Puberty can blur the pages of Scripture. So can willful blindness by adults who think that rather than discussing God’s holy sexuality and His intentions, we’ll all somehow find our way.
Read moreOpen Letter to Upper Columbia Conference Leaders
I am a senior pastor in the Seventh-day Adventist church. We are in interesting times where there may be consequences within the church for defending the truth and expressing concerns as I and others have done.
Read moreBelonging
We are hard pressed to find a single academy or university who openly offers hope, redemption, love and restoration in Jesus, for anyone identifying as LGBT+.
Read moreGood News in Berrien Springs
God’s timing is perfect, and His ways sometimes past finding out! We are happy to inform you that Coming Out Ministries closed on the purchase last Thursday.
Read moreThe Worst … From Within
I couldn’t conceive how such unkind words and contrasting observations and directives could come from a student who had to consider their educational options prior to attending this university.
Read moreOfficial Church Paper of SDA Germany Affirms LGBTQ+ in September Issue
There are faithful conservative Seventh-day Adventists in Germany. They are beaten down weekly, if not daily by powerful liberal leaders.
Read moreAToday Article Attacks Mark Finley and Ted Wilson For Not Affirming LGBTQ+
We clearly see here that the main problem Seibold has with Finley is that LGBTQ is not affirmed. This point is the only one I will agree with Seibold on; Finley is not affirming LGBTQ+ ideas, whatever they are.
Read moreThat Bisexual German Pastor? He Just Welcomed a Gay Married Couple in His Church
He is gayer than ever. This past Sabbath, his church (Grindelberg SDA) celebrated a recently-married gay couple in their midst, just before a sermon by the self-pronounced bisexual pastor.
Read moreListening with Love: We Listened, and This is What We Heard
"A queer Kiss-In, in front of the GC headquarters with lots of Drag Queens. That is what we need to organize. Would that make Ted NC Wilson clutch his pearls? Show him that love is love. And God loves us even if Ted doesn't."
Read more'We're Here, We're Queer And We're Coming For Your Children'
Conservatives: 'The LGBTQ mob is coming for your children.' 'The left: 'You are making it all up. That's a nutty conspiracy theory.' 'LGBTQ parade last Friday: “We're here, we're queer, we're coming for your children.''
Read moreGeneral Conference Denounces Church Meetings That Promote The LGBTQ+ Agenda
For some in their local settings, there have even been deliberate efforts to advance the cause of alternative human sexuality lifestyles without regard for the authority of God’s Word and the counsels provided in Spirit of Prophecy.
Read moreThe Ministry of Reconciliation
Recently, in what I thought was a civil conversation, with diametrically opposed views, an Adventist, female pastor accused me of aligning myself with Christians who wish to kill gays. I don’t know any such Christians.
Read moreThe LGBTQ Goal Is not 'Acceptance' But Complete Domination
The scale is divided into two parts; anything to the left of the centerline is homophobic; anything to the right of the centerline is positive.
Read moreBisexual German Pastor Must be Removed
What happens when God’s order is replaced by a buffet of sexual “identities?” By proclaiming he is bisexual, and suggesting that bisexuality is a non-negotiable part of his person, Gunjevic endorses the contemporary buffet.
Read moreChurch of England Votes Same-Sex Blessing
Participants in the debate warned that this was a red line, that the decision would cause great damage to the global communion, but the decision was made anyway.
Read moreEliminating Jesus
In recent days, our American government, represented by President Joe Biden, signed the Respect for Marriage Act into law. The law of the land, certainly not God’s Law. Clearly, church and state are colliding. Individual biblical beliefs are increasingly being trampled.
Read moreWhen Heathen Nations Have More Biblical Sense Than America
In a space of no more than 8 hours, two separate nations issued rulings on homosexual marriage. One for, and the other against. Are we living in a crazy mixed up muddled up messed up alternative universe? Yes.
Read moreConcerned Seventh-day Adventists Discuss the Respect for Marriage Act
If the Senate votes to codify this redefinition of marriage, all it will do is add fuel to the fire of those harassing and penalizing citizens and organizations that hold to the biblical truth about marriage.
Read morePutting the Gradient Back in The Spectrum
The timeline of history is rife with Christians who paid the price for their dissent, so I shouldn’t be surprised to hear barbed words from the surrounding culture. But when it comes from the church, it feels different somehow; the barbs sting a little more.
Read moreBeware of Pride
The drunkard is despised and is told that his sin will exclude him from heaven; while pride, selfishness, and covetousness too often go unrebuked. But these are sins that are especially offensive to God.
Read more