Laudato Si 2.0 Is Coming, and You Won't Like It

Ten years ago a new era dawned as the first Jesuit Pope (Francis) ascended to the throne, becoming the 266th Pope. This ‘green pope’ quickly jumped on the global warming/climate change bandwagon, releasing his Laudato Si environmentalist encyclical in 2015.

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Are Climate Emergency Lockdowns On the Horizon?

“The weather is always going back and forth,” Bastardi said. “This is within the realm of what you can expect in the kind of winter we have here. It might be more snow in one place and less snow in another place, but then it balances out.”

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California Governor Bans The Sale Of Vehicles With Combustion Engines After 2035

Even a grade-schooler can figure out that solar energy doesn’t work at night, when most electric vehicles will be charging, so where does Newsom think all this extra electric power is going to come from? California’s ‘Green New Train Wreck’ looms large on the horizon.

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Will You Bark or Slumber?

What would have happened if we as individuals and churches at all levels had gone on record as pointing to the Revelation 13 prophecy?

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A Biblical Perspective on Climate Change

Would you want to live on an earth made new? If your answer is Yes, then get your gear together, for all Biblical signs and prophesies are screaming loud and clear, The End is Near!

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Catholic Lawyer Exposes Pope's Alliance With UN For Population Control

"Climate change is based on faulty science and was manufactured as a justification (a ruse) to impose population control on the world."

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Why Theological Liberalism Must Be Exposed And Resisted

Liberalism believes that Jesus must be clothed with modern cultural garments; throw upon Him the deceptive LED light of modern sentimentality, and all meaning will come to us.

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