Biden to Transfer U.S. Sovereignty to the World Health Organization

The World Health Assembly will meet in Geneva, Switzerland, from May 22nd through the 28th to consider the United States’ proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations. If adopted, these changes would make the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) the sole arbiter of what is a “public health emergency of international concern,” and dictate how our government and others must respond to it.

The proposed amendments will “update” the International Health Regulations to give WHO numerous health-related powers over the signatories, as well as giving the WHO an enforcement mechanism with real teeth. This means the 192 signatory nations will be giving up their sovereignty and rights to control their own responses to “public health emergencies,” and handing that authority over to an international bureaucracy affiliated with the United Nations and run by a political hack owned by the Chinese Communist Party.

The WHO botched its response to the Covid-19 pandemic, accepting and promoting the lies of the Chinese Communist Party, and millions died because of those lies. Should these same non-elected UN bureaucrats be telling the United States how to handle the next pandemic?

Under this broad grant of authority, the WHO could force the U.S. and other countries to vaccinate their citizens, as well as force mask mandates and lock downs. Considering what was done to churches during the last pandemic, as well as the implications of forced vaccination, this is a vital religious liberty issue.

The term “Public Health Emergency” is ill-defined and could include not only a viral pandemic, but also a rise in gun violence, climate change, “white supremacy,” or any other issue that arguably may affect “public health.” It isn’t hard to imagine the WHO trying to force American states to issue mail-in/drop box ballots purportedly to slow the spread of illness, but really to facilitate election fraud.

The attempt to quietly slip through this surrender of sovereignty as a series of amendments to the current International Health Regulations constitutes an attempt to subvert the treaty process, doing an end-run around the United States Constitution with its requirement that all treaties pass the senate by a two-thirds majority vote.

In this podcast, Pastor Larry Kirkpatrick and I discuss this astonishing give-away of American sovereignty (podcast is here, and embedded below):

Pastor Larry Kirkpatrick with David Read

As Tucker Carlson notes here, the new amendments even have a troubling censorship element. So even though the “Biden Administration” has “paused” its own attempt to establish a Ministry of Truth, it is trying to marry the United States to a UN-affiliated health bureaucracy that will have its own censorship powers.

Tucker’s whole treatment of the topic is here.

UPDATE 6/3/22:

James Roguski, the researcher who brought this issue to prominence, reports that this thing has been stopped in its tracks. He watched the streamed WHO meetings and reports that not only did the delegates reject the changes sought by the “Biden Administration,” they actually passed a measure to give more sovereignty to member nations. Roguski calls it “complete and total victory with a cherry on top.”