"Upon learning of the detention., the Ohio Conference immediately placed the employee on administrative leave."
Read moreBreaking News: US Senate Passes “Respect For Marriage Act”
This bill will, with finality, enshrine same-sex marriage as equal in law and culture to heterosexual marriage, and the implications for those who question it will be severe.
Read moreLoma Linda University Health Offers LGBTQ+ Monthly Support Group
‘Coming out’ to yourself or others (in this context) is a pseudo-conversion experience openly celebrating a decision to walk according to the lies of the enemy. True conversion is accompanied by repentance (Acts 3:19).
Read moreSouthern Adventist University Approves Updated Sexual Integrity Policy
Under the new policy, bathroom and locker room usage, housing situations and intramural participation is determined by an individual’s biological sex. Any deviation from your biological sex is not encouraged or tolerated.
Read moreLGBTQ Follows WO Into Andrews Seminary. Diploma Given To Bi-sexual Woman
Dear Seminary: You deeply wound the Body of Christ by allowing LGBTQ sin in our midst (1 Corinthians 5:9-11). These immoral public declarations are public sin, and should be confronted with redemptive truth and discipline.
Read moreRadical Environmentalists Are Marrying The Earth? Of Course They Are
Sprinkle and Stephens may think themselves nature worshipers. In reality, by rejecting God and true sexuality, they’ve turned their backs on nature, too, by treating it as what it’s not—an object of worship.
Read moreProgressive SDA Podcast Host Fired After Coming Out As Queer During A Live Program
After Turner’s July 31 podcast was over, Kendra Arsenault announced on air that she was bisexual and identifies with the LGBTQ ‘community.’
Read moreSexual Confusion At Nebraska Youth Rally and College View Academy
The individuals choosing to take these inappropriate behavioral actions are being emboldened by both the actions and lack of action taken by both Pastors and CVA staff.
Read moreKellogg Company Selling Moral Perversion To Children With Their Cereal
At its heart, the ideology of social justice, BLM and CRT claims “I am not responsible for what I have become by rejecting the Savior and His Word.” Proponents of this ideology blame others for their own culpability before God.
Read moreWWU Associate Students Host Gay Pride Event on School Property
We will be having an event where we will be displaying and explaining many different LGBTQIA+ flags and identities. We will be serving cookies and sherbet! Pronoun pins and mini flags will be handed out as well.
Read moreAustralia Passes Law Banning Spiritual Help For LGBTQ People, Adventist Record Responds Poorly
Now is not the time for doublespeak, capitulation, or compromise. Now is the time for Christians to stand up, to stand for truth no matter what the cost is.
Read moreLaSierra Hosts Rally For LGBTQ Students And PRISM
It is this kind of wrong thinking that the NAD book, Guiding Families is helping to foment throughout the North American Division.
Read moreHarvard Medical Calls Women 'Birthing People' To Avoid Offending Transgenders
Yes, they now call women "birthing people" so as to not offend any women who may identify as men. "Not all who give birth identify as 'women' or 'girls,'" they say.
Read moreAustralian Authorities Seize Child After Parents Refuse Sex-Change Hormone Therapy For Her
“We have no rights. Our children can be seriously harmed by the government and medical profession, and we are powerless to stop it.”
Two Pastors Fired From Large Black Church In Southeastern California Conference
On the Mt. Ribidoux SDA Facebook Page, there is speculation by church members that Michael Kelly was fired by Conference officials (presumably Sandra Roberts) because he was black and telling the truth about ‘systemic’ racism.
Read moreCalifornia Legislature Passes Bill Removing Registry Requirement For Sex Offenders Who Abuse Minors
California legislators passed a law Monday easing sex offender registry rules for those who commit sodomy or other sex acts with minors in order to end “discrimination against LGBTQ young people on the sex offender registry.”