Loma Linda Pro-Catholic Discussion Will Continue In Spite of Being Canceled

David Larson is a professor of religion at Loma Linda University. On Friday he wrote this on his Facebook page,

“Loma Linda University cancelled the discussion with Reinder Bruinsa, about this new book of his that was scheduled for Sabbath, October 12, 3:00 p.m.

A different group will convene this discussion at the same day and time but at location that will be announced.

At this point, philosopher and theologian Gary Chartier and historian Gil Valentine, are scheduled to respond to Bruinsma.

Please don't ask me to explain what happened because I have neither heard nor read an official explanation.

All I can say is that not once in all the 46 years that I taught at Loma Linda was my academic freedom restricted even though I constantly addressed issues that are much more controversial and consequential than Ellen White because that was my job.”


  • There is no formal explanation why the meeting was canceled. Adventism often has a problem with transparency. Many strings are pulled behind the scenes by individuals with limited self-awareness or concern about the optics. Better approach: Acknowledge the problems in the church, identify what is causing them, suggest solutions for fixing the problems. That’s leadership.

  • What we do know is that Loma Linda received lots of concerns about Bruinsma’s pro-Catholic book and meeting to promote it. A sincere “Thank you” to readers who lodged complaints about this odd meeting.

  • Bruinsma is also the author of a pro-LGBTQ treatise.

  • The discussion on the aforementioned Facebook page is fascinating. Two individuals blame Ted Wilson for the cancellation. Interesting that no one blames Kohler, who is also on the Loma Linda board.

  • One individual states “What part of “love your neighbor as yourself” is so hard to understand? And honestly, last time I’ve read the book of Revelation, I couldn’t find the passage that talks about the Catholic Church.” (The implication is that Christ’s words in Mark 12:31 “Love your neighbor as yourself” means that we should join hands with Catholicism in spite of many biblical identifiers and warnings against Roman Catholicism.)

  • You are going to hear the term ‘Love your neighbor’ more often in the future. It was used (out of context) to shame people into observing C-19 mandates and measures. Mark Finley used it in this pro-vaccine video. Gavin Newsom used it in a pro-abortion billboard campaign in 2022. ‘Love your neighbor’ is being used to shame Christians into the whole array of environmental activism, earth love, environmental justice, and drastic climate change measures. In summary, the modern cultural mantra, “love your neighbor” means your convictions need to drift leftward. Watch for it.

  • Here is the Loma Linda University board.

  • From 1998 to 2003, Loma Linda has received $167.2 million in federal funds.

  • It is unsurprising that Bruinsma et al are looking for ways to clasp hands with Rome, when a department of our GC (PARL) itself is immersed in ecumenical leftism and revisionist conclusions regarding the RCC’s past AND future hostility towards liberty of conscience.

  • I believe the real issue here is SDA Pop-Leftist disdain and dislike for the writings of Ellen White.

  • Summary: The pro-Catholic meeting scheduled for October 12 (Sabbath) in the Damazo Amitheater at Loma Linda is cancelled. Determined ecumenists in the Loma Linda area have purposed to hold the meeting anyway, in another location.


“It is a backsliding church that lessens the distance between itself and the papacy” (ST Feb. 19 1894).