AI & The Days of Noah at The Ark Encounter - Day 1

The facility is very nice. There are several hundred people in attendance.

The first speaker was Ken Ham, the founder of the Creation Museum, Ark Encounter and Answers in Genesis. He did a fine job, and was interviewed by Ron Kelly at the end of his presentation. One of the questions was “What got you in this ministry?” His life story, beginning with his early childhood, was very interesting.

Ken is a biblical apologist. That does not mean that we apologize for our religion.

50 Years ago, he gave his first talk on creation, in Australia. The goal was to challenge evolution with biblical truth about creation.

The Bible hasn’t changed, but culture has. One of the latest iterations of hostility towards the Bible is wokeness. How can a person become wokeproof? The answers are in Genesis 1-11.

4% of people in England attend church. Ouch. Unbelief is now rampant in western culture. The culture is not neutral. It is profoundly anti-God in its impulses.

Atheism is a religion.

If the first part of the Bible isn’t true, how can the rest of it be true?

The solution to the LGBTQ problem is the gospel. Climate change is also a religion. It doesn’t matter what denomination you are in, liberalism is affecting all of us. A fertilized egg has a Y chromosome. That is not part of a woman’s body. It’s not healthcare - it is murder. Kamala wants unrestricted abortion.

You should not kill kids in school, but you can kill them in the womb. If we confess our sins, God cleanses us from all unrighteousness. Once you accept the millions of years belief you are blaming god for everything bad that happens. Majority of Christian leaders have compromised with evolution. We need a generation who are true to the Bible.

More to come . . . .