Being A Christian Is . . .

Being a Christian is so much fun. 

I've gleaned a lot from the Ellen White compilation entitled "Prayer," and it's moved me to a different level of communicating with my Creator.  So, when I walked into the post office to rent a mail box yesterday, I saw that box number 666 is a perfect medium size, just below eye level, an easy number to remember, and I'm pretty confident it's available - easy peasy.

The clerk looked at me a bit funny when I asked for it.  Then he laughed.  Apparently one of their postmasters requests that box every time she moves to a new location because she knows it's always available and thereby going to waste.  She is not currently stationed here, so it was, of course, available.

As he wrote it up, I had second thoughts.  It's one thing to accept an offer of such but to request #666, I began to question my own principles.  I wasn't afraid, for "greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world” (I John 4:4).   I just thought maybe asking for it was a bit too much, so I breathed a little prayer that "if I was a bit too presumptuous, I apologize and ask You to please make the transaction fail."

The paperwork completed, he began to ring it up when the glitch surfaced - in the postal computer system.  He fussed with it a bit.  I told him if it wouldn't work, it wasn't worth my taking his time, "just give me another box."  Well, he's an accommodating gentleman, so he had to conquer.  He spent a few more minutes attempting what I now knew would be impossible, for I suspected the text above combined with my appeal was in full demonstration mode.

I chuckled as he continued to use his lunch time in an attempt to subjugate the software, but before long he confessed his need to issue a different box, #505, which is actually closer to the door and better than back in the dark corner.  The #505 rental process went ever so smoothly.

Life is all about “Who you know, not what you know,” and that "Who" is indeed intimately involved in every detail of our lives when we invite Him into our day - and even more so when we remember His presence frequently throughout the day.

I left giggling, because I knew what happened. As for the delightful clerk, I would guess he is actively seeking a postmaster who knows the secret potion for 666. 

Being a Christian is so, so much fun.  


Cindy has been married to Dan for forty years, is a retired nurse who enjoys reading her Bible and S.O.P, writing, visiting God’s creation in droves (particularly National Parks), camping, birding, nature photography, building photo albums, handwork, and learning her tenor ukulele.