Fear is an emotion; a negative emotion. It divides rather than unite. When Adam and Eve sinned, fear entered, and this fear caused them to hide from God.
Read moreMy Positive Experience With Adventists in Guatemala
Worldly influences to a certain degree have been kept out of the church compared to many churches in the States and abroad. People are hungry for Bible truth.
Read moreAn Accurate Timeline of The Village Church / Michigan Conference Saga
After Ron Kelly’s closing argument that relocation was not a logical remedy for a pastor accused of bullying and fomenting dissent, MISDA doubled down on their defamation and fired him.
Read moreYou Might Be an SDA Deep State Redneck If . . .
And remember that the goal of a deep state is: Self-preservation at all costs. The Second Coming threatens the SDA Deep State, and every cause and consequence of sin in our hearts.
Read moreWhy We Need Each Other
So, you might ask, how do we develop this kind of fellowship, where we can trust each other? It takes an investment of time and relationship building with the Holy Spirit involved at every step.
Read moreWhy I Cannot, and Will Not, Leave the Seventh-day Adventist Church
And I feel as though I too have been receiving the question, though of course in my heart and mind rather than audibly, “Will ye also go away?” to which I answer, “Lord, how can I? Where could I go?”
Read moreWho Will Come for Corn?
Like broken hearted Jacob in a far land, many devoted Adventists are broken over our churches but praying, for Josephs to rise again.
Read moreSurviving the Shipwreck
People don’t wander because they’re lost, they wander because they forget who they are. We are Adventists, the ones who didn’t fit in with Lutherans, Baptists, Methodists or Catholics.
Read moreYou’re Being Political !!
Power is the deity of the political mob. Its messianic vision is the seizure of power. Like most cults, its ‘theology’ is the right side of history. Its scripture is rhetoric. And its hope is shadowed in hatred. It curses the darkness of its opposition and lights no candles.
Read moreLife as a House
Psychologists like Emily Anhalt tell people we should change wedding vows from “till death do us part” to “as long as this feels healthy, safe, and meaningful for both of us.” It’s treated like it’s as temporary and commitment-free as dating, but with extra steps. Sterile. Void. Barren.
Read moreLooking For (and Hastening) The Second Coming of Christ
I have seen presentations stating that God is waiting for the 6,000 years to be completed, before He comes the second time. This concerns me that people are basing their expectation upon another date.
Read moreMeeting Artur Pawlowski, A Modern day Martin Luther
When they concluded they couldn’t shut me up by threats and force, they offered me two million dollars (Canadian) to shut up. I declined. They offered me a seat in parliament. For eight months they tried to buy my silence. But I could not be bought.
Read moreWhy Are We So Political ?
Jesus came to earth and in His ministry declared firmly that His kingdom was not of this world, and He had no intention of instigating a coup d’état against Roman rulership of the day.
Read moreDefeatism vs. Critical Faith Theory
Ultimately, embracing secular mechanisms for earthly justice and equality raises a flag of defeat before our heavenly Father. It is stating that God is helpless to assist me in my predicaments, and faith in fallen humanity is my only choice.
Read moreA Spirit of Excellence
2023 is nearly behind us, 2024 directly upon us. Are you satisfied with how the year has gone? What were your personal, professional, and spiritual goals for 2023? Did you reach them?
Read moreGaithersburg SDA Issues Official Statement on Church "Looting"
They have stripped us of all the belongings of the church, but they will never strip us of the presence of God. We do not doubt that the Lord will provide everything necessary to start from scratch again and will continue to guide us until we reach the Heavenly Canaan.
Read morePotomac Conference Sends Warning Letter to Wrong Church
The official letter threatens to remove the Roanoke Church from the "sisterhood of churches of the Potomac Conference" if they did not mend their ways.
Read moreOpen Letter of Concern to Andrews University From Former Student
Andrews is protecting teachers who publicly criticize Adventist beliefs, while terminating professors who actively integrate Adventist faith into their teaching. What consequences will this have for students at Andrews University ?
Read moreMake Adventism Great Again !
While such departures from Scripture have alienated more conservative churches and members, the majority of concerned members look for help where no help is apparently coming – to the GC.
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