Liberty and Health Alliance is excited to announce that by the providential hand of God, we will be hosting the next mega-clinic and health-and-liberty conference... and this time we are adding an American History tour!
The location is Washington D.C., and the dates are:
July 8 and 9: History tour (must register; spaces are limited)
July 10: Mega-clinic set-up (volunteers needed!)
July 11, 12, and 14: Mega-clinic (funds and volunteers needed!)
July 13: Sabbath observance and celebration on the National Mall!
The name of this conference is God's Plan for America.
What is God's plan for America? And more importantly, how do we come to a knowledge of that good, acceptable, and perfect will of God spoken of in Romans 12:2?
Whether our nation, our church, or the individual, we experience God's will by:
1. Offering our bodies as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1). This health emphasis, recognizing the spirituality of physical health, is at the heart of the mission of our movement.
2. Not being conformed to this world (Romans 12:2). While the whole world wonders after the beast, while Satan deceives the whole world, we defend the liberty of conscience of the individual to not be conformed to this world. If God Himself has allowed liberty of conscience to all mankind, should we not also advocate for the same?
3. Rather than being conformed, we can become transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2).
Although, it is not our minds, really. There is nothing good in us; we need the mind of Christ. And the mind of Christ is found in Christ's righteousness alone.
What a privilege! By the very mind of Christ, when our bodies are offered to Him, and we are willing to stand apart from the conformed crowd, we can then know and experience the will of God.
If individuals do this, churches are transformed. If churches do this, society and the nation can be transformed - or at least as many as will choose to accept His grace.
The Mind of Christ
What is the mind of Christ? What is His character?
It is not self-exultation, not division/strife, not coercion.
It is humility, love, service of our fellow man, and the protection of individual choice.
We firmly believe that the last rays of merciful light to fall upon this world before Christ returns are a knowledge of God's character of love. This is central to the loud cry of Revelation 18.
And this is why we seek to show that character of our loving God through acts of service and love to the needy.
America in Prophecy
When speaking of God's plan for America, it is important to remember that this nation's rise was actually prophesied in Revelation 12 and 13. In Revelation 12:16 a less densely populated location was to become the haven for the persecuted. In Revelation 13:11 America is pictured as having lamb-like qualities. While this lamb-like nature of America doesn't last, God's original plan for the good principles in America is pictured in these beautiful prophecies.
This is where our July 8 and 9 history tour comes in. Join us as we celebrate the light of heaven as it has been reflected in the founding principles of this nation.
4 Important Components of the July D.C. Event
HISTORICAL: As we study republicanism (meaning a republic, not the party by that name) and Protestantism together with theologians, attorneys, and historians, may the minds of all who are interested, regardless of national background, grasp the hand of Divine Providence in this nation's history. Indeed, we have nothing to fear lest we forget how God has led us in our past.
PRACTICAL: As we attempt to reflect the mind of Christ for three days of the mega-clinic in offering physical and mental wholeness to the DC community, please consider volunteering to participate in this important mega-service project. Medical and non-medical volunteers will have the privilege to participate in the three angels' messages in a unique, Spirit-led, and Spirit-filled manner.
TEACHING: And each evening, dignitaries both locally and globally can receive glimpses of light, as they learn about health and lifestyle changes that promise to enhance the wellbeing of the citizens of their home countries.
WORSHIP: We are privileged to have Sabbath worship meetings on the National Mall. More information will be forthcoming about that soon.
[That latter point, in concert also with some undisclosed information about a very large event taking place with global implications in DC at the same time as this conference and mega-clinic, which we aren't at liberty to disclose, both promise to bring greater meaning to the words of Scripture: for such a time as this.]
As we close, is it not evident that more and more of the world has their eyes glued to massive world events, which we happen to know, carry with them prophetic implications?
Do they have a knowledge of God's plan through it all? Do they have the peace of Christ as crisis after crisis rocks both their world and their personal lives?
The masses are waking up to the fact that there is more than meets the eye - that we are in a spiritual battle. We must be there to answer the questions, provide remedy for the pain, and point people to the Savior.
May His mind be in you as you consider how to participate in this momentous event at a critical time of earth's history.
(As always, we're needing miracles in both funds and volunteers. Learn more at
Liberty and Health Alliance