A Life of Service: Dr. Conrad Vine

Michael Kusarawana is a former associate pastor at the Berrien Springs Village church. He just recently interviewed Conrad Vine on his life story. It is interesting:

Vine will be speaking tonight at Mentone SDA — Live Link

Michael’s Bio:

Born in Zimbabwe, I was raised in an Adventist family but was not fully committed until I was nineteen years old. I graduated from Gweru Polytechnic College (Zimbabwe) in 2013 with a business major in Human Resources Management. During my college years, I sensed God’s calling to ministry which led me to pursue a double major in Lifestyle Education and Theology at Hartland institute in Virginia. Having been exposed to technology at a young age, I also pursued web development and digital marketing on the side, to compliment my ministry. My measure of success is a soul won for Christ. The Village SDA Church family has contributed extensively to my growth and has presented me with opportunities to minister both locally and abroad. It is my greatest desire to meet all, whom I come in contact with in the Kingdom of Heaven.