YouTube Censors Covid: Coercion and Conscience Videos

In 1948, the first program ran on a computer. It was also the year that George Orwell finished 1984 with its infamous slogan, “Freedom is Slavery” and “Slavery is Freedom.” Big Tech’s version of it is, “Free Speech is Censorship” and “Censorship is Free Speech” instead of a neutral internet.

According to the Village SDA website, videos from the Covid: Coercion and Conscience Seminar (August 20-21) have been censored by YouTube. The videos are now available on Rumble. Some links:

Here is a website in Loma Linda that has each video available for download. LINK

Unfortunately the internet isn’t neutral anymore. It’s dominated by a Big Tech speech cartel which uses the rhetoric of an open internet and free speech only when it serves their business interests. They fight tooth and nail to silence voices that don’t align with their agenda, even sabbath sermons and church seminars about Covid and informed consent. It’s ok. We are going to see more of this, even from our own church members at times. Anyone who wishes to win the world for Christ had better be prepared to come into conflict with it in the process. Stay informed, stay in the Word, and stay faithful!



“But they cried out with a loud voice and stopped their ears and rushed together at him. Then they cast him out of the city and stoned him. And the witnesses laid down their garments at the feet of a young man named Saul” (Acts 7:57-58).