Laudato Si 2.0 Is Coming, and You Won't Like It

Ten years ago a new era dawned as the first Jesuit Pope (Francis) ascended to the throne, becoming the 266th Pope. This ‘green pope’ quickly jumped on the global warming/climate change bandwagon, releasing his Laudato Si environmentalist encyclical in 2015.

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Pope Francis: Let Us Dream—Kirkpatrick Reacts

Outwardly, the ‘Pope in lockdown,’ cut off from the people looked helpless. Yet those close to him told me the opposite: that he was energized by what he saw as a threshold moment, and the movement of spirits beneath its surface.

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The Catholic Roots of Social Justice: The Vatican and the CCP

Communism puts the state in the place of God, while the Papacy places to the pope in the place of God. The Papacy is much more dangerous, as it disguises itself from its true roots and intentions.

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The Catholic Roots of Social Justice (Part 2)

This is what has happened in the Western world, where the majority of people in my generation believe in Social Justice, Socialism, and Globalism. I see it all around, and I see the rewriting of history books for this to occur.

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