Churches that adhere to the Bible's teaching on gender and sexuality were targeted in a debate Monday night in the British Parliament over legislation that would ban so-called "conversion therapy."
Female member of Parliament Alicia Kearns dismissed concerns over the impact of such a ban on freedom of religious expression, according to the U.K.'s Christian Institute.
"Religious liberty is fundamental, but so too is people’s liberty to live their lives free from identity-based violence and abuse," she told her colleagues.
Ms. Kearns insisted that any prayer "inconsistent with LGBT theology" should be banned.
Supporters of counseling for people with unwanted sexual attractions reject the term "conversion therapy," describing it as an ideological term used by the LGBT activists who seek to link compassionate spiritual care and biblical counseling with disreputable practices.
Kearns, like progressive SDA’s, defined "conversion therapy" as any attempt to stop someone from expressing their chosen gender identity or sexual orientation. She said a ban must include "not only conversion therapy to change sexual orientation" but also "non-consensual attempts to prevent someone from expressing their own identity."
Parents, especially, she said, should face charges if they are facilitating such therapy for their children.
On Monday night, MP Elliot Colburn claimed conversion therapy can be anything "from pseudo-psychological treatments and aversion therapies to practices that are religiously based, such as prayer or fasting."
"Being told to pray harder to change and to question your innermost feelings and thoughts … none of that should be legal," said Angela Eagle.
Shadow Foreign Minister Stephen Doughty, who calls himself a "gay Christian," included pastoral care in his concerns. He alleged it could be used as a cover for dangerous practices.
Stella Creasy and Alicia Kearns dismissed concerns over the impact on freedom of religious expression with Creasy claiming there is “no conflict with spirituality”.
Our Response
There you have it. The Bible should be legislated against because it stands as a barrier to sexual perversion and gender confusion. These evil lawmakers seek to eradicate guilt from life through human law, only to ultimately discover that you don’t have to believe in the Law of God to suffer the consequences of violating it. You can outlaw the Bible, ban prayer that is in harmony with it, and persecute Christians that choose to honor God’s moral design. But you can never legislate away the consequences that follow moral and sexual failure. The only thing you can do is repent, and ask the Lord to forgive you and show you a better life. If you will, He will (1 John 1:9), and joy will come into your life, followed by peace.
We have found peace in an unpeaceful world, and it is not OF this world (John 14:27).
The Bible is clear about God’s will for human sexuality; man and woman are joined together as husband and wife for life. Come to think of it, that’s the problem. It’s too clear, leaving no room for human devising & deviancy.
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).