Michigan Conference Sends out Newsletter With Promo For Liberty & Health Alliance

Among the items in the email was Strong Tower Radio’s weekly newsletter and an advertisement for interviews with Lela Lewis and Scott Ritsema, two of the founders of the Liberty & Health Alliance.

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Twitter: Loma Linda Denies Heart Transplant For Infant Unless She Is Vaccinated

“I spoke with the mother today. The baby is hooked up to so many machines to keep her heart going that it will be extremely difficult to transfer her to get the care she needs. She was even told a religious exemption would be denied.”

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Vaccine Extremely Dangerous for Pregnant Women

“I’ve seen many, many, many complications in pregnant women, in moms and in fetuses, in children, offspring,” Dr. James Thorp said, including “fetal death, miscarriage, [and] death of the fetus inside the mom.”

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