ed Whitehill”
