In recent days, our American government, represented by President Joe Biden, signed the Respect for Marriage Act into law. The law of the land, certainly not God’s Law. Clearly, church and state are colliding. Individual, biblical beliefs are increasingly being trampled.
At the time of signing, President Biden said, “Marriage is a simple proposition. Who do you love? And will you be loyal with that person that you love? It’s not more complicated than that. The law recognizes that everyone should have a right to answer those questions for themselves without government interference.” Christians cannot rest as innocent bystanders, but must reflect on God’s teachings, in contrast of those of the land.
“Haven’t you read,” Jesus replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” Matthew 19: 4-6.
Satan is clever to gradually influence those whose alliance has been tradition, more than in scripture. In a Spectrum article on February 5th of 2020, Pacific Union College science professor, Brian Ness, made a case for gay marriage.
Most recently, President, Doctor Richard Hart of Loma Linda University, made a plea for us to celebrate and support LGBTQIA people during Pride month. These are prestigious representatives of a denomination, long proclaiming “truth and light.” I will not judge his motive. However, I would suggest that there should have been a much clearer delineation between sinful behavior, human value, and God’s incredible gift of salvation.
Perhaps there could be a loving, compassionate, outreach during Pride month, that celebrates the gospel of Jesus to “all.” A dinner or luncheon with a seminar revealing what happened to us as a result of the war in heaven. An invitation of Jesus, to anyone who would believe. John 3:16, Revelation 3:20. Jesus is knocking on the doors of our hearts. As His representatives, are we doing likewise?
Loma Linda
Five years ago, Loma Linda University hosted a panel on homosexuality, including Ron Lawson, Jon Paulien and Daneen Akers, (Producer of Seventh Gay Adventists), calling for the normalization and acceptance of homosexuality.
Today, Adventist Universities host gay/straight alliances. Some with faculty that insist that being LGBT+ and Adventist is perfectly fine. Instead of confirming an identity in Christ, they affirm and promote an identity offered by an element of society.
Walla Walla
For two years in a row, Walla Walla University has hosted a “Gay Pride” celebration event on campus. This last year, students showed up the following day, to physically protest my speaking on redemption from homosexuality, (a biblical and doctrinal concept) at an Adventist church near campus. They held signs that said, “God is gay.” “I’m gay, SDA, and it’s okay.” It’s deeply concerning, what comes out of a $50,000 a year tuition that in no way, hints of a Christian education. One student relations faculty member admittedly states, “You’re born that way.” Wouldn’t that be awful, if true? That God would create you “gay,” and then condemn you for it? We are all born with a stain of sin. However, God calls us to be born again. John 3:7.
Providing you with a succession of these events, should reflect how easily we tend to stick our heads in the sand, and act as though we are helpless. I refuse to keep silent, but try to ignite concern, and to inspire others with confirmation that God’s Word remains true today.
Many, paying tuition, or supporting our universities, are not aware of the position on most all our campuses today, of “Diversity Vice President.” This is a position that leads out in the protection of minorities, including LGBTQIA. What if, instead, we had “Unity Vice Presidents?” What if faculty took the lead in demonstrating the power of the gospel to save to the uttermost, those who would draw near Him? Hebrews 7:25. What if, we had faculty dedicated to teaching the trustworthiness of Jesus, and the reliability of scripture? What if our Adventist universities appeared different than a public university? What if, instead of it appearing to be a clique of “Adventist” identified club members, they were educational institutions of “higher learning,” of committed students of scripture, where there is a waiting list to attend?
Trends, and social narratives have contributed to the face of history throughout the ages. Without much thought, many denominational members, adapt to the idea of “reposturing.” This term is used to dispose of beliefs clearly defined and rooted in holy-inspired scripture.
In our recent denominational history, the North American Division Headquarters commissioned Bill Henson, (non-Adventist) to write a “guide,” for educators, pastors and “those who care,” stating that as believers, we need to “reposture.” The “guide” is called, “Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones.” I published a biblical analysis of it. “Line by Line – A Biblical Analysis of Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones.” You may purchase a copy on my website.
It's difficult to discover, that Bill Henson’s history includes that of living as a gay man in the LGBT+ community. What is particularly disheartening, is his failure to recognize that temptation and desire, don’t equate identity. Instead, he advises us to address those with a cultural influence, by the pronouns they’ve adopted. When we leave a society with a worldly construct for Christ, we are gifted an identity in Him, as a New Creation. 2 Corinthians 5:17. Being a “Gay Christian,” would lend to the idea, that we can hang on to part of the world, while having a God association. Failure to point this out, leaves many who attend Henson’s seminars in a sea of ambiguity.
Henson speaks at many pastoral retreats across Adventism. He is slated to speak at a pastoral retreat for the Upper Columbia Conference in March of 2023. He has a significant influence in many other denominations, under his “Posture Shift” ministry. Many, in ex-gay ministries outside of Adventism, have thanked me for writing my analysis, agreeing that a life after conversion by Jesus, does not continue in an LGBTQIA identity.
This leads many to the question, why would leadership need to reach outside of Adventism for an “itchy ear” message, instead of utilizing those who have been there, such as ‘Coming Out’ Ministries, and Know His Love Ministries, teaching from scripture, with congruent Adventist doctrine?
A “Posture Shift” that finds itself adapting to culture, rather than scripture, embarks upon the ever-increasing descent from God’s divine, sovereign, authority. A repositioning puts us in grave danger.
“Guiding Families” is the only publication produced by our denomination, that disagrees with Scripture and our church doctrine. Hundreds of thousands of copies have been distributed worldwide, without any official declaration from our denomination’s headquarters, cautioning believers, not to have anything to do with this publication. Complaints from believers, as well as leadership around the world have been registered. The response? Silence. Having written about this previously, this is not the objective of this article.
I encounter many, who identify as Adventist, including leaders, with no LGBT+ experience, other than knowing someone who identifies as such. I’m often puzzled by the unspoken dismissal of my forty-year history in the LGBT+ culture, as though it accounts for nothing. I lived a life so wrapped up in culture, and my “feelings,” and then, I encountered God, because of the earnest prayers of my parents. Too often, parents and loved ones are compelled by the social construct of their child, who they despeattely love. In order to please, and maintain their relationship, they shift to a cultural view, and deny scripture. I refer to this as, Satan getting a two for one special. Endorsing the appearance of love, under a cultural definition, results in the elimination of Jesus, the author of “love.”
How would you classify the love you have for your son, daughter, or other LGBTQIA identified family member? “He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.” Matthew 10:37.
Twenty years ago, most Christians would not have conceived that we be at these crossroads. Denominations are continually splitting over LGBTQIA concerns. It shouldn’t be this complicated. The terms and identities being instituted, are causing spiritual chaos. Keep in mind, Satan masterminded this plan. With his vast knowledge and hatred for scripture, he’s counting on you reinventing, or taking exception to the Word, instead of relying upon it, and living by it. “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” Psalm 119:11.
Satan is counting on you seeing God as unfair. In His campaign against Christ, he instructed the angels to follow the dictates of their own will. A third of heaven bought into his self-centered fabrications. American culture has intrinsically focused on gratifying self. Certainly not denying self, to honor God.
In the recent documentary, “What Is A Woman?” by Matt Walsh, the decline of civilization is evident, in not being able to elicit a clear definition. People from all walks of society are interviewed, most with elaborate skews of what we have known as “truth.” While Joe Biden appointed a black woman, Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court, she could not, and would not, provide a definition of a woman. The world, under this much needed, magnifying glass, appears upside down.
The documentary clearly reveals American Society placing children in harm’s way, with our cultural adaptation of living contrary to the teachings of the Bible. In fact, nowhere in the film, is there a reference to God or His Word. He’s been eliminated as the Giver of life.
Where are you dear brothers and sisters in Jesus? What are you holding onto as you drift down the whitewater of history? Tradition? Routine? Are you a “progressive?” A “liberal?” Where will you stand after the great sifting of current trends and false narratives?
““The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine.” 2 Timothy 4:3. That time has fully come. The multitudes do not want Bible truth, because it interferes with the desires of the sinful, world-loving heart; and Satan supplies the deceptions which they love.” Great Controversy, page 570.
“They gave up the truth about God for a lie, and they worshiped God's creation instead of God, who will be praised forever. Amen.” Romans 1:25
Wayne Blakely is the Director of Know His Love Ministries. After living in the LGBT+ culture for nearly forty years, he surrendered to Jesus ten years ago and today seeks humility in Jesus, sharing His “love in truth” message.