Pope and Religious Leaders Call For Aggressive Climate Action At The Upcoming COP26 Summit

In his speech, Welby said over the past 100 years, humanity had “declared war” on creation and must now repent by building a green economy and by bringing [social] justice to the global south.

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Lawmaker Threatens Catholic Church's Tax Exempt Status For Considering Denying Communion to Pro Abortion Politicians

The new guidance could result in pro-abortion politicians (including Joe Biden and Speaker Nancy Pelosi) being banned from receiving communion because of their stance on abortion.

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The Pope's Radical 7-Year Environmental Plan

Do it for mother. Earth, that is. Do it for Papa. The Pope, that is. Do it to show you are a good person (like wearing a mask). Do it for your brother, especially your big brother. You want to be moral, don’t you?

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Pope Francis Voices Support For Same-Sex Civil Unions

“Homosexual people have a right to be in a family. They are children of God and have a right to a family. Nobody should be thrown out or be made miserable over it,” Francis said in a documentary, called “Francesco,

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Greta Thunberg's Climate Strikes And The Sabbath

“So in some essential ways, Greta is like a modern-day Moses, asking us to slow down our consumption to a sustainable level so that humanity can live as responsible stewards of the earth, instead of ever-demanding consumers.”

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United Nations Reveals Who Is To Blame For Covid-19: Patriarchy

P.S. Brace yourself for the inevitable demand to change the title of one of Ellen’s White’s best books ‘Patriarchs and Prophets.’ It will happen eventually.

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The Pope Joins Microsoft And IBM To Create 'Ethical' Facial Recognition Doctrine

Our Father has promised to keep His children in the hollow of His hand (Isaiah 49:2), and we can rest in that promise, despite human devisings that are gathered against us in the Time of the End.

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