The New Age, Part 3: Timothy Leary, Susan Sarandon and the Folly of Pharmakeia

Agenda 21 came out of the Earth Summit or the UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) which was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992.  It was organized by Maurice Strong, sometimes referred to as the godfather of the global environmental movement.  From the Earth Summit, came the Earth Charter, Strong’s magnum opus.  Strong, a Canadian, was the first executive director of the United Nations Environment Program.  His cousin Anna was an activist known for her support of Communism in China and the Soviet Union in the 1920s and 1930s.  Anna maintained a close relationship to Zhou Enlai, the first Premier of the People’s Republic of China and with Mao Zedung.  She lived her later years in China and is buried near Mao.

"The real goal of the Earth Charter is that it will in fact become like the Ten Commandments." - Maurice Strong

 "Do not do unto the environment of others what you do not want done to your own environment... My hope is that this charter will be a kind of Ten Commandments, a 'Sermon on the Mount', that provides a guide for human behavior toward the environment in the next century."   - Mikhail Gorbachev, Los Angeles Times, 8 May 1997

Maurice Strong went back and forth between the United Nations, NGOs, and private business, working as CEO of Petro-Canada.  He was the head of Ontario Hydro, privatizing that public utility with promises of very cheap electricity forever.  He played a small role in the UN Oil for Food scandal and is considered by some as the man most responsible for making the United Nations what it is today.  Whether you like to see the United Nations punctuated as in U.N. or UNpunctuated as in UNsustainable, Strong was a major player in the greening/depopulation/sustainability agenda that controls our lives today. 

The full text of Agenda 21 was made public at the 1992 Earth Summit.  With Rockefeller backing, Maurice Strong forged ahead with the Earth Council Organization to help governments implement the sustainable development program outlined in UNCED’s Agenda 21.

 The Earth Summit convened from June 3rd through June 14th, 1992; not far from the Rio location, Strong’s wife Hanne held an alternative meeting called Global Forum ’92, with important figures from the environmental movement, business, government and entertainment.  Her Forum was opened by the Dalai Lama.  According to an article entitled The Earth Charter and the Ark of the Gaia Covenant from, “Hanne Strong held a three-week vigil with Wisdomkeepers, a group of “global transformationalists.” Through round-the-clock sacred fire, drumbeat, and meditation, the group helped hold the “energy pattern” for the duration of the summit.”  Also from the article, “Maurice Strong hinted at the overtly pagan agenda proposed for a future Earth Charter, when in his opening address to the Rio Conference delegates, he said:

"It is the responsibility of each human being today to choose between the force of darkness and the force of light."

[Note: Alice Bailey, like Helena Blavatsky before her, used these terms often. Their writings state that the 'force of darkness' are those who adhere to the 'out-dated' Judeo-Christian faith, and those who continue along their 'separative' paths of the one true God. The 'force of light' (Lucifer), in their view, is the inclusive new age doctrine of a pagan pantheistic New World Religion. In the New Age of Aquarius there will be no room for the 'force of darkness' and 'separativeness'.]

The New Age is so all-encompassing that I have piled the books high to research it from many perspectives.  The Gospel of Thomas, Marvin Meyer, Catholics and The New Age, Mitch Pacwa, S.J., The Satanic Bible, Anton Szandor LaVey, Book of Spells, Arthur Edward Waite, The Seat of the Soul, Gary Zukav, The Feminist Gospel, Mary A. Kassian, The Druids, Stuart Piggott, The Scientific Outlook, Bertrand Russell, Simple Kabbalah, Kim Zetter and America – The Sorcerer’s New Apprentice: The Rise of New Age Shamanism by Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon. 

This last one I have read thoroughly as it gives such thorough and well-reasoned arguments as to why seemingly harmless movements and thought experiments are part of the New Age and how the movements derange critical thinking.  Many of the ideas of this book can be found in the documentary Gods of the New Age

Armand Hammer was a businessman associated with Occidental Petroleum who was known for very close ties to the Soviet Union.  Hammer was one of the earliest “red diaper babies,” children of Left-leaning or outright Marxist Jewish immigrants to the U.S. from Eastern Europe in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries.  Hammer’s father, Julius Hammer, came to U.S. from Odessa, Russia (now in Ukraine) in 1875 and settled in the Bronx, where he practiced medicine and owned five drugstores.

Julius became the leader the Socialist Labor Party of America (SLP), which later, after the Russian Revolution and under Julius' leadership, morphed into the Communist Party USA. Julius Hammer traveled around the United States lobbying to stop the embargo on Soviet Russia and to increase trade with Soviet Russia.  He created Allied Drug and Chemical for the purpose of smuggling contraband between the United States and Soviet Russia. U.S. government files state that Julius was, “one of the first to establish one of the ‘front’ corporations and purchasing agencies” that were controlled by “Soviet-Jewish elements under the direction of the Soviet Government of Russia.”

Although he at first denied it, it is very obvious that Armand Hammer was named after the "arm and hammer" symbol of the Socialist Labor Party, and Armand confirmed this before he died.

It has been widely said that Al Gore, Sr., was bought and paid for by Armand Hammer.  Gore Sr. was a Democratic congressman for fourteen years, and then a U.S. senator for eighteen years, his political career spanning the decades through World War II, the Korean War, the Cold War and the Vietnam War. 

Al Gore, Sr., played an integral role in the Pugwash Conferences, the brainchild of Lord Bertrand Russell, Albert Einstein and Soviet General Secretary Nikita Khrushchev, which were designed to block the United States from the development and deployment of effective ballistic missile defense systems (BMDs).  But all those associated with the Pugwash Conferences knew that the Soviet military was trying to develop a BMD system, and that it was their doctrine to so so if they could.  Al Gore, Sr., was seen as being in Armand Hammer’s back pocket for this Conference, and for other things that Hammer wanted to achieve.

Al Gore Jr.’s Harvard years were spent studying hard and running for campus politics or, depending on who you believe, they were spent watching television, shooting pool and smoking marijuana.  You decide.  What we know is that he was the son of a lifer politician and he became a lifer politician.  He spent some time at Vanderbilt University Divinity School because he got a Rockefeller Foundation scholarship to that institution and he wanted to study “spiritual issues” to help him make sense of “social injustice.”  Somewhere in the midst of his political career and the work he did to invent the internet, Gore was molded into a rabid environmentalist.

There is much we could say about his houses and the energy it takes to heat and cool them.  We can talk about the fuel consumed to jet him around the world to make it safe from man-made global warming, but these are just Inconvenient Truths.  All that really needs to be said about him is that he has been a major player on the Green Stage and he’s pals with Greta.  Oh, yeah, and he has almost single-handedly promoted the new green business model of carbon capture, cap and trade, and carbon offsets.  Ponzi schemes, boondoggles, shell games and other short-cons.  Try to wrap your head around carbon offset “schemes”. It’s a giant con played by large corporations for big bucks.  It is not for the armchair investor.

The Gore Family: still pushing the latest Marxist enthusiasm. Gore will Exit Stage Left and the next Player enters Stage Right and the show goes on.  As in the day of Gore Sr.  As in the day of Maurice Strong.  It’s the New Age, the New Religion, the New World Order.


The Aspen Institute just wrapped up its session on ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance).  Aspen ESG Summit Mindset and Metrics – The Art and Science of Driving Change. What is that again?  ESG “helps stakeholders understand how an organization is managing risks and opportunities related to environmental, social, and governance criteria.”  “Stakeholder” is the favorite buzz word of Klaus Schwab and his WEF cronies; it doesn’t mean an owner or “shareholder,” nor does it mean a customer or consumer.  To the contrary, a “stakeholder,” in the ESG/WEF sense, is a third party who sticks his nose in someone else’s business to promote his own political agenda rather than the profitability of the business or the preferences of its customers.

In other words, profitability is no longer the bottom line for corporations--hence consumer demand is no longer the bottom line.  The owner doesn’t get what he wants, and the consumers don’t get what they want; instead, the Leftist political activists get what they want.  That’s ESG.  Corporations are now measured by their commitment to net-zero emissions and racial “equity” (which means absolutely unattainable equality of outcome, not equality of opportunity, which everyone favors) and other crackpot Leftist nonsense. 

One thing is for sure, a company will not be considered a good ESG investment if they’re not committed to carbon offset trading.  Canada Post knows this.  I was on hold for over thirty minutes with them recently trying to track down some mail.  That’s what a postal service does, right?  Deliver mail.  Wrong!  According to the recorded message I heard over and over, Canada Post is doing everything they can for a greener, sustainable future.  Their document Canada Post Net Zero 2050 Roadmap reads:

Canada Post supports Canada’s transition to a low-carbon economy. We have committed to net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in our operations by 2050. Achieving net-zero emissions means we will reduce emissions associated with our operations as much as possible and offset the remainder of our emissions. This is in keeping with the associated principles of the Paris Agreement.” 

Thirty minutes of holding and three low-level bureaucrats later, I was steaming.  “I don’t care what you’re doing for the environment.  If you can’t deliver the mail, you’re useless.  That’s what ESG leads to: Organizations that are incompetent to the point of uselessness at what is supposed to be their core business, but who ceaselessly spout all the politically correct Leftist drivel.

*  *  *

Who hung out at Maurice Strong’s Baca Grande?  Lots of people including Carmelite nuns, who are famously into the New Age.  I did a little bit of research to see what nuns in general and Carmelites in particular might be up to, and it’s a fairly rich world:  Nuns for Social Justice, Nature-loving Nuns Helped Stop a Pipeline, When Nuns Tried to Kick-Start India’s First Transgender School, Lesbian Nuns Break Their Silence.  Something in the back of my mind…didn’t I hear about nuns who’d been caught up in some early 1960s New Age type of experiment and a bunch of them became lesbians?  Where had I seen or read that? 

Adam Curtis’ 2002 documentary The Century of the Self, deals with psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, Anna Freud, and Sigmund’s nephew Edward Bernays (the father of modern propaganda and worthy of a whole series of articles.) 

About two thirds of the way through this four-part documentary series, we learn about encounter groups (unleashing hidden impulses) and Esalen (which I hope I’ve established as having ties to the murky world of “intelligence”).  It shares a bit of common ground with the U.K.’s Tavistock Institute in terms of social engineering experimentation. 

In the preface of C.S. Lewis’ brilliant apologetic novel The Screwtape Letters he writes:

There are two equal and opposite errors in which our race can fall about the devils.  One is to disbelieve in their existence.  The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them.  They themselves are equally pleased by both errors and hail a materialist or a magician with the same delight.”

Professor of psychiatry Thomas Szasz said, “One of Freud’s most powerful motives in life was the desire to inflict vengeance on Christianity.” 

Carl Jung came from a Swiss family with ties to the clergy and Freemasonry, steeped in the occult.  He grew up in an atmosphere of seances and poltergeist activity.  Sometimes the “spirit” Philemon appeared to him in a dream, but at other times Jung described “Philemon” as a corporeal being who walked in the meadow beside him and conversed with him.  Jung admitted that his experiments in this world drove him to the brink; his house was inhabited with “spirits” who urged him to write Septem Sermones ad Mortuos (Seven Sermons to the Dead) which, he said, flowed out of him over the course of three evenings.  Ultimately he toned downed the supernatural elements, giving the work a sheen of “science.” His studies are presented to us as the great collective unconscious, a kind of shared psyche from which archetypes (and ultimately behavior) spring.

Carl Rogers was studying for the Christian ministry when he broke away and became one of the most influential and respected “humanistic” psychologists of the post-World War II era.  It was the work he did in encounter groups, breaking down social inhibitions and creating an illusory sense of intimacy, that he took to the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart convent of Los Angeles in 1966.  After a series of weekend retreats, the nuns found themselves questioning many of their conventions or as Rogers said, “they became persons.”  They decided to stop wearing their habits and ceased their morning devotionals.  Some tried a lesbian kiss which turned into a full-on seduction.  Within a year, three hundred of the nuns of this convent petitioned the Vatican to be released from their vows.  With over half of the nuns gone, the rest became radical lesbian activists.  The convent closed and, in 2015, it was announced that the building would be sold to singer Katy Perry.

I Kissed a Girl: New, Green, Diabolical

Both of Katy Perry’s parents were Pentecostal pastors. Perry pursued a career in gospel music at the age of sixteen.  She said that she and her siblings were not allowed to eat Lucky Charms cereal because the word “luck” reminded her mother of “Lucifer.”  Her rise to fame coincided with the debut of her second album and the hit single “I Kissed a Girl” which she said was based on her bisexual experiences with other women.

This was never the way I planned
Not my intention
I got so brave, drink in hand
Lost my discretion

It's not what I'm used to
Just wanna try you on
I'm curious for you
Caught my attention

I kissed a girl and I liked it
The taste of her cherry chapstick
I kissed a girl just to try it
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it

It felt so wrong, it felt so right
Don't mean, I'm in love tonight
I kissed a girl and I liked it
I liked it

Perry has advocated for LGBTQ rights and in 2017, she received a Nation Equality Award from Human Rights Campaign for “using her powerful voice and international platform to speak out for LGBTQ equality”.  From 2010 to 2012, Perry was married to the British comedian Russell Brand, who has been presented to the alternative/truth audience as an advocate for “truth” and “justice”.

Brand was selected by the Dalai Lama to host a Buddhist leader's 2012 youth event and the Dalai Lama's representatives explained that Brand was selected because he had proved “the power of spirituality to effect change in his own life”.  He has described himself as a former Buddhist, recovering drug and pornography addict.  “I say Hare Krishna as often as possible, sometimes even when I'm not being filmed”, and says he “loves” Transcendental Meditation, through which he feels the “bliss of the divine”, seeks “Christ consciousness” and became a vegan in 2019.  I don’t know the man, but he sounds like a typical actor, which is another way of saying hysterical-attention-seeking-psychopath.  Or narcissist.          

                Follow the stars…

In 2015, Katy Perry tried to purchase the spectacular Los Angeles convent building that housed those famous Sisters of the Immaculate Heart, the poor victims of the Esalen/humanist psychology experiment in social engineering.  Several nuns fought this purchase because they didn’t like what Katy Perry represented.  One of the nuns, Sister Catherine Rose Holzman, attended every court hearing and told Billboard magazine “Even mentioning that she [Katy Perry] would sell her soul to Satan is against our principles and beliefs.  Katy Perry represents everything we don't believe in. It would be a sin to sell to her.”

In 2018, 89-year-old Holzman was interviewed by Fox 11 while standing outside the Los Angeles courtroom and said, “Katy Perry, please stop. It's not doing anyone any good [and] hurting a lot of people.”  Hours later, she collapsed and died in the courtroom, during the court proceeding.  Some people said Katy Perry had “blood on her hands.”


Historian and radio host Alan Watt, in talking about things like Luciferianism and demonic possession, has said that it doesn’t matter whether you believe, he was describing what the elite believe.  While we’ve been dumbed down and told to play our lives away, pop stars who name themselves after the mother of Jesus tell us that we are living in a Material World.  This is not what the elite believe.  Their world is one of Light and Dark forces and their Light and Dark are an inversion of Truth.  Welcome to the New (Dark) Age.

The One About the Flu Shot and Timothy Leary

                “We cannot get it through our heads that there are powers in this world that don’t have our best interests at heart.”

-          Alan Watt  (2008) “Terrifying Propaganda Says You'll Die - Oh What to Do?

In this talk from 2008, Alan Watt discusses how pharmaceutical manufacturers hire publicists to put a positive spin on drugs, then make deals with governments to buy their products, which the governments then force us to take.  He read from an article in a Canadian paper which was downplaying any of the risks involved in the Gardasil vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV) which was approved for medical use in the United States in 2006 for use in young females.  The slant of the article was that risks were very slight when weighed against benefits and even some of the worst side effects, e.g. anaphylactic shock, were not a cause for concern.  Don’t worry, we have the antidote for you if that happens!

In 2008, there were quite a few articles about serious side effects associated with this vaccine and stories of young girls suffering with vaccine injuries.  Fourteen years later, what stories would I find about HPV vaccines and Gardasil in particular?  I did a “news” search with the keywords “HPV vaccine” and the top story that I came up with was from 21 July 2022 “Human Papillomavirus Vaccine (HPV) Market to Reach $10.8 Bn, Globally, by 2031.”  I noticed that there is a big PR push in India for HPV vaccines right now.  From The Indian Express 16 July 2022, “Cervical cancer: What is the right age to take the HPV vaccine?”  From MSN, 19 July 2022, “India's first cervical cancer vaccine Cervavac to be out soon, know how it works.”  And from Australia’s ABC News, “One dose of HPV vaccine enough to protect girls and young women against cervical cancer: WHO.”

Because I remember the spate of bad publicity that accompanied the Gardasil release, I wondered why I couldn’t find any stories about adverse reactions, at least not without a lot of digging.  (I didn’t really wonder!  I know how this works and we’ve all lived through the Covid-19 and censorship.) Lots of digging and the first round went to law firms working on class action suits around vaccine injuries.  There’ll be a lot of money at stake and so I cannot rely upon the write-ups done by huge legal firms as these too are a type of PR.  More digging…

What I found on my way to truth was a lot, I mean a whole lot, of positive spin on HPV vaccines, and how the incidents of cervical cancer have been greatly reduced because of these vaccines.  There is also coverage which is in the “outright lies” category, the real fake news.  Here’s an example from Insider (formerly known as Business Insider) 20 April 2022, “Common, rare, and entirely bogus side effects of the HPV vaccine.” A quote from that article (emphasis mine):

 “Misinformation about HPV vaccines has also raised concerns that it may lead to the following:

     Chronic fatigue syndrome

    Complex regional pain syndrome

    Postural tachycardia syndrome

 Studies have found no increase in cases of these conditions among people who have been vaccinated against HPV compared with people who have not.” 

When I read that line, I simply didn’t believe it.  This called for serious digging into the peer-reviewed science articles, themselves a viper’s nest.  Here’s a quote from a 2019 study in the Journal of Rheumatic Diseases and, “Hidden Toxicity of Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Ingredients” (emphasis mine):

Recent publications originating from Italy, Japan, Australia, Columbia, India, Ireland, Denmark, Mexico, Norway, Sweden, Canada, France, the USA, and the United Kingdom have reported post-HPV vaccination phenomena that share overlapping clinical features with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME), fibromyalgia (FM), postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), small fiber neuropathy (SFN), and autonomic dysfunction (AD) [1,2]. Typical symptoms include (but are not limited to) prolonged generalized fatigue, chronic headaches, widespread generalized pain, tremors, orthostatic fainting, postural tachycardia, alterations in gastrointestinal motility, gait disturbance, anxiety, paresthesia's, sleep disturbance, learning impairment, difficulty in concentration, and other cognitive phenomena.”

Here is a quote from a study published in January 2022 on PubMed, “Post-HPV-Vaccination Mast Cell Activation Syndrome: Possible Vaccine-Triggered Escalation of Undiagnosed Pre-Existing Mast Cell Disease?” (emphasis mine):

“For nearly a decade, case reports and series have emerged regarding dysautonomias—particularly postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS)—presenting soon after vaccination against human papilloma virus (HPV). We too have observed a number of such cases (all following vaccination with the Gardasil product) and have found several to have detectable mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) as well as histories suggesting that MCAS was likely present long before vaccination. We detail 11 such cases here, posing a hypothesis that HPV vaccination (at least with the Gardasil product) may have triggered or exacerbated MCAS in teenagers previously not recognized to have it.

The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is efficacious in preventing complications of human papillomavirus infection including cervical cancer. However, there have been case reports of adverse events occurring after vaccination, one being postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS). This article reviews published data and other available information regarding the relationship between the human papillomavirus vaccine and POTS.

Surprise, surprise!  Insider published outright lies. Misinformation. Fake news.  Here’s a current headline “World Health Organization declares monkeypox outbreak a global emergency.”

Back in 2008, LifeSite News published this piece, “Gardasil – 18 Dead, Thousands Suffer Complications.”  This is from that article:

Judicial Watch looked at more than 8,000 reports of adverse events in girls and young women after they were injected with the HPV vaccine Gardasil.  The reports reveal everything from massive wart outbreaks to seizures, paralysis and death.  Ten deaths were reported since September 2007 (LifeSite News published this in July 2008), bringing the total to 18 since the vaccine was approved for use in 2006.

 In this year (2008) there have been 140 reported “serious” complications, 27 of which were categorized as “life-threatening,” as well as ten spontaneous abortions and six cases of Guillain-Barré Syndrome. “Given all the questions about Gardasil, the best public health policy would be to re-evaluate its safety and to prohibit its distribution to minors. In the least, governments should rethink any efforts to mandate or promote this vaccine for children,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

 Gwen Landolt, national vice-president of REAL Women of Canada commented on the lack of proper testing before Gardasil was pushed through the approval process and the consequences of its widespread use.

 “The long-term consequences of Gardasil are not known. The manufacturer admits this and agrees it does not know its effect on young girls’ cancer risk, on their immunity system, on their reproductive system, or its genetic effects. In due course, we will know this, possibly in twenty or thirty years from now when these young girls, the innocent subjects of the Gardasil experiment have become grown women and then report the consequences of their having taken the medication in their childhood on medical advice.”

From a Daily Mail article "Flu jab that costs £115m a year does not cut death rate in elderly.”  According to the article, “Having a flu jab does not cut the death rate among the elderly… vaccination has a virtually non-existent effect on the risk of dying prematurely and that previous studies have ' exaggerated' the apparent benefits.”

In November, the jab's co-inventor Australian biochemist Dr. Graeme Laver told the Daily Mail the jab did not guarantee protection.  He said 'I have never been very impressed with its efficacy.  'It is better than nothing and I wouldn't want to advise people not to take it, but you can't rely on it doing any good.

The article continued, “However, a Department of Health spokesman said: 'Studies show that flu vaccines give about 70 to 80 per cent protection against flu infection.” (Emphasis mine.)

No, flu vaccines are not 70 to 80 percent effective. Not even close.  This quote from an unnamed Department of Health spokesman struck me as another lie, so I did a little bit of research into the efficacy of the annual flu vaccine.  All throughout my adult life, I have this recollection of hype surrounding the flu, the promotion of the flu shot and then subsequent reporting that “we didn’t nail the right strain this year” or “it wasn’t as effective as researchers had hoped.”  According to WebMD in 2021, “This Year’s Flu Vaccine Is a ‘Major Mismatch,’ Researcher Says.”  In March of 2022, The New York Times published “Flu Vaccine Was Not Very Effective This Season, the C.D.C. Says.”

Was there someplace that tracked the “official” effectiveness of each year’s flu vaccine?  I went to the source we’ve all come to trust, the U.S.’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and looked at the following chart, “Adjusted vaccine effectiveness estimates for influenza seasons from 2004-2022.”  The CDC gives estimated vaccine effectiveness (and 95% credible interval [Cr I]) by age group and virus subtype.  First, you’ll need to read the CDC document “How Flu Vaccine Effectiveness and Efficacy are Measured.”  I am not sure if my calculations are exactly in line with their measurement system which was complicated, to say the least.  You can get out your calculator and take a crack at it. 

According to the first set of numbers supplied by the CDC, I average the effectiveness of the annual flu vaccine at just under 32%.  If I follow their second set of numbers (I never could figure out why two sets of numbers are supplied), then the average effectiveness of the vaccine is right around 50%.  And of course, we are only averaging seventeen years, not eighteen, because according to the CDC, “2020-2021 flu vaccine effectiveness was not estimated due to low flu virus circulation during the 2020-2021 flu season.”  (Note that flu mysteriously disappeared after Covid came on the scene.) 

When you really sit back and see what you’re looking at, it’s just so ridiculous.  We’re supposed to rush out and take a vaccine that is, at best, only 50% effective.

But you can’t keep a good con down.  According to the Mayo Clinic’s website:

Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza” which goes on to say “Getting a flu shot will often protect you from coming down with the flu. And although the flu shot doesn't always provide total protection, it's worth getting.”  Here’s a headline you gotta love from LiveScienceThe flu shot isn't that effective. Here's why you should still get it.”

What’s going on today, right now? What’s the latest spin on the Covid-19 vaccines?  Here’s a headline from Medical News Today, “New evidence finds heart conditions extremely rare after COVID-19 vaccination.”  This is what you are supposed to take away from reading the article, “A Canadian study shows that myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 mRNA vaccinations are extremely rare… Experts stress that developing COVID-19 poses a greater risk of myocarditis and pericarditis than being vaccinated.”  And also, “Most cases are mild and ‘self-limiting’.” 

Relax!  Go back to sleep. 

Except I bothered to look at the Canadian study which was published last week in the British Medical Journal.  One of the conclusions of the study was that “adolescent and young adult men are at the highest risk of myocarditis after mRNA vaccination.”  The word ‘rare’ was used in the following conclusion: “Incidence of myocarditis in children aged 5-11 years is very rare but certainty was low. Data for clinical risk factors were very limited.”  The study went on to say that incidents of myocarditis and pericarditis after Covid-19 vaccination appeared as early as April of 2021.  Symptoms include persisting chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, or a combination of these symptoms. 

What does “self-limiting” mean? Because according to Medical News Today, most cases of myocarditis were ‘mild’ and ‘self-limiting’.  On the British Medical Journal, a doctor complained that if you looked online there were conflicting definitions of self-limiting.   a) a disease that tends to go away on its own, without treatment, or b) a disease that is typically not affected by treatment and tends to persist.  According to the blithe treatment of the term in the Medical News Today article about the findings of the Canadian study on myocarditis, we would be led to believe it was a) a disease that tends to go away on its own, without treatment.  In other words, no big deal. 

But according to most other sources, the treatment for myocarditis depends upon the cause.  Few causes are curable or reparable, and hence the focus is almost exclusively on symptom management.  Myocarditis has been reported to be a major cause of sudden cardiac death (SCD) in infants, adolescents, and young adults.  Complications include heart failure and cardiac arrest.  There are a lot of studies out lately about abnormal heart metabolism, and something I had never heard about until this year called Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome (SADS), but any connection between SADS and Covid-19 vaccines has been debunked, they say.

My main takeaway from reading the study in the British Medical Journal is that researchers need much more time and data.  As with the Medical News Today summation, if any mainstream press outlets run with stories on this study, they will only say that “incidence of myocarditis after mRNA vaccination is a rare adverse event” and ignore the conclusion t,hat “continued surveillance of myocarditis after mRNA vaccines” is needed as is “long term follow-up of patients with myocarditis” and many more studies to “help to identify and guide recommendations for those who might be at higher risk.”  Of course, if you are one of the more than 8,000 cases studied, you might quibble with “rare” and “mild” as descriptions of your very real suffering.

* * *

From the 2008 RBN broadcast, “The New Agers are taught to look upon the positive. Therefore, they don't want to know what's happening in the world, so they've been deactivated from participating and being indignant about the horrors that are happening and will happen… That's the sad state of the world.”

Timothy Leary and his CIA connection, LSD and the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) and Aleister Crowley.  As I say, it’s a very good talk with many avenues of research that you can go down.  The avenue that I went down was Timothy Leary.  Because he has had so much written about him, and had been so thoroughly covered, he just never really entered my consciousness except as a cultural icon like Elvis or Madonna, but I have spent hours this last week reading about Timothy Leary. He has been called the “godfather of LSD,” “the high priest of LSD” and Richard Nixon called him “the most dangerous man in America.”  “Hero of American consciousness” was what the poet Allen Ginsberg called him.  Later, Ginsberg (along with Ram Dass, aka Richard Alpert, and Timothy’s son Jack Leary) famously lambasted Timothy Leary for being “an FBI informant,” a “cop informant,” a “liar,” and a “paranoid schizophrenic.”

Because Timothy Leary has been mythologized, even his fiercest critics have a hard time looking at the little man dispassionately.  The writer who came closest to summing him up in a way that seems to me to offer some accurate insights, was W.H. Bowart, a counter-culture figure who had been close enough to Leary to marry Peggy Hitchcock (whose mansion – Millbrook - was for years Ground Zero of the LSD “mission.”)  Bowart was thick into the world of psychedelics and the New Age, so one has to look at his seminal work Operation Mind Control with Eyes Wide Open.  Bowart writes about Leary “That smile was his trademark. It was a smile which masked his vacuity and desperation. It was the smile of a pretender.”  This from a man who spent a lot of time with Leary. 

I didn’t need to spend any time with him to recognize someone completely devoid of character, a self-aggrandizing, womanizing, celebrity wannabe whose son Jack said he “never wanted to be a guru. He wanted to be a rock star, a Mick Jagger, but he couldn’t play the guitar.”  When his first wife was distraught about his repeated infidelities and confronted him over his latest affair, he told her “That’s your problem.”  She committed suicide on his 35th birthday.  He married that latest mistress, but the marriage broke up shortly after police were called when neighbors said they heard him hitting her.  Years later, one of his daughters hung herself in prison where she was incarcerated for shooting her lover.

With his buddy Richard Alpert, Leary ran those first Harvard “experiments” which ended with both of them being dismissed from the university.  From there Leary went to the Millbrook mansion and the homosexual Alpert went to India only to return as Ram Dass (from Ram or Rama, which means dark or black, he was “servant of Ram” simplified for the West as “servant of God.”)

Everyone who tracked the Millbrook “studies” reported that nothing scientific or systematic was going on there; just an endless LSD haze.  A Village Voice article said Leary and William Hitchcock, who “claimed to be running ‘experiments’ in the LSD field, were actually hosts to a five-year-long acid-soaked Millbrook melee, a monster party which often filled the mansion with 50 or 60 hippies at a time, their eyeballs full of the latest batch of LSD.”

What we’re talking about here is the CIA.  It’s how culture is created, and myths are made.  We’re given the story of how Leary was persecuted by the FBI and the disgraced G. Gordon Liddy, his arch-nemesis.  What we know is that Leary didn’t have a particularly good reputation as a psychologist or research scientist, and chinks like this are some of the “qualities” intelligence agencies look for in assets.  He ran in circles with the wealthy in the Eastern establishment.  There’s a connection with the publisher of Time and Life, Henry Luce, an internationalist, who during the early 1960s was very interested in LSD.  The documentation connecting Luce and his publications to the CIA is well-established.  (Also see The New York Times article on the many links between the CIA and journalists both at home and abroad, as well as Carl Bernstein’s article for Rolling Stone about the CIA and the media.)

We are given the myths and the more time passes, the more secure the myths become. 

While I was researching this, I saw that one of the “experiments” that Leary and Alpert did with LSD at Harvard was done at the Marsh Chapel (The Marsh Chapel Experiment aka The Good Friday Experiment.) There was a picture of one of the stained-glass windows there called the Rose window.  This was a type of window that was common in Gothic churches and cathedrals, Christ symbolized as the center light, surrounded by the four gospel writers, the apostles and the saints.  Some windows show God’s dominion over heaven and earth by including Zodiacal signs. 

The Rose window at Harvard reminded me of a Hindu or Buddhist mandala and I learned that some Christian symbols such as those seen in esoteric Christianity, Christian Hermeticism, Christian Alchemy, and Rosicrucianism are often used as mandalas.  But where had I seen something so similar to that just recently? The Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead by Timothy Leary.  The book has been issued with many covers, but several of them bring to mind the Rose window at Harvard and similar mandalas.

I found an article and a video about Susan Sarandon’s 2015 appearance at the Burning Man Festival where she conducted a ceremony with some of the ashes of Timothy Leary.  She was one of a few people who received a small portion of Leary’s ashes when he died in 1996.  About the ceremony, Sarandon said, “I think he would have loved the chaos. He would have loved it. And all these people honoring him with LSD.”

Most of Leary’s ashes were sent into space (don’t ask, I didn’t bother to find out how) in 1997, but Sarandon decided that the Burning Man Festival was the appropriate place for her to dispense with her grams of him.  She talked about how she wasn’t really into chemicals, but she had enjoyed Ayahuasca and mushrooms and “things like that.” 

I watched a video of the ceremony.  At the beginning, there was a little statue of a cherub, “peeing” water, followed by a close-up of a photo of Timothy Leary.  Susan Sarandon was dressed in a short white wedding dress with a garland of white flowers in her hair.  The camera pans around to show that there are at least a couple of naked young men wandering about the tent.  Sarandon tells the crowd that they will walk with the ashes to the Totem of Confession that they’ve built for the climax of the ceremony and Leary’s ashes will stay there until they burn the Totem down.

He’ll be double crispy on Saturday.  He’ll be re-cremated on Saturday.”  She went on to say, “If anybody here doesn’t know who Timothy Leary is and you’ve taken acid, you should be ashamed of yourself.”  She tells them that she is so happy that everyone there has taken part in this sacrament and then goes on to praise Leary for taking LSD away from the CIA and making it a means of exploration for everybody.  She trots out the tired old myth about how he was persecuted by the FBI and imprisoned for his efforts.  She referred to Leary as a “prophet.” Sarandon talked about how the majority of Leary’s ashes were jettisoned into space, but he left a “tiny bit…just a little hors d’oeuvre-y portion” (isn’t she clever?) “for a few people, and I was lucky enough to be one of those” people.

In the end, I’m not sure what Susan really did with her portion of Timothy’s ashes.  She told a few reporters that she drank them, while she told her fellow sacrament-takers that the ashes would be burnt “double crispy” on Saturday.  It’s all fun and games with the guru’s remains.

One of the reveler/sacrament-takers was a bearded, neo-hippy with some really cool and expensive kaleidoscopic sunglasses, waxing poetic about how wonderful the world would be when all the commercialism was gone, when basically everything and everyone was wiped out, “all burnt wasteland” and only “the rawest, realest cats out there surviving through music and spirituality.”

There was a picture of Sarandon at some kind of event sponsored by American Express, their logo plastered all over the background against which she was photographed.  On the wall beside the AmEx logos, was a picture of Timothy Leary with the caption, “To learn how to use your head, you have to go out of your mind.” 

In one of the pictures of Sarandon at the Burning Man Festival, she is sprawled on the floor, wearing overalls, surrounded by an open can of black paint and a hammer.  She was wearing a pair of suede shoe-boots and she commented that these were the perfect shoes for Burning Man.  Below her photograph there was a boxed window with an ad that read “Get Susan Sarandon’s Burning Man boots here.”  The boots are “so versatile they’ll look good with a floaty bohemian dress or jeans and a white T-shirt.” 

So much for the end of commercialism.

But what really struck me was that I was watching a Rosicrucian ceremony.  Something like the Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz.  Alchemy, death, resurrection, ascension and the bride wore white.

Years ago, maybe at an Academy Awards show, Susan Sarandon said (to her audience of insiders) that “we are the culture creators” and Sarandon has done her bit in support of progressive and left-wing political causes, for UNICEF, for LGBTQ rights.  Several years ago, at the end of a relationship she told a gay magazine, PrideSource, that "My sexual orientation is up for grabs."

I wonder sometimes what other people see when they look at something that I’ve looked at.  Do they see Susan Sarandon in a wedding dress carrying the ashes of Timothy Leary and immediately think of Christian Rosenkreutz?  Or did they see something else I saw?  The remains of an actor-of-sorts carried to their final “resting” place by a shoe saleswoman.



Additional reading/viewing:

The world is running out of options to hit climate goals, U.N. report shows

 Intersecting Crises are Impeding the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, Threatening Peace & Security

From ‘Green Jesus’ to ‘radical pragmatist’: Canada's climate minister evolves

We are creating a greener, more sustainable, Canada Post.

Canada Post Net Zero 2050 Roadmap

Report reveals Canada Post’s CO2 emissions doubled despite promise to reduce pollution

Are Carbon Offsets the Next ESG Investing Frontier?

Where Does the Climate Movement Go Next?

Strong Couple : ‘Mystical’ and ‘Manifester’ Team Up

‘Mountain Retreat for the Liberal Elite’ Holds Invitation-Only Summit on ESG

Promoting Sustainable Human Settlements: Its Relevance to the 2030 Agenda

 Maurice Strong and the Earth Charter

 Club Of Rome: The Origin Of Climate And Population Alarmism

 The Earth Charter and the Ark of the Gaia Covenant

Senior UK Banker Quits After “Nut Job” Climate Speech; The UN’s “Benefits Of World Hunger” Article Removed

The Century of the Self (Adam Curtis documentary, 2002)

Rebel Hearts: the story of the 1960s nuns who challenged the system

A dead nun, Katy Perry, and a social experiment gone awry

Every twist and turn in Katy Perry's bitter legal battle with nuns over her purchase of their former convent

Carl Rogers and the IHM Nuns: Sensitivity Training, Psychological Warfare and the “Catholic Problem” - E. Michael Jones

Lesbian Nuns Break Their Silence : Former, Current Sisters Discuss Religious Life in Book

Nuns: The Environmental Movement’s Most Powerful Ally?

When nuns tried to kick-start India’s first transgender school

Hidden Toxicity of Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Ingredients (2019)

Common, rare, and entirely bogus side effects of the HPV vaccine

Human Papillomavirus Vaccine and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome: A Review of Current Literature

 Association between quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccination and selected syndromes with autonomic dysfunction in Danish females: population based, self-controlled, case series analysis

 The Gardasil Girls: How Toronto Star story on young women hurt public trust in vaccine

Gardasil – 18 Dead, Thousands Suffer Complications

This Year’s Flu Vaccine Is a ‘Major Mismatch,’ Researcher Says

Flu Vaccine Was Not Very Effective This Season, the C.D.C. Says

Past Seasons Vaccine Effectiveness Estimates

Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza

The flu shot isn't that effective. Here's why you should still get it.

Flu jab that costs £115m a year does not cut death rate in elderly (2008)

 Knowns, Unknowns of Vaccine Myocarditis Risks Summarized in ‘Living’ Review

Incidence, risk factors, natural history, and hypothesised mechanisms of myocarditis and pericarditis following covid-19 vaccination: living evidence syntheses and review

Sarandon Leary – American Express

Timothy Leary and Susan Sarandon - Future Eyes TV - Burning Man 2015


A psychedelic send-off for 'the godfather of LSD': Susan Sarandon lays Timothy Leary's ashes to rest in a 'church' at Burning Man

 C.I.A. Established Many Links to Journalists in U.S. and Abroad


The most interesting part of Timothy Leary’s FBI file is what isn’t in it

Leary Scored as ‘Cop Informant’ By His Son and 2 Close Friends

Fifty Years After Timothy Leary’s Historic Laguna Beach Drug Bust, California Reconsiders Pyschedelics

The Acid Profiteers: Drop-Out, Turn-On, Cash-In

Timothy Leary was an FBI informer

Was Timothy Leary A CIA Agent

April 13, 1953: CIA OKs MK-ULTRA Mind-Control Tests