Every so often, Fulcrum7 runs a news item that we sincerely wish we didn’t have to run. This is one of them, evidence that capitulation to the LGBTQ agenda is embedded even in SDA health institutions that are connected to the GC.
In the section on fertility treatments, Loma Linda University Hospital includes gay couples as potential users of surrogate childbirth. See below:
Who should use a surrogate?
Surrogacy is recommended for women who have functioning ovaries but may have a medical condition that makes carrying a pregnancy very difficult or impossible. Common medical conditions of women seeking surrogates are the absence of a uterus, recurring miscarriages, uterine abnormalities or a medical condition that could put both mother and baby at risk.
If donor eggs must be used and the intended mother cannot carry a pregnancy, then a couple may decide to use a gestational carrier so that the child is genetically related to the intended father.
Gay partners may also choose to use a surrogate in order to have a child that is genetically related to one of the partners.
A far better story would be if Loma Linda told the state of California that they refuse to help homosexual couples have children, because of their biblical worldview and the potential for moral harm to children growing up in that skewed lifestyle.
We welcome stories of Christian commitment and courage. Some day perhaps we might get some from SDA institutions. Maybe.
“Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due” (Romans 1:27)