Persecuted people don’t have the freedom or the free time to dictate the behavior of others. Neurotics, unable to control themselves, instead try to control others, turning their defense mechanisms into rules for everyone else to follow.
Read moreLefty Parents Distressed That Their Gender-Neutral Daughter Likes Pink Dresses
All of the feminist teachers at the local wokeness University agree (including all lefty SDA schools). Biblical patriarchy is a non-starter in our enlightened era of rebel women, soy boys and neck beards.
Read morePublic Service Announcement: The OK Hand Gesture Is Now A Hate Symbol
If you don’t live in the proximity of a PC department, the local liberal arts college Women’s Studies professor, Starbucks, or Episcopalian Church will do.
Read moreBeth Moore Calls Anti LGBTQ Christians "Hyper-Fundamentalists"
The Yankee zounderkite—Moore—has since taken to playing the victim, claiming that the “attacks” (requests for a clarification on her position) have “almost made her cry.”
Read moreT.E.D. Requests Gender-Inclusive Language Changes For Elders In Church Manual
From the very mention of Compliance in the hallowed halls of Battle Creek, you could already hear the stentorian social justice battalion storming the lawn of the GC . . .
Read moreOregon Conference Sends Letter To GC Regarding Tithe Dispute
Church Policy, scorned and disenfranchised by progressive Church leaders when it comes to worldwide decisions regarding WO, becomes sacred to them when cash is involved. All of a sudden, Church Policy is the bee’s knees!
Read moreHungary Removes Gender Studies From Universities
Gender studies (academic feminism) long ago abandoned any pragmatic reason for their existence. They are far more concerned about protesting the word patriarchy than learning how to spell it.
Read moreNAD Helps The Community By Hosting Feminist Event
Feminism is filled with things that it can’t speak about. That’s why it long ago hit a dead end. It is too afraid of being politically incorrect to be relevant; it is too important to be righteous.
Read moreMississippi Church Votes 175-6 to Leave Methodist Church
They cite as a reason for their departure, an "Increasingly non-biblical worldview" among the United Methodist Church Conference.
Read moreWhite People are an Existential Threat to Our Nation . . .
As a bit of an Anglo meself, I say enough with the plastic platitudes of provincialism! We need conversion, forgiveness and joy in our lives and Church.
Read moreMississippi Town Rejects Gay Pride Parade
Numerous homosexual enthusiasts were gutted about the decision, heartbroken that they can't flaunt their pride in Starkville. To the Town Council, I say "Good show!"
Read moreSpiritualism Update: Irish Woman Marries The Ghost of 300-Year Old Pirate
The nutty newlywed says she first met Jack the ghost in 2014, when he appeared beside her bed – and after two years of courtship, things got properly serious between them
Read moreAll Hail Queen Sheila!
I would suggest the NAD blokes find another prominent SDA politician to invite to their shindigs. Ben Carson, perhaps?
Read moreGay Couple Calls On Pastor To Resign After He Refuses To Bless Their Wedding
The gay couple say they have been overwhelmed by the “tear-jerking” response from the community after they spoke out about his response.
Read moreCanadian Elementary Teachers Receive LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP Inclusiveness Training
But, beyond the gurgling brew of canned alphabet soup, we are nearing the Acronym Waterloo of Confusion (AWC for short).
Read more'Queersmas' Celebration Held in Home of Andrews Professor
In case you were wondering--and I'm quite sure you were--the aforementioned address is none other than the home of an Andrews University Professor.
Read moreThere Goes The Neighborhood (and Possibly, the Country).
From the high-pitched effete of those who used to be men, to the burly unshaven scowls of deranged woman, enough is enough.
Read moreTwo Lesbian Pastors Get Married in Church
This is not consistent with Biblical theology, but it is quite consistent with progressive leftism these days.
Read moreThe One Project Shuts Down Unexpectedly
It bears noting that this organization has cost the jobs of many pastors, Bible workers & Conference employees--all for speaking out against this progressive ministry.
Read morePolice Break up Gay Orgy at Flat Owned by Inquisition
Vatican police broke up a drug-fueled homosexual orgy at the home of the secretary to one of Pope Francis’s key advisers.
Read more