How To Be Cleansed Of Your White Privilege

It’s true. I was born in sin, and shapen in iniquity (Psalm 51:5; Jeremiah 17:9). The Bible further tells us that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Our only hope is Jesus, our only glory, His glory. I call out to heaven “Help me.” He answers “Be thou clean” and “Follow Me.” Praise God.

So I walk along the road toward the distant City, behind the Master, straining at times to step in His glorious footprints. One day, someone calls to me from the side of the road “You are a sinner. You are guilty.”
I turn to see who is speaking to me. A fellow stands on the side of the road, wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with the words “Stentorian Joyless Welterweight.” Or SJW, for short.

“Aren’t you heading to the distant City?” I ask.

“We’re close enough” he says. We? Then I see a huge crowd behind him, all wearing the same shirt. They must be a club of some sort.

“I am excited about the distant City, and I hope you are too” I say.

“We’re building an even better one here” He replied. “It’s faster than walking all the way to the distant City.” “But, let’s talk about your guilt. You need to do something about it!”

”Well, I know” I reply. “I once was lost but now I’m found” Praise God.”

“That’s not what we’re referring to” he blurts out, irritated.

“What are you referring to"?” I ask “The Master said “There is no condemnation to those who are in Me, and walk not according to the flesh, but after the Spirit…” (Romans 8:1). I love Him and want to be where He is.”

“The problem is your SKIN” the whole crowd chants. “You are full of white privilege, and therefore white guilt.” If you want to be in OUR city, you have to repent of your skin.” “Then you will be our servant in this city.”

Dazed, I keep walking and praying to the Master. I’d rather be His servant. I don’t like the sound of the city these folks are building. The Master cares about my heart, not my skin (Jeremiah 13:23). I love Him.

That was a parable, if you hadn’t caught that already . . .

However, in modern social justice culture there is another layer of sin not found in Romans 3 or Psalms 51. It is an insidious iniquity, covering you and I (some of you anyway) like a discolored membrane of immorality. It is your white privilege. You know who you are. Just stop it.

White Privilege

If you have european ancestry you are tainted by the evil curse of white privilege. Whatever you have, you don’t deserve it because you are, wait for it…white. And guilty. The latest social justice wave has made men and white people into hate objects. The resentment coalition of identity politics is fracturing into a tribal war of identity microgroups against everyone else—running on the alternative fuel of microaggression and feeding on the souls of the innocent.

White privilege, like all racist ideas, depends on the ‘otherness’ of a racial group. In this case, whites. This puts forth the toxic racist idea that success is, by definition, unearned—if you are white. White privilege is essentially a conspiracy theory, conceived in the social justice halls of liberal academia and planted in the fertile soil of distrust, bitterness and envy. The mad social justice impulse to eradicate “whiteness” is a campaign to eradicate forgiveness. It is a celebration of evil for evil.

Generational bitterness becomes a grid through which you view life—carrying everywhere the banner “Somebody owes me something” (James 3:14). And generational bitterness gets worse with each successive generation—until it is repented of through biblical forgiveness (Hebrews 12:15; Ephesians 4:32). Only then can the heart be unburdened and Christ’s joy will flow back into your life (Psalm 16:11; John 15:11). But that’s not the way of social justice, and black grievance activism.

Every racist movement blames its abuses on its victims. It calls its greed, justice and its hatred, love of its own people. It makes up for its insecurity with anger.

That is all the social justice movements of the left have to offer us. They campaign against racism with more racism. A toxic mix of narcissistic self-pity, angry insecurity and entitled greed lurks under their pseudo-intellectual identity politics. If you are white, you are guilty. If you are also male, worse.

The only people who could be free of “white privilege” are the newest immigrants from cultures that were too far away, xenophobic or homogenous to have European ancestry. Or those who have successfully repented of their white privilege. Here’s how it works.

How To Fix Your White Privilege

1. Confess your white privilege. Be sincere about it. Renounce your white privilege publicly—social media can help. Repent!

2. Praise the leftist black experience. Vote for the most radical minority Democrat you can find. Donate to left wing black causes and celebrate Colin Kaepernick by buying his T-shirt.

3. Become allies with the Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion at your University on Twitter, and the Lake Union Religious Liberty leader on Facebook. Rejoice over everything they write with generous likes and shares.

4. Participate in the laying on of hands in a group diversity prayer. You are not allowed to pray, a minority (preferably a female or LGBTQ Muslim) will pray over you. No white males can pray, until they have first engaged in a ritual cleansing by reading books by James Wallis, Angela Davis, Al Sharpton and successfully submitting reports on each and how it opened their eyes.

5. Have a "coming out" party where you confess your white privilege. Your sjw friends will all join around and praise you and thank you for your honesty. You should encourage others to "confess" as well.

6. You will need to participate in a few Black Lives Matter marches to demonstrate your sanctification and good works, such as the one in Berrien Springs on December 6, 2014.

7. Virtue Signal from all social media platforms. Don’t have a Facebook account? that’s ok. Be sure to tell everyone in your Sabbath School class about your new conversion and cleansing. Say it loud. Say it proud. This will be your new life.

‘For I am not ashamed of the social justice gospel, because it is the power of activism that brings utopia to everyone who believes: first to the warrior, then to the woke’ (paraphrased).

  • This is how you can be absolved of your white privilege.

  • Or you can keep following the Master towards the distant City, thankful for His freedom and forgiveness (Titus 3:5; 2 Timothy 4:8).


“Yet you say, ‘Why should the son not bear the guilt of the father?’ Because the son has done what is lawful and right, and has kept all My statutes and observed them, he shall surely live.  “The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not bear the guilt of the father, nor the father bear the guilt of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself” (Ezekiel 18:19-20).