The Climate Cult Revs up The Rhetoric At COP27

A common mindset among dictators is “Never let a crisis go to waste.” In other words, crisis’ can be useful for distracting people from your real agenda, as you wade into a situation under the guise of helping.

Well, the Climate crisis is not only useful, it is as manufactured as the solution for it. In other words, No, we are not in a weather crisis.

We have seasons that come and go, weather that alternates between too wet and too dry and too hot and too cold and too nice and too bad. But don’t take my word for it. Says the Bible,

“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer and day and night shall not cease” (Genesis 8:22).

Beginning this week, the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference, more commonly referred to as COP27, is being held from 6 November until 18 November in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. More than 90 heads of state and representatives of 190 countries are expected to attend. And the rhetoric is shrill, very shrill.

The New York Times recently had a headline: "Gathering in Egypt to Address Climate at Critical Moment." USA Today: "Summit Holds Lessons, Progress for Climate." Much of the coverage actually comes in a form of an apocalyptic warning such as there is no way to stop climate change, all we can hope is to slow it down and save civilization. Very dire warnings are coming out of this.

For example, you have the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, making dire statements. The Secretary-General, the UN said,

"Our planet is fast approaching tipping points that will make climate chaos irreversible. We are on a highway to climate hell with our foot still on the accelerator."

"Humanity has a choice: cooperate or perish," UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said at the start of the COP27 summit in Egypt. Meanwhile, Chancellor Olaf Scholz warned against a "renaissance of fossil fuels."

Things like the temporary low water level of the Mississippi River and various heat waves are being ideologically contorted in such a way that it is used as a justification for everything from a one world government to some form of global socialism.

This winter, millions of British citizens, including children, will be tipped, or dumped, into energy poverty severe enough to risk permanent damage to their health. Cold, damp houses provide the perfect breeding ground for mold that not only causes respiratory distress but renders houses essentially unlivable once established.

One Left-leaning newspaper ran the story outlining the danger, but without a word about why this crisis has emerged: because the woke moralizers of the “environmental” movement helped to create it.

The narcissists of compassion – callow, self-aggrandizing, incompetent politicians, their celebrity lackeys, Machiavellian journalists – have insisted ever more loudly over the last five decades that no cost was, and is, too great for others to bear in the pursuit of blind service to “the planet.”

In the United States, some of you heard the President of the United States fumbling through this issue over the course of the last several days, infuriating members of his own party, not to mention the opposing party, but the President was indicating an end to the use of fossil fuels.

Virtue-signalling utopians committed to globalization claim we are destroying the planet with affordable energy. But are they truly and deeply committed to the environmental sustainability they so loudly demand, or are they merely hell-bent, in the prototypically Marxist manner, in taking revenge on capitalism?

It appears to be the latter. Why otherwise would the mavens of the environmental movement oppose nuclear power, despite its optimal “carbon footprint”?

The World Bank itself has recently indicated that 222 million people are already experiencing the threat of starvation (described oh-so-nicely as "food insecurity"). The Communists managed to kill 100 million in the last century with their utopian delusions; we’ve barely begun to implement the "save the planet" nightmare, and we’ve already placed twice that number at risk. It will be poor people who die (first, at least), but as we have all been taught by the malevolent eco-moralizers: the planet has too many people on it anyway.

Think about this, while you shiver all too soon in your cold, damp and increasingly expensive sub-standard lodgings. You and your family may well have been deemed an expendable excess.

It’s time to shed the inexcusably pathological presumption among the elite that only corrupt power rules (everyone except them) and to express some gratitude for the traditions of the past and the near-miraculous infrastructure we have been granted.

Other voices at COP27 call for climate lockdowns patterned after COVID lockdowns.


They worshiped and served created things, instead of the Creator, who is forever praised (Romans 1:25).