Our Readers Speak . . .

Fulcrum7 receives buckets of mail, some positive and some negative.  Here is a smattering of both:


"Can you give a sense of the publication reach F7 has at this time? Is it increasing or decreasing?" (S.A.)  It is increasing, thanks to people like yourself.

"Thank you so much for keeping us informed... I very much appreciate Fulcrum 7!" (V.)  Thank you for your interest and support.  Pray for us that we would complete our tasks humbly and faithfully!

"Interesting that FULCRUM7 site.  Do you know who sponsors it?  Must be very conservative, since even David Read has an article published there."  From the Spectrumites.  We still love you, and we love David Read.

"I appreciate Fulcrum7 everyday...thanks for what you do for the cause of God."  Thanks, all glory to Him.

"I don't see a future at FULCRUM7.  You guys run an ISIS mentality." Gery Wagoner was very demeaning by calling me a "pop-liberal!" (E.C.)  Gerry has repented in sackcloth and ashes for calling you a pop-liberal.  He says he should have called you a pantywaist instead.

"Thank you so much for your efforts to keep us informed and talk about the things that are happening.  Is there a way to see all the back articles?  I would like to read what you guys have been publishing" (S.C.).  Go to the Archive Section of the website, all articles are there.

That may be the best compliment of the year.

"You can keep your pathetic little website to yourself and the other low lives that moderate it."  (A.)  Thanks, we love you too!

"We appreciate Fulcrum7 so much.  In a time when conservative voices are a minority in the NAD, you guys do a great job of presenting the issues.  Keep going and God bless you." (R.B.)

Thanks for your faithfulness and feedback; 2018 should be even better!


"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.  In this you greatly rejoice,..." (1 Peter 1:3-6).