Pretty much anyone who is over forty could never have imagined the historical landmarks that have occurred over the past twenty or thirty years. For decades, society, let alone Christians, couldn’t move past the condemned, disgusting homosexual sexual acts forbidden in God’s Word.
Today, most of society and an ever-increasing number of Christians are embracing homosexuality with an “anything goes” attitude secured by nothing more than how someone “feels.”
Normalization crept in through sitcoms like “All In The Family” with redneck, not so fictional character, Archie Bunker. After America laughed at the oddities, Hollywood would advance to introduce a dramatic, emotional-based story that showed a married man, (actor Harry Hamlin) falling in love with another man.
Media and Hollywood began to subliminally convert the minds of viewers into a “total acceptance” mode. It wasn’t long before the military adopted a “Don’t ask, Don’t tell clause.” From there it was only a hop, skip and a jump to “Brokeback Mountain”, another Hollywood drama that promotes an adulterous relationship of two men, winning an Academy Award.
Without the restraint of discretionary television viewing, one would be well on their way to thinking that while it’s not for everyone, romantic same-gendered relationships would thrive making moral and political gains.
Fight or Flight?
Adventists sat uncomfortably silent, noting in their minds God’s warning and that from the Spirit of Prophecy of the moral decline of civilization before the second coming of Jesus. However, of more significant concern would be the cunning ploy of Satan to catch Seventh-day Adventists off guard.
We were on the alert for any hint of the “Sunday law.” We’ve been on the lookout for decades. Satan has always known he would have to up his game for Adventists. They are well educated about last day deceptions. Or are we?
We pride ourselves in last day theology and with prophecy seminar after prophecy seminar. Adventists have attended scores of them. We’re focused on the telling signs of monarchies. So … Satan knows better than to leave any stone unturned. Why not needle a believer where it hurts? In their family. Involve the people closest to them and introduce confusion, heartbreak and a redefinition of “love.” Nearly every family today has a member or extended relation identifying as LGBT+.
You Could Hear a Pin Drop
No one in leadership in the church dared to speak on the unspeakable… “homosexuality.” This vacuum provided ample room for the enemy to attack us. He had years on us by placing countless souls in the darkness of their “feelings,” with no help or direction as to how to break free in Jesus.
The church failed to provide ministry aimed at the LGBT+ community. Since the church failed, God intervened. He began to move upon the hearts of those living deep in the LGBT+ culture. He sent the Holy Spirit to bring conviction to our hearts. He proposed that we would deny our flesh for Him and develop intimacy with our Savior who paid our ransom with His blood.
While Jesus moved upon the hearts of those who would respond, numerous church entities began to accommodate, accept and tolerate LGBT+ activism. There is not a single support group on an Adventist campus for those with unwanted same-sex attractions or those suffering from gender dysphoria. Why? Because leadership fails to go to the Word of God and Spirit of Prophecy for wisdom, guidance and direction freely available to anyone who suffers.
Instead, there are now seven “straight/gay” alliances on our university campuses. These alliances protect a person’s “sexual identity” and “sexual orientation.” They are not a partnership that helps reveal their identity or orientation in Jesus, walking through this valley of darkness together.
Seemingly impossible to many Adventists, the advancement for LGBT+ rights and militant activism in the church is in full swing.
Recently, I was asked to interview before faculty at a conservative boarding academy for the opportunity to speak on LGBT+ issues in the church. The “conservative?” Bible teacher asked me what I would be presenting from Scripture to the students that confirms that homosexual behavior is sinful because he’s not sure that it is. I asked if he was reading from the same Bible I was. I was told that question was viewed as confrontational. Shouldn’t this uncertainty have been confronted? To my shock, additional faculty came to the aide of the Bible teacher. I was stunned. I had witnessed the “diversity” motif (diversity training is now required for faculty) on our university campuses, but I didn’t realize it had trickled down to the academies as well. Needless to say, I was not invited to share with the students.
Guiding Families Of LGBT+
Already in print, was an NAD publication handed out to 7,000 Adventist educators at the teacher's convention a year and a half ago and mailed out to thousands of pastors entitled, “Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones” – Adventist Edition, written by a non-Adventist with “Adventist Contributors” from Andrews University. (See Part One and Part Two of my previously published review “Don’t Judge Me”. )
Social justice and LGBT+ rights are at fever pitch on university campuses. But where are the humble Christian teachings of the importance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that parents think that they are paying top dollar for? Do they know that apostasy messages are rampant? How do you know what’s going on on an Adventist university campus today?
“Of those who boast of their light and yet fail to walk in it Christ says, “But I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon a the day of judgment than for you. And thou, Capernaum {Sevneth-day Adventists, who have had great light}, which art exalted unto heaven {in point of privilege}, shalt be brought down to hell: for if the mighty works which have been done in thee had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day.” – RH Aug. 1, 1893
For years I have received leadership caution about pointing out the advancements being made for LGBT+ activism on our campuses and in our churches. I’ve been told that the Biblical message is there somewhere… just be patient. Be cautious so that doors are not closed to you.
Be Warned
Dear brothers and sisters… I’ve been watching the decline in our institutions that are worsening daily, for the last ten years. I cannot remain silent. God has asked us to be watchmen on the wall. Not to sling mud and shame people. But to provide awareness and caution to those who seem to believe that we are on track when we have terminally stumbled and lost our way. You deserve to know how to pray and to equip yourselves and others with spiritual warfare.
Don’t blink! The outrageous and impossible is being unveiled right before our eyes.
A few days ago, Spectrum Magazine released an article by PUC professor Bryan Ness, “There Is More To Human Sexuality Than XX And XY” that blatantly promotes homosexuality. Instead of lifting up God’s Word as the authority, many are turning to science and psychology to encourage sexual ideations that God clearly defines as an abomination. Human knowledge seeks to supersede God’s wisdom.
Ness calls for LGBT+ acceptance and their practices to be embraced by the denomination. He makes reference to the “Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones” publication from the NAD, stating that the NAD is departing from their 2015 position on sexuality, and making progress.
In my opinion and review of the publication, it is well on its way to indoctrinating LGBT+ culture with Adventist culture. It is indeed not Adventist beliefs.
Having lived for forty years in LGBT+ culture, I can attest that there was nothing biblically spiritual about the culture. The LGBT+ culture accentuates living according to the desires and “feelings” of self — not those of God.
I recognize that many, including myself. experienced alienation and ostracism based on temptations and attractions. However, as Christians — as Adventists — we should be walking on the journey with any sinner in reconciliatory, restorative and redemptive ways. Lovingly and compassionately seeking the will of Almighty God.
Redemption is not salvation via a corrective sex act. It is through the surrender of the heart and choosing to abide in Christ, not the flesh.
God continues to open doors for me to share my testimony and presentations of God’s “love in truth” gospel which is for all time. He is trustworthy. He confirms the condition of which we are born with a natural bend toward sinful practices in this world. And then He invites us to be born again.
I encourage you to reach out and engage one or both of the ministries in our denomination today that advocate for God’s ability to provide us with an identity in Him as a “New Creature” (2 Corinthians 5:17): Know His Love Ministries and ‘Coming Out’ Ministries.
God is true to His Word. While we are in the midst of the shaking, He promises to see us through to the end. Hang on my dear brothers and sisters. Share your testimony. Share Jesus.
Mentone SDA Church, Mentone CA
1230 Olivine Ave. Mentone, CA 92359 | 909-492-0738 |
On February 21, I will be speaking at 7:00 PM, at the Mentone Seventh-day church in Mentone, California.
Sabbath afternoon the 22nd, I will have two presentations, and a Q&A beginning at 2:00 PM.
I have shared my testimony and redemptive presentations over the past ten years. I am Director of Know His Love Ministries and retired Co-Founder of ‘Coming Out’ Ministries. Contact Wayne at Know His Love Ministries.