The New Age, Part 4: Agenda 21, Culture Creation, and Suicide

Agenda 21: Mumbo Jumbo!

If you look up Agenda 21 in a search engine, on the first page of the search, you’re likely to come up with several stories about how Agenda 21 is a conspiracy theory.  If you read those articles, you see that fact checkers and debunkers aren’t saying the United Nations’ Agenda 21 is actually a conspiracy theory, they’re saying that it is conspiracy theory to assert that Agenda 21 has anything to do with One World Government or a New World Order.

Agenda 21 is a non-binding action plan of the United Nations for “sustainable development.”   It came out of the Earth Summit (UN Conference on Environment and Development) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. (That was Maurice Strong's baby.)  It is an action agenda for the UN, other multilateral organizations (involving more than two nations), and individual governments around the world that can be executed at local, national, and global levels.

Agenda 21 is a term that fell out of favor, but you’ll still see references to Agenda 2030, meaning those elements of Agenda 21 that need to be implemented by 2030, e.g., Britain’s commitment to eliminate gasoline engines by 2030 (California plans to eliminate gasoline powered vehicles by 2035).  You may also hear terms such as Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs.

Everything that is supposedly a conspiracy theory such as world integration, a parallel government, an elite who work together inter-generationally to achieve their plans, we are seeing come to fruition before our eyes.  In our present day, the chief implementers of the plan are those at the World Economic Forum.  These elite have given us a New Religion to prepare us to go into a New Age.  All of this has already been implemented to some extent, and we’re living through the end of this particular phase of The Agenda.  Common threads are Greening, Sustainability, and Reset.

In the 1999 movie, The Ninth Gate, the character Boris Balkan storms into a large room where a Satanic ritual is in full swing, complete with an inverted Roman Catholic mass, or “black mass,” including orgiastic elements.  He looks for a book that everyone believes has the keys to undreamt of power.  As he literally tosses people out of his way, he yells

Mumbo Jumbo, Mumbo Jumbo, Mumbo Jumbo!  You read from this book but you have no conception of its power, I alone have grasped its secret, I alone have fathomed the master's grand design, I alone am worthy to enjoy the fruits of that discovery: absolute power to determine my own destiny!”

When I ponder on the certainty with which our current elite forge ahead with their plans, their arrogance on display, mocking us, that scene has often returned to mind.  Yes, perhaps some of our elite are actual Satanists or pantheists, but we’re looking at the very real religion of Luciferianism, their ultimate goal Enlightenment.  The light of Lucifer.  Divine Nature.  Their religion gives them the right to act as gods.  (Consider what I wrote in the first installment: We are living through an epic struggle and those of us who have chosen to participate, each in his own way, do well to have a thorough knowledge of the topography of the battlefield.  We can no longer afford to just give lip service to the cosmic conflict.  It is time that we choose a side, put on the full armor of God, and join the fight.

While the elite are acting as gods, radically altering our world to suit themselves, we are down here repeating mumbo Jumbo.  Sometimes the mumbo jumbo we spout is “Fossil fuels are unsustainable.”  Sometimes the mumbo jumbo is “We create our own realities with thought and intention.”  Sometimes the mumbo jumbo is “Smart cities connect and protect.”

The article “Agenda 21 - The UN Blueprint for the 21st Century” is well worth reading to give you a better understanding of how this is all being implemented at the local and global level.

The World Economic Forum is one of the main drivers of this agenda currently.  Take a look at what’s new from them on the sustainability front.  The First Movers Coalition is a product of WEF.  They’re “tackling” the climate crisis with “innovative” green technologies.  On the WEF website is a picture of two members of that group, John Kerry, “Climate Czar,” and Bill Gates.  They were all smiles at this year’s Davos meeting.  Bill Gates’ new consortium, Breakthrough Energy was lauded.  In 2016, a group of investors collectively worth $170 billion (USD) were creating a $1 billion (USD) fund "focused on fighting climate change by investing in clean energy innovation."

Members of Breakthrough Energy include Jeff Bezos, Michael Bloomberg, Richard Branson, Jack Ma, George Soros and Mark Zuckerberg.  Whatever their stated religions, there’s at least an element or two of Luciferianism that grants them the assurance that they have “absolute power to determine my [their] own destiny” while we’re riding our e-bikes muttering “mumbo jumbo.”

The Case for Censorship

Transition phase is what they call it in sociology, transition phases, when they're altering your culture and your morals or anything that goes into creating that culture.  The changes in your life are planned for you. Fashions and even music are designed way ahead of their introduction into society, all depending upon the decisions of those who create your culture.  It's called culture creation.

In July, David Beasley met with Sam Worthington.  In late July, Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas issued a statement.  Last week, Brittney Griner was sentenced to nine years in prison.  Pete Davidson has ‘amicably’ split with his girlfriend of less than a year.

You might not know some of these names.  David Beasley was a one-time governor of South Carolina, and he is currently the president of the United Nations World Food Programme.  Sam Worthington is the CEO of InterAction, an alliance of international nongovernmental organizations.   Through InterAction, Worthington is deeply involved in a wide range of policy programs, working with the United Nations, national governments, philanthropies, and other organizations. He was a resident policy fellow at the Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Center. He is currently a trustee of the Van Leer Foundation; sits on the U.N. Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC); USAID’s Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aide (ACVFA); Brown University’s Advisory Board on the Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Studies; the boards of the Center for Disaster Philanthropy, Forums, Religions for Peace and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas is a French economist and the current chief economist of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).  The IMF is an international monetary institution consisting of 190 countries.  Its stated mission is “working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world.”  It was formed in 1944 at the Bretton Woods Conference and has been critical to global financial policy since that time.

The names you are likelier to be familiar with are Griner and Davidson.  Brittney Griner is a black lesbian basketball player for the Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA).  In February, she was arrested in Russia, accused of trying to smuggle less than a gram of hashish (cannabis) oil into that country.  On 4 August of 2022, she was sentenced to nine years in prison in Russia.  In 2015, Griner was arrested for domestic violence against her fiancé, fellow WNBA player, Glory Johnson who she subsequently married.  On 4 June 2015, Johnson announced that she had become pregnant with twins via in vitro fertilization.  The next day, the couple announced the annulment of their marriage.  They were divorced in 2016.  In 2019, Griner married Cherelle Watson who later changed her name to Cherelle Griner.  President Biden is working to obtain her release from a Russian prison.

Pete Davidson is a comedian and an actor whose father Scott Davidson was a New York City firefighter who died during the 9/11 attacks.  Scott Davidson was last seen running up the stairs of the Marriott World Trade Center just before it collapsed.  Pete was a regular on Saturday Night Live until this year.  By 2018 he had over 40 tattoos.  He recently ended a relationship with Kim Kardashian who praised him for his “BDE” and said while she had grown to be deeply in love with him, initially she was attracted to him just because she was “DTF.”  But you probably know all that already if you follow the “culture.”

What you might have missed was David Beasley being hosted by Sam Worthington at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting where he reminded the audience that when he delivered the Nobel Peace Prize speech in December of 2021, he had described this period of food insecurity as “the worst humanitarian crisis we’ve faced since World War II,” and he had made that statement prior to Ukraine

But we’re facing unprecedented crisis right now, and if we don’t deal with it strategically, effectively, and timely, you are going to have mass famine, you are going to have destabilization of dozens of nations, and you’ve going to have mass migration. This is not hyperbole; this is reality.”

In an update to the IMF’s World Economic Outlook report, Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas wrote, “The world may soon be teetering on the edge of a global recession, only two years after the last one.” He said that central banks needed to clamp down on inflation without engineering a recession.  “It’s a very, very narrow path, and I think it’s getting narrower and narrower.”

 We know all about the incarceration of a black, gay female basketball player and the end of a relationship between a comedian and a television personality because of “culture creation” and the news media.  We are told what to worry about and told what is worth thinking about. The media has an essential and critical role to play in shaping our perceptions.  They use “psychic driving,” a technique of depatterning and reprogramming the mind that the Canadian psychiatrist Ewen Cameron concocted and experimented with.

The term has been relegated to the dust bins of exposés on MK-Ultra, LSD experiments and the CIA and it’s mocked in the movie Men Who Stare at Goats, but the actual technique is in daily use, nonetheless.  It’s the repetition of footage of the Twin Towers collapsing.  It’s the fact that we all know what “Twin Towers” means.  It’s the image of people dropping on the sidewalks of Wuhan or “Weapons of Mass Destruction” or “Trust the Science.”  The technique destroys minds.  Just research what happened to Cameron’s “patients” at Allen Memorial Hospital in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.


The concept of cultural industries - the creation, industrial reproduction and mass distribution of cultural works - is not new. In 1948, Theodore Adorno and Max Horkheimer coined the term.  Adorno and Horkheimer were founding members of the Frankfurt School,which started in Germany in 1929 during the Weimar Republic. 

The Frankfurt School was based upon the Freudian, Marxian, and Hegelian concepts of idealist philosophy.  “Idealism” asserts that reality is indistinguishable and inseparable from human perception and understanding; that reality is a mental construct closely connected to ideas.  If you ponder that, you will see how subjectivism and existentialism arise from this and it will be easier to understand how concepts such as moral relativism and situation ethics become the philosophical norm.  You can see that “idealism” is the perfect philosophy to promote in a culture in which you want the New Age and all its many facets to proliferate.  Only in a world in which reality is subjective and morals are relative can one “do as thou wilt” or “be the change you want to see.”  In a world in which there is a reality beyond what individuals can perceive and understand, there might be a few inconvenient rules.

But long before the Frankfurt School, there was Plato and his Republic.  Plato wrote about the need for artists, poets and performers to be “licensed” by the state, so powerful were the arts.  It has been many years since I read Plato’s Republic.  I recall that one of the things I was most struck by in the dialogues was the long and comprehensive conversation about justice, what constituted justice and how it could be achieved in a society.  At the end of the dialogue, it was concluded that justice itself was not as important to a functioning society as the appearance of justice.

I didn’t have time to re-read The Republic, so I searched out some commentary that might help illustrate the points that Plato had made about licensing artists.  I came upon the work of Stephen Hicks, a Canadian-American philosopher who is currently teaching at Rockford University in Illinois where he heads the Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship.  In Hicks’ summary of The Republic, I found this:

 “In The Republic, Plato makes a systematic case for censoring all arts. The task of the Platonic philosopher is to take up the “ancient quarrel between philosophy and poetry” and to assert the State-enforced dominance of philosophy. To that end, The Republic as a whole is a powerful integration of philosophy, religion, education, and politics, and its argument for the political suppression of most art follows from that integrated system.”

Hicks points out that Plato criticizes poets for not always portraying gods and heroes as worthy and exalted beings.  Sometimes the poets, e.g. Homer, show the gods bickering and behaving immorally.  According to Plato, good people and gods do not deceive — but painters constantly deceive us by trying to make their fake imitations look real. Meanwhile, Plato asserts that politicians (and only politicians) ought to be allowed to lie to their citizens.  (And we’re back to my takeaway from many years ago: Justice isn’t necessary for a functioning society, but only the appearance of justice.)

Stephen Hicks writes,

The Republic‘s overall argument for censorship thus combines a particular conception of morality with religion and authoritarian politics. Formalizing the argument:

 1. To have a good society, we must have good citizens.

2. To have good citizens, children must be well educated.

3. To be well educated, children must be exposed to good material and shielded from bad material.

4. So, to have a good society, children must be exposed to good material and shielded from bad material.

5. It is the obligation of the State to educate its citizens.

6. So the State should allow only good material and suppress bad material.

7. The State’s censorship applies also to art.

8. So the State should allow only good art and suppress bad art.

Aldous Huxley and the non-fiction follow-up to Brave New World that he wrote in the late 1950s, Brave New World Revisited.  Huxley said when he wrote Brave New World in 1931, he thought that his dystopian vision was many years in the future, but he wrote that book before Hitler’s rise to power, before Stalinism, before World War II.  From his perspective in 1958, it all seemed imminent, indeed some of it already arrived.  Regarding propaganda he wrote:

The effectiveness of political and religious propaganda depends upon the methods employed, not upon the doctrines taught. These doctrines may be true or false, wholesome or pernicious -- it makes little or no difference. If the indoctrination is given in the right way at the proper stage of nervous exhaustion, it will work. Under favorable conditions, practically every­body can be converted to practically anything.”


We are in a culture war, where what is good is determined by the State and what we are given as art, literature, theater and film has been determined by the State to be “good.” What is “good” is what we are allowed to see and know.  In our present culture, it is “good” to have forty tattoos.  It is “good” to exude BDE.  It is “good” that comedy should be “a series of brutal truths and vulgar confessions” that focuses on drug use and all the sex that even a socially awkward young fellow can have.  This is all good, so becoming wealthy from it is also good and because it’s so good you can attract an even wealthier middle-aged woman whose career was launched by a “leaked” sex tape and whose only real asset is behind her.  

I don’t encourage you to learn what BDE and DTF mean, but consider this quote from Kim Kardashian, “We don’t share it much, but we’re really religious.  We start our day with a group chat with a Bible verse from my mom, and everyone chimes in on the meaning of it. We are very Christian—and our work ethic and our discipline comes from [that.]”  She attends a “celebrity” church and you can look into it if you can be bothered.  I know Christian girls and women who not only follow her makeup and style tips, but they are convinced that her coarse language and obsession with sex don’t matter.  “God knows the heart.” 

Yes, He does, and our hearts are desperately wicked. Jer. 17:9


Even though we’ve all just lived through nearly three years of Covid, with a tremendous loss of rights, where thousands of small businesses were destroyed and countries’ economies are now teetering on the brink of disaster, we’re so well managed that we cannot maintain equilibrium within the rapidity of change.  We are back to the restaurants and bars, guzzling cheap and meaningless entertainment.  The mainstream media hasn’t been told to cover David Beasley’s discussion about a looming worldwide food shortage.  The alternative outlets are caught up in hype about snake venom in the vaccine or the graphene oxide that makes the parasites in the vaccine transmit 5G signals that will turn the vaccinated into easily controlled zombies.  These topics seem safe enough; perhaps they are even a tacitly authorized form of misinformation, to give the deplorables something to fret about.  No one wants to get hit with a $49 million bill for peddling misinformation.


A new religion is required for the new system.  This state religion is a type of earth worship, bowing to Gaia.  Yes, one of the Covid vaccine injuries is sterility, but in just a generation or two, we will volunteer to be sterilized to save Mother Earth, the steps along the way so painless.  Recycling plastic, using whichever bag is correct this year.  Paper or plastic?  Reducing your carbon footprint doesn’t phase us and if we find it stressful, we can shop for “happy” products that will smooth wrinkles or cushion our safe spaces.  We can play ourselves with fantasy and fiction and vote for the star with the best butt.

This new State Religion seems much more tolerant than the older religions which might require self-examination or self-sacrifice and suggest that your lives be formed and guided by a few simple rules.  Earth Worship and the New Age, Green & Sustainable puts the focus on externals and that’s much easier, isn’t it?  One needn’t feel guilty about promiscuity (don’t be slut-shaming me!) or the poor (they chose this incarnation to work on themselves.)  All you need to be a member in good standing in the new State Church is a healthy dose of Virtue Signaling and a yoga mat.

State-Assisted Suicide: Knocking Man Off his Pedestal

Sean Tagert was diagnosed with Lou Gherig’s disease in March 2013, suffered cardiac arrest in 2017 and lost the ability to move his body or speak.  Alan Nichols suffered with depression and had hearing loss. Sophia was unable to find affordable housing, and Denise struggled to survive on disability payments.  Both of these women were diagnosed with multiple chemical sensitivity (MCR) a condition in which common chemicals such as laundry detergents cause headaches and trigger nausea. Dallon Johnstone suffers from complex regional pain disorder. Madeline had a chronic illness called myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) whose symptoms include extreme fatigue and joint pain.  Tracey Thompson had what she said had been diagnosed as Long Covid, a disease that is ill-defined.  Symptoms such as shortness of breath, fatigue, fever and “brain fog” describe this illness which has been called hard to diagnose.

What do all these people have in common?  They are Canadian and they have been granted physician-assisted death also known as medical assistance in death (MAiD).  Of this group, only Tracey Thompson has yet to receive euthanasia, but she is confident that her application will be approved. The former chef has lost more than two years of income and expects to run out of money in less than half a year.

Earlier this spring, England’s paper The Guardian asked, “Are Canadians being driven to assisted suicide by poverty or healthcare crisis.”  In August, the New York Post covered the story of Alan Nichols, the depressed Canadian who was hospitalized over fears that he might be suicidal.  He asked his brother to “bust him out” of the hospital as soon as possible.  Over the objections of his family and a nurse practitioner, Nichols submitted to a “request” to be euthanized.  The application for euthanasia listed hearing loss as the reason for the request.  Nichols’ family have reported the case to police, and there are health officials saying that Nichols lacked the capacity to understand what he was agreeing to.

The press is regularly reporting on people with debilitating but not fatal diseases who are using euthanasia because they cannot see a way out of the financial difficulties that their conditions are exacerbating.

In 2019, Tagert’s amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) had reached a point where he needed 24-hour in-home care, typical for someone on a ventilator.  Vancouver Coastal Health only offered 15.5 hours a day of care.  After much effort they increased their offer to 20 hours per day, but this left Tagert with $263.50 that he would have to pay every day to supply the four hours of required care.  That is nearly $8000 per month that Tagert needed.  He appealed his case to the regional healthcare “authority” but after more than a month, they hadn’t responded.  On his Facebook page, he said that he had submitted the paperwork for medically assisted death.  Tagert wrote, “Welcome to the great Canadian Healthcare system people.”

We all like to think that “somebody” will do something, but we have reached a point in our cultures where if we are touched at all by someone’s plight it’s to say, “Oh, that’s terrible” or “How dare they?” and our attention is spun to the next crisis or tragedy.  It didn’t take Health Canada very long to supply an affirmative to Tagert’s response for state-sponsored suicide.  Per the Catholic News Agency story on Tagert “Medically-assisted death is fully funded in the Canadian healthcare system.” 

Avi Shafran of the Jerusalem Post wrote a 2008 piece entitled “Brazen new world”.  Shafran was covering a policy statement from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba, Canada from January of 2008, whose premise was that ending a human life is a medical decision, not a moral one. 

By 2016, Canada had fully embraced state-sponsored suicide.  The first year that MAiD was available about a thousand deaths resulted.  By 2019 the number was 5,660 and by 2020 there were 7595 reported assisted deaths.  Between 2016 and 2020, more than 25,000 MAiD deaths have happened.  Canada is a small country.  Do the math.

Julian Huxley wrote about knocking man off his pedestal so the elite could get on with their plans.  Are we there yet?

Eugenics and depopulation are the drivers of this ancient agenda of the capstone.  It takes many forms, but the result is the same.  Whether we’re looking at greening and sustainability and voluntary   sterilization or vaccine injury or sex reassignment or state-sponsored suicide, we’re looking at “them” doing something about “too many of us.”  It isn’t too late to fuel your outrage.  Righteous indignation is the food of resistance, not positive thinking.

Many years ago, priests and champions of the old religions began crying out against the new priests and the new religions, to no avail.  The new religion is Science and scientists are the new priesthood.  When scientists say that the Earth’s temperature is rising at an alarming rate and this is causing earthquakes, droughts, and floods, we listen.  When scientists tell us the Earth suffers from overpopulation, we vow to quit breeding.  When scientists tell us that a pandemic is poised to take out millions of people and we must mask up, self-quarantine and take an experimental mRNA gene therapy, we comply. 

As an aside, I’m not down on all scientists.  Sometimes science and technology really are working for the betterment of mankind.  Wind power has been something I’ve detested because it’s truly bad for the environment (those blades never decompose; they sit in landfills forever.)  A standard 2-3 MW turbine costs on average $2.6 to 4 million, not including installation and maintenance on each turbine, which is about $48,000 per year.  If a turbine blade must be replaced, that’s $150,000.  The blades combined are about the length of a U.S. football field, so that’s a lot of landfill.  As a bird lover, I’m sickened by the millions of birds killed by them every year, but industry research is quick to point out that more birds are killed by automobiles, pesticides and cats.

I don’t love windmills, but I am willing to share good news from science and scientists when I come upon it.  I’ve recently learned that scientists are working on a technique that will allow them to turn wind turbines into plexiglass, diapers, or Gummy Bears.  This is great news for us because scientists have shown us during this pandemic that plexiglass is an effective guard against disease and who doesn’t love to snack on yummy Gummy Bears?


Additional reading:

Agenda 21 - The UN Blueprint for the 21st Century

Southern Poverty Law Center - Agenda 21: The UN, Sustainability and Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory

The 10 Green Building Principles aiming to get real estate to net zero

Our Alliance is creating smart city governance

World Economic Forum to Lead G20 Smart Cities Alliance on Technology Governance

Tackling the climate crisis with innovative green technologies

Breakthrough Energy

'Goodbye cars, hello bicycles'

How to get Americans out of cars and onto electric bikes and scooters

California phasing out gas cars

The pandemic has helped transform the e-bike into a juggernaut

With electric bikes exploding in popularity in the US, is a new wave of light electric motorcycles next?

4 Benefits of Commuting with a Bicycle as an Eco-Friendly Consumer

Stephen Hicks – Plato on Censoring Artists – a summary

 A Conversation With David Beasley

Brazen new world | Jerusalem Post (

Are Canadians being driven to assisted suicide by poverty or healthcare crisis? | Canada | The Guardian

‘Disturbing’: Experts troubled by Canada’s euthanasia laws (

 10,000+ Canadian Euthanasia Killings in 2021 | National Review

Canada's 2020 euthanasia report: Almost 8,000 people died by lethal injection - LifeSite (

 Assisted suicide deaths in Canada jumped 32% from last year: gov't data - LifeSite (

 Canada's push to expand euthanasia to mentally ill violates 'equal protection against avoidable death' - LifeSite (

Dutch gov't proposes expanding assisted suicide to children under age 12 - LifeSite (

No, Killing People Is Not A Humane Solution For The West’s Epidemic Of Despair