The Vaccine Mandates and the Mark of the Beast, Part 3

A vaccine passport, a social credit system, and a Central Bank Digital Currency—put these three together and you have the ultimate tool of totalitarian control. You also, at long last, have the means to make Revelation 13:16-17 a reality

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From Covid-19 Mandates to Giving up the Sabbath: a Slippery Slope?

Likewise, it shouldn't automatically follow that if we comply with mask mandates and social distancing rules that we are in any greater danger of taking the Mark. But is there a point at which we cross a dangerous line?

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Will You Bark or Slumber?

What would have happened if we as individuals and churches at all levels had gone on record as pointing to the Revelation 13 prophecy?

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Kanye West, Climate Change, And The Mark Of The beast

Kanye West—one of the most powerful cultural influencers of our time—has recently dedicated his life to Jesus. He now holds Sunday Services on his property, which resembles more of a concert than a traditional service.

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