Are Climate Emergency Lockdowns On the Horizon?

“The weather is always going back and forth,” Bastardi said. “This is within the realm of what you can expect in the kind of winter we have here. It might be more snow in one place and less snow in another place, but then it balances out.”

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Kanye West, Climate Change, And The Mark Of The beast

Kanye West—one of the most powerful cultural influencers of our time—has recently dedicated his life to Jesus. He now holds Sunday Services on his property, which resembles more of a concert than a traditional service.

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When All Else Fails, Stage An International Climate Rebellion

Behind the theories and manifestos and violent demands is a great darkness of fear and terror. And small wonder, for life without God is a life without hope, joy, and peace (Jeremiah 29:11).

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Dawn of Interspirituality 2018: Ecumenical Model Of Pope Francis

When I mentioned a few non-ecumenical religious confessions, he agreed that the most difficult are Seventh-day Adventists, especially because they continue to believe that the Papacy is the Antichrist.

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Like Lot's House, The Church is Being Surrounded

Our great needs are a return to the Word of God and a gift of the Holy Spirit. With these mighty helpers we will say “No” to unbiblical culture, and “Yes” to Christian courage.

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Vatican Urges Religions To Support UN's Sustainable Development Goals

In this strange world of twisted reality, you have the Seventh-day Adventist Church AND the Roman Catholic Church both supporting a global leftist agenda. And the Pope just implied that you are sinning, if you don’t.

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