3ABN TV Show caught on Camera at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base

Reuters News was following up on President Obama's much-publicized visit to Cuba last week.  

The Communist-led island frequently criticizes the United States on subjects such as racism, violence and the prison that the United States maintains at its naval base at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.

Castro offered Cuba's recipe for better relations - saying the two countries could achieve much better ties if the United States lifted its 54-year-old trade embargo on the island and handed back the Guantanamo base to Cuba.

Reuters was granted entrance into the Guantanamo Naval Base where they took numerous pictures inside the prison.  To our surprise and joy, one of the pictures showed a television set. And on the television set the 3ABN broadcast was being played.  A message of hope--right in the Guantanamo Bay prison.
That is very encouraging.  We talk abut the 10/40 Window, and our desire to reach souls outside of western culture.  And then our message shows up in this equally unlikely setting.  May the soldiers and prisoners both be encouraged by the Three Angels' Messages in these last days!

                          Here, a soldier shows an arrow that points to Mecca inside a cell at Guantanamo.