“America's precious freedom of religious belief and practice is in danger of being destroyed by those who would force the conscience of the minority to conform to the wishes of the majority.”
Read moreLoma Linda University Encourages Learning From Roman Catholicism in Upcoming Meeting
Following the lead of the General Conference PARL department, the Loma Linda University Religion Department is hosting a meeting on October 12, to heal the ‘turbulent relationship’ between Adventism and Catholicism.
Read moreU.N. Trying To Push Religious Communities To ‘Fully Comply’ With LGBTQ Agenda
The report will put forward recommendations to States and other relevant stakeholders to fully comply with their obligations under international human rights law to protect and empower LGBT+ persons.
Read moreJailed Canadian Pastor Wins Huge Legal Victory From Alberta Appeals Court
Pastor Artur was denied bail and held in solitary confinement at the Calgary Remand Centre, a holding prison for dangerous and violent criminals. His crime—holding church services against the governments orders.
Read moreUnited Nations Suggests That Pornography May Not Always Be Harmful To Children
Its conclusion is based on a European study of 19 EU countries that found in most countries, most children who saw pornographic images were “neither upset nor happy.” In fact, the report UNICEF relies on says that 39 percent of Spanish children were happy after seeing pornography.
Read moreAdventists, Catholics and ADRA, The Religion of Strong Delusion
We could then present this new maudlin faith to the world, asking their forgiveness and replacing the Conflict of the Ages Series with a note that reads “We didn’t really mean it.”
Read moreAdventist Health Seeks to Advance 'Transformative' 2030 Vision
On September 10, Adventist Health announced a “Transformative” 2030 vision that will be implemented by three individuals. The three individuals are Joyce Newmeyer, Alex Bryan, and Jason Wells.
Read moreUnited Nations Reveals Who Is To Blame For Covid-19: Patriarchy
P.S. Brace yourself for the inevitable demand to change the title of one of Ellen’s White’s best books ‘Patriarchs and Prophets.’ It will happen eventually.
Read moreThe United Nations: Helping Us Be More Politically-Correct
Because there's nothing more important going on in the world right now, the United Nations would like to remind you that the use of gendered words and phrases is super problematic.
Read moreUnited Nations: World Religions Should Defer To The Authority Of UN Experts
He concluded that laws based in traditional morality, often religious in nature, should be repealed if they conflict with the opinions of human rights scholars and UN experts.
Read moreRomanian Union Responds to an SDA Pastor Signing The Bologna Ecumenical Charter
These ecumenical churches and organizations are not merely separated brethren with whom we can curry favor and share truth. These are dangerous people, with a cosmology that is at variance with the Three Angels’ Messages.
Read moreU.N. Faith For Earth Initiative Unites World Religions Against Climate Change
“Faith-based organizations are the fourth largest economic power on earth. They own a total of 10 percent of the planet's inhabitable land, 50-60 percent of educational institutions, 50 percent of hospitals, and five percent of commercial forests.”
Read moreEcumenism, A Trojan Horse Within Adventism
Due to the easy access of information over the internet, these activities of Diop have come under significant scrutiny by faithful Seventh-day Adventists around the world.
Read moreMormon Church Presents Adventist Church With Religious Liberty Award
In presenting the award, Elder Lance B. Wickman, general counsel for the LDS Church, and emeritus member of the Seventy, thanked Dr. Diop for being a friend of the Mormon Church . . .
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