We are concerned that these administrators may be applying double standards in their dealings with the Village Church on the one hand, and Andrews University on the other hand.
Read moreMichigan Conference Orders Village Church To Cancel Their Religious Liberty Weekend
There have been two dominant narratives in the past ten years: Cultural Marxism and COVID. Village Church has rejected and exposed both of these narratives, as a healthy Bible-based church should do.
Read moreVillage Church Postpones Business Meeting until January
At 7 AM on Friday morning, Jim Micheff called the head elder (Tom Wilson) of the Village Church. He said he was willing to meet with Ron Kelly and and the head elder sometime in early January.
Read moreThat Pastor's Meeting in Michigan Last Tuesday
“I’m not in the MI conference, but it certainly impacts my respect for any individual in this chain of command. Are there no adults in leadership anywhere in the church hierarchy willing to put a stop to this bullying?”
Read moreThe Christian Post Picks up The Ron Kelly Story
Corporate-loving Adventism will say that we should keep things like Michigan’s marginalization of Conrad Vine and Ron Kelly private so church members or the world won’t know about it.
Read moreVillage Church Board Requests That Pastor Ron Kelly Be Reinstated By January 2
“Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom He hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy; And gathered them out of the lands, from the east, and from the west, from the north, and from the south.”
Read moreRon Kelly's Letter To The Church
I have said it in private and I say it here again today. Until the denomination is held to the same scrutiny as Conrad Vine there would be no discipline against this man while I am the senior pastor.
Read moreGaithersburg SDA Congregation Meets Outside For Open Air Worship on Sabbath
“Happy Sabbath, remember that God is with you at all times. He is our powerful giant. It is hard to understand, many ministers in their way of acting against the church. But God will finish the work with many or few.”
Read morePotomac Pastor Threatens to Dissolve Gaithersburg Church Board For Inviting Bohr to Speak There
On Sabbath he stood from the pulpit and gave the church an ultimatum. They either all comply with the [Potomac] conference and join him or they should leave the building and abandon the "official Gaithersburg" church. 99% Of the members left.
Read moreElder Wilson Offers Message Of Encouragement To Members Facing Challenges For their Faith in God
Each of us will experience many trials in life. As we go through them, prayer ensures that we are not alone. He Who stands beside His people is there with us (Daniel 3:24-26; Daniel 6:22).
Read moreOutrage Mob Targets Andrews University Professor on Twitter
Targets of outrage mobs are often attacked for expressing opinions on politically charged topics or ideas that the outrage mob disagrees with.
Read moreIllinois Conference Forces Church to Cancel Secrets Unsealed Event
Some sectors of our church are currently making a big deal out of abuse, as a social justice initiative. This action by the Illinois Conference is spiritually abusing people, but they are ok with that.
Read moreNAD Year-end Meeting, "We Will Compose a Letter To The GC"
"We don't care what action! We don't care what body! WE DO NOT CARE! We have a mandate from God to encourage, to enhance, and empower women to serve as pastors”
Read moreUpdated Status & Timeline of The Gary Kent/IIWO Situation in Australia
The IIWO Brand has not been handed back by SPD as requested by the GC and the dispute is ongoing. We appeal for the SPD leadership to set aside differences and conclude mediation in one to two weeks.
Read moreLGBT Group Threatens Johns Hopkins Over Study that Says People Aren't Born Gay
The rainbow Nazis have turned their guns on yet another organization, this time a well-respected medical facility.
Read more