Donald Trump Names Dr. Ben Carson as His National Faith Chairman

This was posted five hours ago:

Dr. Ben Carson@RealBenCarson

“I am honored to serve as the national faith chairman for the campaign and my friend, @realDonaldTrump. It’s imperative that the faith community realizes what is at stake in this election. President Trump was a staunch supporter of the faith community and he will be again as our 47th President.”

We are not sure what Ben’s duties are as national faith chairman. We do believe it is significant that a Seventh-day Adventist member is asked to serve in such a capacity for a presidential candidate, and former president.

We hope Ben honors the Lord in this capacity and uses his Adventist understanding of eschatology and prophecy to share truth with other leaders.


“Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the king” (1 Peter 2:17).