Dr. Ryan Cole on the Vaccine: Stop the Insanity Immediately!

On July 28, America’s Frontline Doctors held a “white coat summit” in San Antonio, Texas. Among the presenters was Dr. Ryan Cole, who talked about the vaccine. This information is critical in relation to the growing movement to force people take the vaccine, on pain of being fired and, in New York City, not being able to buy food or eat at a restaurant. The movement to force vaccination has been embraced by the SDA hospital chains, and by prominent representatives of the SDA religious liberty establishment, including Nick Miller.

Dr. Cole, who is a pathologist and has also done Ph.D. work in epidemiology and immunology, points out that no funding is being provided to perform autopsies on people who died shortly after being vaccinated. Why is that? If there were nothing to fear from the vaccine, why wouldn’t the medical establishment be anxious to clear the vaccine with autopsies showing that these people died from other causes and it was just random happenstance that they had been vaccinated shortly before death?

Parenthetically, I note that a world-renowned German pathologist, Dr. Peter Schirmacher, has autopsied 40 persons who died after receiving the vaccine and reports that 30% to 40% of them probably died from the vaccine. In the United States, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, VAERS, has accumulated 12,000 reports of deaths after taking the vaccine; if the 40% factor is correct, then the vaccines have killed 4,800 people in the United States. That is two orders of magnitude more deaths than it would have taken to shut down any other vaccine program in the history of vaccines, and most experts agree that the VAERS substantially under-counts adverse events.

UPDATE: In his Friday evening talk at the Berrien Springs Village Church, Dr. Peter McCullough mentioned a study in which the researchers examined VAERS data and found that the vaccine could be ruled out in only 14% of the reported cases. That means that of 12,366 reported deaths, the overwhelming majority of which occurred within a few days of receiving the jab, 10,500 of those deaths might have been caused by the vaccine.

Dr. Cole also notes, as Dr. Byram Bridle reported earlier, that the spike protein that the vaccine programs your cells to produce is the toxin. In animal studies, the spike protein alone creates many of the worst damage caused by the full blown Wuhan Flu. Also as Bridle reported, the spike protein doesn’t stay in your shoulder muscle but a substantial proportion of it circulates through the body.

Dr. Cole shows slides that show inflammation to the various organs of the body, including the heart, which does not regenerate damaged or destroyed cells. The spike protein goes around lodging in the cell walls and creating these micro-clots. The inflammation is caused by micro-clots that are too small to be detected by imaging but can only be detected by a test called a d-dimer, or seen microscopically.

There is already evidence that the vaccine may be lowering fertility, and may be permanently crippling the type of T-cells that are necessary to fight cancer. Dr. Cole has seen a 10 to 20-fold increase of uterine cancer in the last six months.

Here are links to the video, and it is important to watch in order to see the slides of the inflamed tissue:




“Howdy, howdy. I’m Dr. Cole. It’s an honor to be here with my colleagues. Some brilliant minds as you’ve already seen. So I’m humbled to be on this stage with them. I’m excited to be here with attorneys that fight for freedom as well. And it’s fantastic to be in a room with smiling faces not covered with unnecessary cloth that does nothing. [audience applauds] So…

So who is this random doctor on stage?

I’m Dr. Ryan Cole, I’m a Mayo Clinic-trained, board-certified, anatomic pathologist, clinical pathologist, dermato-pathologist—way too many years of school. Also did some Ph.D. research in immunology, so immunology/virology is right up my alley. So, if you want mechanisms of action and how things work and what not, go ahead and pick my brain.

Anyway, so what about the vaccine and what about deaths? You know, Dr. Urso had alluded to that, that we have some concerns about these high numbers [of adverse events]. What’s going on?

You know, we see the headlines, like Dr. Merritt mentioned: 13 year old, 3 days after a shot, dies. 15 year old dies of a heart attack, you know, 10 children so far in the VAERS reports—probably more now—death after heart attacks, 39 year old mom of 3, death after the shot, etc., etc., etc. So we see the headlines.

So here’s the question: One would think in this era of a new virus and a new experimental… – I don’t even like calling it a vaccine – an investigational vaccine [audience member: “A fake vaccine!”] A fake vaccine. Okay. I can… the “clot shot,” “needle rape”, whatever you want to call it [audience members laugh] – um, okay. So, going to the VAERS data, um… 11,000 deaths. 12,000 deaths. 45,000 deaths.

In the literature so far, about a month ago, “First Post Vaccine Autopsy”. Out of 11,000 deaths?! Are you KIDDING me? Is this science anymore? No! No, [this is] medical technocracy. “Fear, suffering, shot. Fear, suffering, shot. That’s all you’re supposed to have. Listen to us and that’s all you get.”


So how can we do science, if we’re not looking? One cannot find that, for which they do not look. Where is the funding?

And the independent pathologists – pathology, you know, I do a lot of biopsies, cancer diagnostics, what not, we never complain about getting too much tissue. Well, when you get the autopsy you get all the tissue. But guess what? You find all the answers, too. But if we’re not looking, we’re not going to find it. And if they’re saying, “Well, don’t autopsy that. It wasn’t the vaccine. These are not the droids you’re looking for. Don’t look here.” [Star Wars reference, audience laughs]

So, how, how on God’s green Earth are we going to know? Where is the funding? Autopsies are expensive, yes. But if we have billions to advertise a clot shot to children that don’t need it… Dr. Fauci, where’s the funding for science? [loud applause]

Okay. When an unapproved new drug therapy vaccine is put onto the market, well you need to use the French legal system. Guilty until proven innocent. So, IF there’s an adverse reaction, IF there’s a death, it happened from that therapy, until you prove that it didn’t. And we’re doing the “Look the other way, look the other way. Follow the money.”

Who’s behind this? I don’t know. I’m not going to conspiracy theory anything. I’m not going to be political, but I’m saying if you want the data, then you need to use that French legal system, say, “This is guilty until we prove it happened from something else.” And we’re doing just the opposite right now.

Okay, what about the spike protein? We’re giving a sequence, a gene sequence, into the bodies of human beings. And the sequence goes into our deltoid and we’re informed that it has a little anchoring protein and once that is translated and makes a little protein and it’s on the surface of your cell, it stays there. Well, guess what? It doesn’t. And there are studies, and of course, the “fact-checkers” are “Oh, this isn’t true. This isn’t true.” – I’m a scientist. Don’t ask the journalists, ask the scientist. Okay?

So this spike protein doesn’t stay just in the deltoid, the spike circulates in your blood, it lands in multiple organs in the body. And you know what happens? That spike protein, without the body of the virus present— we did studies in lab animals; in the lab animals, just in injecting the spike, with no body of the virus, the spike induced the same disease as COVID-19 induced. The same lung disease. The same vascular disease. The same heart disease. The same brain disease. The spike is the toxin. So again, why are we injecting something into the human body that IS the toxin? It IS the toxin. It CAUSES the disease. This isn’t a vaccine! [audience applauds]

@5:25 : Okay, so we know that the virus, everybody’s heard about, this ACE2 receptor, here’s an example. So on the left hand side, this is a – one of the cells that lines your blood vessels – I’ll show you a chart in a minute, where we have ACE2 receptors. So on the left hand side you see a kind of in the corner of that upper grid and that bottom grid, these nice smooth lines. On the right hand side, this is what the spike protein – just the spike alone, from the vaccine—is doing to the mitochondria, your cells, that’s the engine of your cells. That’s what gives you energy, the power of your cells.

Compare the left: the smooth, nice, put together; compare the right: blown apart, fragmented. That’s from the VACCINE. Not from the virus. From the vaccine.

@6:08 : Okay, so here’s the human body. You can see the plethora of sites where we have ACE2 receptors. Now think about it. I mentioned, they tell us, “Oh gosh, the spike stays in your deltoid.” It doesn’t. It circulates. In the Harvard study in 13 nurses, they showed it circulating for at least 2 weeks. A lot of people lacked something called mRNAse, an enzyme that breaks down the RNA, so it may be circulating for even longer.

Now you hear, well gosh, they died, you know, just so long after the shot. So, you know, it was 2 weeks, 3 weeks, Hank Aaron, whoever. You know what? That spike’s circulating. They tried to pull the wool over our eyes and say, “Well, it couldn’t have been the shot. We’re too far out.” Not if the toxin’s still circulating! Not if the toxin’s still circulating. The spike is the toxin. Damage to the lungs, like I mentioned.

@6:57 : On the left hand side, healthy lung tissue; nice, spaced out. See, this is what pathologists do. We look at all these cells all day long. That’s kind of fun. We’re nerds this way.

On the right hand side, see how much more purple and blue that is? That’s all inflammation. Why? ACE2 receptors in that lung. Spike binding to it, inflammatory response, immune system attacking your own body. Disease FROM the spike. Disease FROM your own “clot shot”/“investigational vaccine”. They keep lying to the American public by calling it a vaccine. They keep taking the word “investigational” off, it’s what they call it in the emergency authorization. They keep not calling it what it is. “Investigational”. An experiment on humanity. And that’s what they’re doing. And I’m showing you why. Spike is a toxin. It crosses the blood-brain barrier. Kind of like my brain cells to be where they are, and not be blown apart, right? [audience applauds]

So why in the world would we put a toxin into the human body that’s going to disrupt the blood vessels in your brain, allow the spike in there and cause inflammation? The brain fog you hear about the COVID patients? Guess what. You hear about it in the post-vaccinated damaged individuals as well.

“But no. Nobody’s hurt by the shot. There’s not been one death. There’s not been one injury.” That’s what they tell you. It’s a lie. And this is science.

@8:15 [slides presented]: Okay, here we go. That’s – all the blue on top, those are brain cells, all the blue doesn’t belong there. That’s inflammation from the spike.

What about the kiddos? Heart inflammation. Guess what? Lots of ACE2 receptors in the heart. And here you can see, on the left hand side, see those blue arrows around the white? That’s inflammation in the heart. That’s not normal. That’s after a shot. That’s a spike protein landing there. That’s your immune system attacking your own tissues.

See on the right, that’s the red arrows, that’s the pericardium. The sac that surrounds your heart. That’s inflammation. That doesn’t belong there.

Once you have heart damage, the heart does not heal itself.

@8:54 : Okay, left hand side, all the blue dots: inflammation. See that gray in the middle? That’s early scarring. Guess what? Once a heart cell is damaged, it’s damaged forever. It doesn’t replace itself with another heart cell. It replaces itself with a scar. So you tell me you want to give a 12 year old, a 5 year old, a 13 year old, an 18 year old, a shot? And we see about a 200 times increase in myocarditis in our society right now? “That’s a good idea, let’s give a kid a tox and ruin his heart for life.”

Stop and think about what we’re doing. Insanity. We need to stop the insanity IMMEDIATELY.

This is OVER. Game over. This is no longer good science. This is a poisonous attack on our population. And it needs to stop NOW. [audience cheers]

@9:51 [slides presented]: Kidney, same thing. Kidney’s are kind of important. Three things in life. Blood goes round and round, gotta breathe, gotta make pee. You don’t do those three things, you die. Kidney, you want to damage your kidney with a clot shot? Not a good idea either.

Liver? Kind of need your liver to detoxify everything in your life. Same thing. Damage to the liver. See all that blue? That’s inflammation. Doesn’t belong there.

Testes. Kind of important for the next generation, right? As much as that looks like a lovely heart, see all the blue in it? Inflammation.

Same thing in the ovaries. Here’s the problem. Essentially absent from the literature. What are they hiding from us? Okay?

Japanese bio-distribution study, took some doing to find this study. Dr. Bridle up in Canada, of course he was attacked for telling the truth. The lipid nanoparticle that surrounds the little mRNA they’re injecting into people’s bodies; yes, a lot of it stays in the deltoid, but it circulates as well. Guess where it likes to concentrate? A really biologically active organ. The ovary.

And, in the Pfizer paperwork and application, it clearly states that in the rats there was a 16% decrease in fertility. One of the most fertile little critter mammals on the planet. And they – “These are not the droids you’re looking for. Nevermind.”

So what’s it doing to humanity? Guess what? The answer is, we don’t know. Because we don’t have long-term safety data yet. That’s the tragedy and the crime in all of this. They’re pushing it. It’s an experiment! It’s emergency authorized. It’s not approved. We don’t –-humanity is the phase 3 trial.

COVID’s a clotting disease as some of my colleagues have mentioned. After a shot, we as physicians, especially if patients complaining of post-vaccine symptoms, a d-dimer will go up when we have clots. We can’t see these clots on x-ray or scan. These are micro-clots. All these inflammatory patterns that I’m showing you, are from micro-clots as well. If we look at this in the patients, we know that they’re micro-clotting.

So this is something – Dr. Noorchashm, just like Dr. Urso mentioned – patient who has already had COVID, COVID recovered, broad beautiful immunity, they’re LYING to you to say that it’s not equal to a vaccine immunity. I love the blue pan rainbow analogy Dr. Urso gave. Screen before vaccine, there’s a multiple-fold increase risk of adverse reactions if you’ve had COVID and have recovered. You get a shot, you hyper-rev that immune system – you may be screwed, and/or dead.

All right. I’m going to reiterate, one cannot find that for which they do not look. Billions of dollars spent on advertising of, again, a toxin into the human body. Investigational vaccines, again, I will say to our agencies and our federal government, where’s the funding for real science? They don’t want you to see, what we’re seeing.

In the laboratory, I have the tissues of a dead man on the back of my desk. I have two more coming next week. Guess what? Just couple days after a shot: 50 year old, healthy triathlete. One of my favorite surgeons in town that I worked with? Second shot: mountain biking, gone.

All right. The other concern I already brought up, we have no long-term safety data. This is what we need to emphasize to society, and ask the authoritative agencies: what’s the risk for cancer after the shot? We don’t know. What’s the risk for autoimmune disease? We don’t know. What’s the risk for impairing fertility for a life-time? We don’t know. So why in the world would we willy-nilly push forward at the pace and the rate that we’re going, without knowing these things? Complete anti-science. And a complete attack on us.

No more mandatory forcing of employees – how in the world are these hospitals and these employers saying, “You can’t work for me if you don’t sign up to be a subject in an experiment on humanity.” Go back to the 1947 Nuremberg Code. We’re absolutely violating this as a nation and a people.

Where are the billions to do the autopsies? Where are the billions to prove the science? Where are the autopsies? I will go back – crickets. They’re not there.

Dismissal by the collusive media, of any adverse events or death. That’s a problem. And what happened to the concept of the “#metoo movement”? Believe everybody? What happened to “believe her”? Believe the story. What happened to “believe anyone”? Why won’t they believe the science? They won’t believe the science, they dismiss the science. What happened to this movement of “believe it until you can disprove it”? Gone. Gone.

All right. Couple side by side notes, really critically, and I’m almost out of time, what we’re seeing in the laboratory is the shots dysregulate your immune response. We have very important cells that keep other viruses in check. They keep cancers in check. There’s a type of cell called a CD8 killer T-cell. Well there’s a study out of Germany and the Netherlands that showed a shifted immune profile. And at the end, their conclusion was, “we see a concerning pattern of the cells we normally need to fight off these other things. But the answer is, we don’t know for how long that shifted pattern lasts.” It’s like having 8 blockers on the front line –-this is Texas, we talk football–-having 8 blockers on the front line and paralyzing 3 or 4 of them. But the answer is, we don’t know if they’re paralyzed for the rest of the game or the rest of their career.

And then what we see from this, in the laboratory is an uptick of herpes family viruses. Molluscum, human papilloma virus, all sorts of viruses. Mononucleosis, etc., reactivating. Reactivating at levels, and I’m a pathologist, so we see this in the laboratory and I’m seeing the early signal. Well guess what else that CD8 T cell does? And some receptors on some of these T-cells called toll-like receptors, and there’s a certain pattern of them. They keep cancer in check. I have seen a 10 to 20 fold increase of uterine cancer in the last 6 months in my laboratory. And I keep data, year to year to year. In the last 6 months, when did we start the shots? January.

How much solid tumor cancer increase are we going to see over the next several years? Probably a lot. What’s the real answer? We don’t know, and sometimes that’s the most honest answer in medicine, is we don’t know.

A doctor that tells you he or she knows everything, don’t believe them. Find a new doctor.

Increase in latent viruses, etc., etc…

So anyway, I know I’m out of time for questions, thank you so much, and God bless.”