Last Thursday, Coming Out ministries closed on their new property at 8976 US Hwy 31, Berrien Springs, MI 49103. Great news!
This property is a former law office situated right across from the main entrance of Andrews University. The former owner negotiated the price, because she wanted ‘Coming Out’ Ministries to have the building. She supports the biblical message of moral freedom that undergirds the mission of Coming Out Ministries and views the transaction as a legacy to her late husband, who owned the law office.
This is the perfect building and the perfect location for a long overdue physical location for the ministry. It provides space for small conferences, private visitations, a library of resources and room for storage.
There were other offers to purchase this property for more than what was asked of Coming Out Ministries, including one offer from the university itself. However, the seller wanted ‘Coming Out’ Ministries to have this building and to have a very visible presence in Berrien Springs, as stated earlier, to be a legacy to her late husband.
God’s timing is perfect, and His ways sometimes past finding out! We are happy to inform you that Coming Out Ministries closed on the purchase last Thursday.
3ABN aired the story on 3ABN Today and worked to help raise the funds for the purchase. Fulcrum7 Online Publication also shared this encouraging story. But, not everyone is happy.
Grumpy People
Whenever there is a great work for God, there is always opposition from the enemy (1 Timothy 4:1; Matthew 13:3-4). Some students opposed the purchase due to their misunderstanding of the ministry of Coming Out Ministries, accusing them of things they aren’t guilty of. These misguided young people wrote articles in the Student Movement, scorning the biblical message of Coming Out Ministries and inciting fear of conversion among young people.
Grievance theater politics in the church? Yes and no. Grievance theater, yes. The Church, no. These young people may be on the campus of an Adventist University, but their actions do not represent the Remnant who follow the Lamb everywhere He goes (Revelation 14:4). They are a grievance theater outrage mob — confused students crying for ‘justice’ against biblical freedom from sin. What is needed? The same thing we all need. Conversion.
This grievance theater activism at Andrews attracted the attention of an outside LGBTQ+ activist group in Lansing called MOASH (Michigan Organization on Adolescent Sexual Health). MOASH is a hard left political activist organization, seeking to advance CRT, LGBTQ+, DEI, and abortion throughout Michigan. In 2019 MOASH worked with the Michigan Department of education to create the Sexual Health Education Guide as a way to promote the LGBTQ+ to students and bypass parental consent.
According to Simply American:
In September of 2022, sexuality activism within Michigan’s education system garnered state and national attention when journalist Christopher Rufo exposed training videos which had surfaced from the Michigan Department of Education, in collaboration with MOASH, in which MDE trainer Kim Phillips-Knope suggested educators not inform parents of their child’s gender orientation, even if they were struggling with suicidal thoughts.
Kim Phillips-Knope of the Michigan Department of Education
On January 19, 2022, the Michigan Organization of Adolescent Sexual Health (MOASH), and the Michigan School Health Coordinator’s Association (MISHCA), released a K–5 Consent Toolkit for Michigan schools. This advanced the controversial Advocates for Youth’s “3–R’s” Comprehensive Sexuality Education resources for little ones, as well as aligned online resources through Amaze Jr, and Planned Parenthood of Michigan. It is notable that while Comprehensive Sexuality Education is advanced in the name of “consent”, novels with explicit scenes including rape are promoted as desirable reading content for middle and high school students.
One of the founders of MOASH, Laurie Bechhofer, has been the project director for a federally-funded grant to promote exemplary sexual health education, access to sexual health services, and safe and supportive school environments for all students. Laurie has led a statewide initiative, A Silent Crisis: Creating Safe and Supportive Schools for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Students.
MOASH Priorities:
• Access to sexual ‘health’ services (to minors without parental consent, including abortion)
• Consent and gender based discrimination (3rd wave feminism)
• Expectant and parenting youth (pro choice)
• Comprehensive Sex Education (wokeness without parental consent)
• Sexual orientation and gender identity (LGBTQ+) (corrupting our children long before they are able to handle it)
• Support education that is inclusive of all sexual identities
According to Simply American, MOASH is part of this network:
Teachers’ unions and the Democratic Party (no doubt including Gretchen Whitmer, the current Governor of Michigan)
Planned Parenthood
National sexuality activist groups
The Michigan Department of Education (MDE)
Michigan State Board of Education
Michigan Organization of Adolescent Sexual Health (MOASH, funded by George Soros)
MOASH supports the students objecting to Coming Out Ministries in the Student Movement newspaper. Without any real knowledge of COM’s ministry, they—like the Beers article—accuse COM of harming students and having a hateful message. They further say that opposing COM is a “holy work.”
This group is aligned with some of the students and faculty at Andrews University. They are doing what they do best, agitating for unbiblical values through activism, and trying to get their accomplices in the news media involved.
Interestingly, MOASH wanted to have letters objecting to COM purchasing the building in Berrien Springs by January 2. Apparently lacking enough interest, they extended the deadline to January 7.
Great News
Under God’s blessing, the sale happened last Thursday. I am convinced this is the work of God.
SDA liberals are actually arguing that those who question transgender ideology or homosexuality and don’t enthusiastically celebrate it, are hateful. Or, being available to minister to young people who wish to resolve moral issues causes harm.
Nope. Biblical freedom in the moral area of our lives is a tremendous blessing. With this freedom comes peace (John 14:27), joy (John 15:11) and a future (Jeremiah 29:11; Matthew 25:23).
And that is what Coming Out Ministries helps people experience. No wonder they call it good news (Luke 8:1; 2:10; Acts 13:32; Romans 1:16).
If you would like to be a part of this exciting project, your donation can be made online through their web site:
Or, you can send it by mail to: ‘Coming Out’ Ministries, POB 107, Tilly, AR 72679
“Now it came to pass, afterward, that He went through every city and village, preaching and bringing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God. And the twelve were with Him” (Luke 8:1).