Deep State Rednecks
(The SDA Deep State is real)
Comedian Jeff Foxworthy rose to fame with his “You might be a redneck, if . . .” jokes based upon cultural stereotypes of people from the South of the United States. He defines a redneck as someone with “a glorious lack of sophistication.” Examples of these are “If you’ve ever used a barstool as a walker, you might be a redneck.” We will revisit Jeff later in this article.
There’s been much talk about the so-called Deep State in Washington DC. The theory goes that anyone trying to make real reform in government is inevitably hindered by “deep state” actors such as career bureaucrats, politicians, lobbyists, trade unions, political parties, political elites, financial institutions, government contractors, and anyone who benefits from government largess.
There’s a reason why they are hindered. The deep state has but one purpose: The continuation of the deep state.
Committees are formed (in any level of government), not to fix problems, but to meet as committees and discuss, plan, and give reports. Wars are fought, not for the purpose of solving international disputes, but rather just to make war. This keeps the coffers filled of various entities and keeps another raison d’etre for the deep state intact: To work towards world peace.
But alas, because there is always (often intentional) war, there never is peace, because peace is the enemy of the deep state. With peace, no deep state would be needed. And so the vicious circle continues. Anything that threatens this continuity is immediately attacked. Sounds crazy, doesn’t it?
With healthy citizens, no taxes and government agencies would be needed to “assist” in the care of sick people, hence, no pharma-industrial complex. With peace, no need for the military industrial complex.
Is There an SDA Deep State?
I believe there is another type of Deep State, and that is one within the SDA Church. I call it the SDA Deep State (SDADS). The SDADS has no leadership, no executive committee, no constituents. It has no charter, no by-laws, is not a legal entity nor has any form of organization. It is not any one individual, pastor, church, or conference.
Rather, the SDADS is any individual, church, or organization which seeks NO change to the status quo. It is this status quo which might be delaying the Second Coming. And remember that the goal of a deep state is: Self-preservation at all costs. The Second Coming threatens the SDA Deep State, and every cause and consequence of sin in our hearts.
The purpose of the SDADS is a mindset with one goal--to propagate the SDADS! This mindset can control any individual or entity. Again, this circular mindset has one purpose: Allow nothing to endanger the status of the Deep State mindset.
What does the SDADS look like in reality? Committees are formed, not to achieve a mission (because if the mission is achieved, there's no longer need of a committee), but to keep doing the mission. The gospel is preached, not with the actual idea that Jesus will come or that we could hasten it, because if He does, it would necessitate a change in the hearts and minds of the people. Change is an enemy of the Deep State.
In short, anything that would call for the individual/entity to die to self is a threat to the SDADS. Anything that threatens budgets, appetites, or positions of power or calls for humility must be destroyed.
So to borrow a phrase from Jeff Foxworthy. IF _________, You Might Be A Member Of The SDA Deep State (YMBAMOTSDADS).
Thoughtfully read the following conditional statements to see if YMBAMOTSDADS.
IF, you wear your idols (jewelry)... YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you bring vegetarian food to potluck but eat meat at home…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you question Ellen White, even though she communicated directly with Jesus and you didn't…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you think competitive sports are the best way to teach altruistic teamwork to a child…. YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you are always looking for the next newly revised version of the Bible…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you believe there are “incurable” diseases which God cannot heal…YMBAMOTSDADS (except for rebellion — that one IS incurable).
IF, you hope Earth's final events don't happen until you finish that project you got going on in the garage, or at work…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you don't believe Jesus can/will come back before you die.. YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you're not sure if marriage is between one man and one woman…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you continue eating and serving Jell-O, even though you know it's made from pork…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, regarding heaven, you think "What's the least I can do and still get there?" instead of "What more can I do for you, Lord?"...YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you can't list the 10 commandments…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you don't know what the three angels' messages are…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you actually dislike the church and its doctrines but don't have the guts to leave yet insist on staying and wrecking it for the rest of us…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, in your opinion, every doctrine, teaching, or standard is "Don't worry about it. It's not a salvational issue."..YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you think the Devil has been "misunderstood."..YMBAMOTSDADS (you might also be a member of the church of satan, or YMBAMOTCOS).
IF, you don't return a faithful tithe or offering…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you don't believe victory over sin is possible until Jesus comes…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you don't believe the Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Godhead…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you never read the Great Controversy or Desire of Ages as an adult…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you don’t believe that the SDA Church is THE remnant church of Bible prophecy… YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you've never asked God to do the painful process of chastening you and purging you of your sins…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you think the Health Message only consists of tofu and water…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you go out to eat after church (with a glass of wine too!)…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, as a conservative, you seek greater holiness through Feast Days, the non-existence of the Holy Spirit, extreme dress reform, the 2520 prophecy, Yahweh/Yeshua name of God movement…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, as a liberal, you seek greater holiness through jewelry, coffee, rock music, women's ordination, LGBT acceptance, and Sabbath-breaking — to prove you aren’t a legalist…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you are under the illusion that all is okay, the church is growing, while in reality, as a percentage of the world population, it's getting smaller and smaller. i.e. the further we go, the behinder we get…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you can’t accept that Walter Veith and Conrad Vine are ordained SDA ministers…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you think the devil won't walk this earth before Jesus comes…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you doubt that Sunday worship has anything to do with the Mark of the Beast…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you believe that masking, 6 ft. social distancing, lockdowns, and "vaccine" mandates are based on science…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you support the government and church efforts to force people, against their will, to be injected with an experimental gene therapy…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you support the Democrat Party…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you support the Republican Party…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you can't explain to anyone in less than 30 seconds "Why I Am A Seventh-day Adventist."..YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you aren't prepared for the soon coming of the Anti-Christ..YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you doubt that Sunday worship has anything to do with the Mark of the Beast…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you're okay with the possibility of an unrepentant homosexual being a church member, or a conference president…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, your members don't show up for Sabbath School at 9:30 so you push the start time back to 10:00 to "give them more time."..YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, your Sabbath School (SS) class starts with lots of joking and laughing with each other about pop culture from the recent week…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, your SS class then soon descends into a session of polemics, truth be damned…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you are frustrated by SS class attendees who don't preface their answers to your questions with "I think" or "I feel" but instead say "In the Bible, it is written."..YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you are a SS teacher and yet you let heretics import every wind of doctrine and dominate the discussion without correction or rebuke…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you church serve snacks and coffee during or in between Sabbath school and church…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, your church’s young adult SS class is scheduled to meet DURING the week INSTEAD of on Sabbath…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you think it's okay for non-SDA's to teach SS…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, your SS class studies books by Rick Warren, Henry Blackaby, Max Lucado, or any trending "evangelicals of the month."..YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you give nearly every church office a seat on the board…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you don't realize how sending pastors off to get their M.Div is in many ways, a scam…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you view standards, such as in music, dress, speech, decorum, as “Mordecais in the gate,” and how the church would be so much better without them…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you sit quietly while your pastor or conference pushes false church growth programs such as Natural Church Development, Alpha, The One Project, Just Jesus, Love Reality, Mission Catalyst, Experiencing God, or Cell Churches…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you ignore General Conference decisions…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you insist church officers pass an extensive background check but don't bother to ask them if they believe any of the pillars of our faith…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you think mandates closing churches for over a year is a public health issue, not ultimately a ploy by Satan to persecute and close down the church…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, your church runs away from the name Seventh-day Adventist. The church signage, bulletins, and social media always refer to the Xxxxx Adventist Church but never the XXxxx Seventh-day Adventist church…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you don't know what happened in 1844 but you still hold a position of authority in the church…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you do know what happened in 1844 but don't believe it matters all that much so why talk about it?...YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you threaten to disfellowship someone for merely going to hear a presentation at a public forum by an ordained minister of the Seventh-day Adventist church, because you don't like that minister…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you insist on supporting a pastor who makes a specific point to not "feed Jesus' sheep."...YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you sing on the praise team from the front with a hand in the air, eyes closed, and hips swaying, all while making a very pained expression to prove your sincerity (because that's what you saw the lead singer of Casting Crowns do)...YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you've threatened to disfellowship anyone who distributes literature "without permission."...YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, your church doesn't distribute a copy of the board meeting minutes to all members…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you won't baptize someone who believes all of our 28 doctrines, simply because they don't believe in women's ordination (which is NOT one of our doctrines)...YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you don't understand that any individual, church, school, hospital, organization, conference, union, or division, that does not support the Three Angels messages, is a de facto heretical offshoot movement…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you've been a pastor at the same church for over 6 years without training the elders and people to be spiritually independent without you and move on to a new district or unworked field…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, as a conference president, you've given money from the holy tithe to pay for a Pentecostal preacher to speak at a camp meeting…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you think it's okay for non-SDA's to teach in our schools…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, as the editor, publisher or writer of a church paper, you never write about negative news but only print peace and safety articles…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, you are a professor of religion OR a pastor yet received your highest level of theological training from a non-SDA source i.e. Fuller Theological Seminary…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, as a pastor, you haven't preached on the 2nd coming of Jesus in the last 3 months, 6 months, 12 months…YMBAMOTSDADS
IF, as a conference president, your precious women's ordination obsession must be uplifted at all costs; and you let faithful churches close and members drift away, who won't support it…YMBAMOTSDADS
The Gospel is to be transformative. It is to take us from being dead in our sins to being born in the newness of life in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:1; Romans 6:4).
What is the common thread among the above statements? They all center around self. And it is this sin that caused Lucifer to fall.
May we not follow in his steps.
“Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life” (Romans 6:4).
John Kannenberg is the Director of Great Western Health Foundation, in Fargo, ND.