Kentucky-Tennessee Conference Prepares to Support The Biden Vaccine Mandate

The president of the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference of Seventh-day Adventists sent this correspondence to Church employees today:

Good Morning.

 I think all are aware of the possibility of the enforcement of a federal Covid vaccination law that is presently scheduled to take effect January 4. The law will impact all companies and organizations which employ more than 100. The Kentucky-Tennessee Conference, as well as nearly all conferences in the United States, will meet that threshold. 

This proposed new law is also presently the target of numerous law suits and has been paused/placed on “hold,” by the ruling of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. It seems the opinion of administrations at the division and union level are that this proposed action will become law. Should that happen, it will have significant implications for all employees who are not vaccinated. It also seems there is not much of a chance that employees could count on religious exemption appeal as the official position of the Church is to not support religious exemption requests. 

It also seems that there is no possibility of exemption from required testing should the law be enacted. If this law passes, how might it affect us? 

I don’t know because we haven’t asked, but I assume, reflecting largely the vaccination averages within our territory, possibly 30% of our employees are not vaccinated. As I understand it, if you are not vaccinated, it will be required that you get weekly testing, as mentioned above. I’ve also read that failure to comply with getting vaccinated or weekly testing could result in mandatory loss of employment, or, the organization will face federal fines. 

All of the above is simply an early F.Y.I. It is my sincere hope that this law is not upheld as it will cause significant challenges for employers – all employers including us. Certainly it has significant implications for those who choose not to be vaccinated. 

We will communicate as clearly and as early on as possible regarding the status of this proposed law. Should it take effect, we will be required to get involved in your personal life in a way that I’d rather not, but, we will have to comply. Keep this matter in prayer. Also, know I’m not an expert on this law and have no idea exactly what we will have to do, should we be required to recognize and comply with it. God will lead as He always does . . .




 Dr. Steve Haley, D. Min. | President 

Kentucky-Tennessee Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

P.O. Box 1088

Goodlettsville, TN 37070

Office: 615-859-1391

Our Observations

  • There is not one Seventh-day Adventist leader (that we know of) who has the courage to challenge Biden’s unconstitutional vaccination mandate. If you know of one, please have them contact us.

  • A majority of American states have filed legal challenges against Biden’s OSHA vaccine mandate; several seminaries have done so, most notably the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Asbury (Methodist) Theological Seminary. Andrews University should have been listed among them.

  • Rather than roll over and agree to become coercive extensions of state power, the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference and Union and Division and General Conference should push back on this government coercion. And they would. If they had the courage. Rather than say “we have no choice but to comply” (with unconstitutional draconian mandates, it would be far better to say “We have no choice but to push back against this intrusion of the government into matters of conscience and religious conviction.”

  • Otherwise, hundreds and thousands of Seventh-day Adventists stand to lose their jobs because a MIA (missing in action) Adventist Religious department(s) simply doesn’t care about the bodily autonomy and personal liberty of our Church’s members.

  • Millions of people, Adventists included, are anxious to see courage in a leader, during a time when tremendous forces are aligning against humanity. Be that person, and God will honor you. Take the easy way out, and you risk much.
