Know His Love Ministries is fighting to preserve the gospel and your right to choose. A defining gift from God, and a rapidly fading, foundational, American value. Freedoms are rapidly fading and trending narratives are fueling catastrophic results.
There’s such a contrast, reading about Laodecia, then living in it. It’s beyond what perceived as a child, in the Adventist church. Unthinkable, heartbreaking, is what came to mind in contemplation of the passages read to us during worship, in school and at church.
The idea of a large body of Adventist “believers” denying Jesus, seemed impossible. Yet, to some extent, it was developing then. Checking off the do’s and don’ts, certainly wasn’t cultivating intimacy with Jesus. And Same-Sex Attraction grew stronger and stronger. Wrinkled faces of distain and damning words circulating the mention of “homosexuality,” certainly prevented any meaningful conversation.
In actuality, I honestly didn’t realize that was happening. I’ll never forget working at Loma Linda University as a Unit Secretary in 1973, when a flamboyant and hilarious orderly, prompted me to call his roommate. Some of you have heard the story I’ve shared in my seminars. I wasn’t on the phone with this guy for more than about three minutes, before he called me out as “gay.” Gay? What is that, I asked? He said, “You like guys don’t you?” Well, I’d had a couple of crushes, but I didn’t know there was a word for it, other than realizing I was being drawn toward that which the Bible clearly condemned.
How could this be happening to me? I didn’t ask to “feel” this way. Even then, there was a distinct lack of practical Christianity. Developing intimacy with Jesus and understanding why I would say “no” to my flesh, and become more deeply, and personally connected with Jesus, just didn’t surface in discussions.
The faceless voice on the phone invited me over after work. Glenn, was a student at La Sierra College. So, intrigued by his observations and invitation, I went. I was all ears as he began to tell me about the “gay life.” And then all the sudden, he belted this out. “Adventists breed homosexuality!” Bug-eyed, I stared at him and gasped. “How do you arrive at that?” He said, “Well you’re gay, I’m gay, and I go to college with lots of other gay guys. You see, the church tells us all about the sin of homosexuality, but they don’t tell us how to avoid it. What to do with “feelings” you didn’t ask for.” I said, “You know, you’re right!” And with that, my new friend took me to my first gay bar. The deadly silence of the church paved the way for me to exit the church.
It was a long absence. Forty years. I didn’t start campaigning for LGBT+ rights within the church. I was well-educated by scripture and knew this wasn’t something God could or would condone. I wrote my church and asked them to remove my membership. My parents didn’t abandon the teachings of Jesus, simply because they had a son who was confused and decided to distance himself from a Bible. Matthew 10:37 advises, “He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me.”
Today, there’s great defiance among LGBT+ people, who ironically identify as Adventists. I’m not certain what it is that makes them Adventist. It can’t be culture. Because cultural Adventists don’t take God at His Word, or believe in the Spirit of Prophecy. Cultural Adventists are trapped in a routine of thinking that showing up at church, regardless of what is being taught, somehow secures a spot in Heaven. Now, if the Bible is true to its Words, why would such people even want to be in Heaven?
I’m grateful for my parent’s diligent, enduring faith. They prayed faithfully throughout those forty years. At times they must have wondered if God was listening. However, those prayers would come and get me fourteen years ago.
Upon reentry to the church, I discovered, the church still wasn’t reaching out to those struggling with LGBT+ ideations. In fact, we don’t even reach out to those suffering from with impure heterosexual thoughts and actions. Almost as though there is no hope for someone suffering from sensual sin. However, when I look to scripture, I see Jesus laboring with His love over King David, Mary Magdalene, Rahab, Samson. Jesus didn’t ignore them. He redeemed them.
Within a short while after my return to Jesus, gay clubs and alliances began surfacing on our Adventist university campuses. A film, “Seventh Gay Adventist” is made, igniting a rebellious movement. A book is produced and distributed by our North American Division Headquarters, taking a cultural, LGBT+ stand within our denomination. The non-Adventist author, has made quite the speaking circuit across Adventism, at many leadership and pastoral retreats. Seemingly without objection.
I’ve witnessed Adventist LGBT+ activists initiate Kickstarter Funding Campaigns, raking in tens of thousands of dollars in a just few days, funding events and books that take opposite views of that of scripture and church doctrine.
Seven years ago, finding support for our film “Journey Interrupted,” was nearly futile. The film, profiling people who chose Jesus over culture, was primarily funded by one donor. God knows how to make things happen that honor and glorify Him.
I’ve learned a great deal concerning Christianity, God’s Word, The Spirit of Prophecy, and today’s LGBT+ narrative gaining governmental momentum, almost daily.
In the last year and a half, I have discovered that human rights and religious freedoms are disappearing, largely due to those who have long fought for their right to have a voice, silencing, and disrespecting any voice that disagrees with their narrative.
“Satan knows that some of you are holding out for Sabbath persecution. Don’t you think he sees that coming?”
Part of the Three Angels Message, is a message with compelling clarity, impressing upon the hearts of men, a call to turn from worldly and fleshly desires to the Savior, ready to rescue the erring, confused by Satan’s powerful counterfeits. Jesus, for just a brief time, is still standing and knocking on the doors of hearts who will hear. Just like the ark, where Noah pleaded for all who would respond, the door will soon be sealed, and so will the fate of the heart who does not respond.
My recent research has prompted a very important project. A crucial project, requiring tens of thousands of dollars.
Many Adventists struggle, knowing where to lend financial support, as we witness institutional confusion, and often promotion for that which God cannot bless. I know there are parents, friends and loved ones who believe in a redemptive message for those identifying as LGBT+. However, they’re afraid to take a stand because someone might think they hate gays. Dear friends, how could I be involved in something that promotes hate, when I was won by the love of the One who gifted me with life, and a new identity in Him? The One who shed is blood, giving His life for mine. Isn’t being a child of the King, or a New Creation in Christ, the best identity that anyone could desire? Why would you want to remain silent about that?
Would you rather take a stand for the Sabbath, under persecution, or risk disparaging words from someone as a result of seeking to save souls for Jesus? I’m afraid of your answer. Satan knows that some of you are holding out for Sabbath persecution. Don’t you think he sees that coming? So, being as intelligent as he is, he’s decided to take you out at the knees, while deceiving someone you love and care about. Taunting them with a counterfeit deception, resembling love, but not actually being the purified love of Jesus.
As a rescued son of God, and as Director of Know His Love Ministries, I’d like to invite you to contribute to and evangelistic effort for the preservation of lives of those seemingly lost, in an effort to preserve human rights and religious freedom for bit longer.
In my efforts to grow in Jesus, I’ve been reading more intently. I’ve finished The Great Controversy, and now I’m reading Patriarchs and Prophets, as well as God’s Word. What I’ve discovered is that I desperately need Jesus more than anything else on this planet. And … I’ve recognized that we are in the final verses of the chapter of the great deception. It’s last call. And I’m afraid I’m witnessing a lot of sleepy people, while those who are inspired and agitated with a world agenda, accomplish one success after another.
“The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine.” 2 Timothy 4:3. That time has fully come. The multitudes do not want Bible truth, because it interferes with the desires of the sinful, world-loving heart; and Satan supplies the deceptions which they love.” Great Controversy, Page 594
“The language of the Bible should be explained according to its obvious meaning unless a symbol or figure is employed. Christ has given the promise: “If any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine.” John 7:17. If men would but take the Bible as it reads, if there were no false teachers to mislead and confuse their minds, a work would be accomplished that would make angels glad and that would bring into the fold of Christ thousands upon thousands who are now wandering in error.” Great Controversy, Page 599
This project may be Adventist in mission; however it is not exclusively Adventist in nature. It’s the pure gospel of Jesus, for all. I am praying that Jesus will send His Holy Spirit to move upon your heart to support this ministry and project. Know His Love Ministries is a 501c3 nonprofit. Your contributions will be tax deductible. Your support is greatly appreciated and need not be made public.
It is not my intent to be vague. However, militant activists and a “cancel culture” have successfully hindered gospel efforts around the world.
Donors who would like to speak to me about the project, may contact me at
LGBT+ people are not collateral for Heaven. Many simply don’t recognize the invitation of Jesus, and what He is asking.
At the very least, please pray for this project. Thank you so much!
Wayne Blakely is the Director of Know His Love Ministries. After living in the LGBT+ culture for nearly forty years, he surrendered to Jesus ten years ago and today seeks humility in Jesus, sharing His “love in truth” message.