Michigan Conference Sends out Newsletter With Promo For Liberty & Health Alliance

The Communication department of the Michigan Conference sent out a Thanksgiving email with a News and Blogs section titled:

The Latest News & Perspectives From the Michigan Conference. 

Among the items in the email was Strong Tower Radio’s weekly newsletter and an advertisement promo for interviews with Lela Lewis and Scott Ritsema, two of the founders of the Liberty & Health Alliance. The promo:

“The COVID-vaccine mandates tested individuals' freedom of choice. In response to this, the Health and Liberty Alliance was forged. Two of the co-founders, Dr. Lela Gilbert Lewis and Scott Ritsema, join us for a look back at lessons that were learned in that highly charged environment Sunday at 5 p.m., Monday at 10 a.m. and Wednesday 12:01 a.m. ONLY on STR stations, STR apps, or STR.fm.”

Liberty and Health Alliance Mission Statement:

“Liberty and Health Alliance exists to serve humanity through the promotion of medical freedom and the uncensored liberty to speak without recrimination while upholding God’s methods as the best means of optimizing physical, mental, and spiritual health. Liberty and Health Alliance is a ministry founded by Seventh-day Adventist Christians that believe humanity has received the gift of life and the offer of whole-person health from God. Since every individual has been endowed by the Creator with liberty of conscience, it rests with the individual to make informed health decisions—through free choice and as a duty to God. We welcome and support people of all backgrounds and faiths in that journey.”

The Michigan Communications director (Andy Im) is to be commended for a nice Thanksgiving newsletter.

We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!


O give thanks to the Lord of lords: for his mercy endureth for ever.  To him who alone doeth great wonders: for his mercy endureth for ever” (Psalm 136:3-4).