Breathe in the fresh air of scriptural freedom and unity (Revelation 7:9; Isaiah 8:20; Revelation 12:17,14:6). And choose a Godly reforming Provost with Christian courage.
Read moreSpring Council Update #2. The 'Theological Stewardship' Document Passes
This is a much needed initiative to strengthen our biblical identity as a movement with a special Bible message. To everyone that had a part in this reformation initiative, we thank and support you.
Read moreJohn McVay to Retire from Walla Walla University
Nice truck, John. We approve.
Let’s pray that Walla Walla will get a reformation-minded president, one who will help lead the institution to revival and reformation, including something we all need—repentance.
Read moreJohn Wesley Taylor Update on Mission & Culture Position
It has to be done with boldness, vision and courage, where you cut away elements of the organization that are defiling the mission (2 Kings 18:4-7). It will cause a temporary ‘hurricane’, and that’s ok.
Read moreAn Appeal From The Heart: Students Voice Concerns About The Direction of Andrews
As students, we love our university, but it is better for the school to close with the approval of God than for it to remain open without such approval.
Read moreTrue or False Revivals?
"To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them'“ (Isaiah 8:20).
Read moreThe DC Report: Testimony From Washington DC Rally
One lady said, “I feel impressed that I should do a cartwheel in the spirit—don’t worry, you don’t have to do anything, just watch.” We watched as the lady did a very graceful cartwheel in front of us.
Read moreGlobal Day Of Prayer And Repentance Comes To Washington DC
If this movement is genuine in its call to repentance, may God be with them. If this movement is born of emotional or political excitement, or a mingling of the true with the false, that can only mislead.
Read moreDan Jackson To Retire July 1st
Please pray that a replacement NAD president will be humble, faithful to the Bible and the Three Angels’ Messages, and supportive of the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Read moreWCAS Goes Online!
Please join us for our next World Church Affirmation Sabbath (WCAS) event online! Covid-19 is not stopping WCAS and gathering of the lay members. It is time to gather together more than ever.
Read moreA Call For Fasting & Prayer on April 7
The first Sabbath of the next quarter is April 7. We would like to invite all readers on F7 to join together in this day of fasting and prayer from “evening unto evening,” the entire Sabbath of April 7.
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