Vice President of Diversity Is Leaving Andrews University

According to an email from Andrea Luxton, outgoing president of Andrews University, the Andrews VP of Diversity Inclusion and Equity is leaving Andrews for Beacon Health System in northern Indiana.

Here’s the email:


  • This could be good news for Andrews University. Diversity, Inclusion and Equity officers are—in our opinion—essentially commissars embedded in an institution. They may be nice people (or not), but under the guise of diversity and equity, their job is to promote a worldview of wokeness, critical race theory, and political social justice.

  • In it’s current incarnation, Diversity, Inclusion and Equity is incompatible with the Christian gospel. It fosters envy, bitterness and a non-binary unbiblical cosmology. The Gospel premise is one of forgiveness, repentance, and brotherhood (Revelation 7:9; 19:1). Look for a thoughtful article on this aspect, soon.

  • It will be interesting to see if Andrews hires another individual to replace this one, or if they just abolish the office. We believe the wisest course is to cancel this position and focus instead on the unifying biblical truths of the Everlasting Gospel. Or rename the office to Vice President of Biblical Fidelity.

  • No word from the Potawatomi Indians yet. They may still be in shock.

Walk with the King, and be a blessing!
