Bannon says that his experience with Huntsberger and the Friday night prison missionaries from the Danbury-Bethel Seventh Day Adventist Church convinced him that it's improving peoples’ lives.
Read moreAdventists Expelled by Police at WEF Meeting in Davos For Passing Out Great Controversy's
They were passing out Great Controversy’s and other Christian literature warning about liberty of conscience being threatened. Riot police were dispatched to remove these Adventists from the World Economic Forum promenade.
Read moreFamous Doctor Posts Tweet About Great Controversy and Ellen White
“My time with the Adventists has been wonderful. Like you we are here for a reason. We see that we are in this Great Controversy. It’s happening now right in front of us. It’s unfolding! It’s so clear. We are playing a role in bringing this [controversy] to a close.
Read moreGreat Controversy Book Distribution in Vermont Stirs Up NBC Media
White Horse Media to Release Short Film On Satan's Impersonation of Christ
White Horse Media is soon to release a short film discussing Satan’s impersonation of Christ as “the crowning act in the great drama of deception.”
Read moreBig Tech Coalition Developing A Digital Vaccination Passport
The coalition is currently in discussions with several governments to create a program requiring either negative tests or proof of vaccination to enter the country, according to Commons Project chief executive Paul Meyer.
Read moreGlobal Day Of Prayer And Repentance Comes To Washington DC
If this movement is genuine in its call to repentance, may God be with them. If this movement is born of emotional or political excitement, or a mingling of the true with the false, that can only mislead.
Read moreA Sermon by Baptist Pastor Danny Jones From Gainsville GA
But we do make exceptions for exceptional presentations. We believe this is one of them. Feel free to watch this 39-minute presentation, and comment on it.
Read moreDr. Ben Carson To Speak In Loma Linda at 3ABN Winter Campmeeting
Campus Hill SDA Church
3ABN has been hosting camp meetings for many years. The idea of a Christian "camp meeting" comes from an American Protestant tradition that began in the 1800s, and is preserved in various Christian circles even today.
Read moreJohn MacArthur Acknowledges The Bible Does Not Support Women Preachers
Home is where God promises to bless women’s labors and make them fruitful (Psalm 128:3). To a godly woman, keeping a home is a delight, and the words “Go Home” are sweet.
Read moreControversial Film Reminds Us of Prophecy
"At least the hunt's coming up. Nothing better than going out to the Manor and slaughtering a dozen deplorables."
Read moreMass Murders And Shootings
Our culture is rapidly changing. We see events these in the rapid flow of Bible Prophecy. There is much uncertainty and fervor about the 2020 Presidential elections.
Read moreMark Finley Responds To False Claims About the Great Hope Book
My response to false claims about The Great Hope book.
Read more600,000 Great Controversy Books Sent to Chicago Homes
"Some people who got the book have reached out to thank the publisher for the book, while others sent it back with a note they don't need it and won't read it."
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