Their god is Homo Progressivus, born an ape and ascending to singularity synthesis via false religion. Their heaven is a social justice dystopia where skeptics are scorned on Twitter and visited with global inquisition.
Read morePlaying Hooky For The Climate
Students plan to skip school across Western Europe, from the US to Brazil and Chile, and from Australia to Iran, India and Japan.
Read moreEnvironmentalists Throw IPCC Under The Bus
These words are usually spouted by global warming preachers and climate researchers itching for more public funding.
Read moreHave Fewer Kids to Fight Climate Change!
Does he really analogize childbearing with murder? Yes:
Read moreThe New World Order Takes Shape
Who is the beast? The Roman Catholic Church. The world will be united with the Papacy as leader.
Read more"Global Warming Skeptics Should Be Guilty Of Murder"
The suggestion that those who run afoul of the climate change groupthinkers should face criminal charges is evidence of an alarming (pardon the pun) trend.
Read moreWondering After The Beast
The Pope gave the president an English translation of Laudato Si, an encyclical he wrote in 2015 on the environment – a pointed gift, given that Mr Trump has threatened to withdraw the US from the 2015 Paris accord on combating climate change.
Read moreReligious Left Emerging As Political Force In The U.S.
I personally know an individual who blends religion with politics in order to get people to stop blending religion and politics. Ugh!
Read moreCatholic Church: New Priests Will be Expected to Preach Global Warming
The Vatican accuses the fossil fuel industry of funding climate change skeptics. I am still waiting on my check.
Read moreBill Nye Proposes Silencing Climate ‘Deniers’
“Get the deniers out of our discourse,” Nye said. “You know, we can’t have these people—they’re absolutely toxic."
Read moreObama Justice Department Wants to Prosecute Climate Skeptics
They want people who hold a different view on "global warming" prosecuted and punished under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act.
Read moreSeventh-day Adventists Weigh in on Global Warming
As world leaders gather in Paris for the 21st United Nations Climate Change Conference, the Seventh-day Adventist Church supports and applauds the efforts of these leaders to come to an agreement to stem the deterioration of our earth due to climate change.
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