Many pastors come into the group with fairly conservative ideals, but get bullied mercilessly—mocked by group members who no longer feel it is appropriate to hold to Adventist standards.
Read moreResisting Church Authority Abuse 2: Who are the Watchmen?
When a religious entity exceeds its just authorities, that religious entity itself is subject to correction. The very idea of “Protestant” in itself says that protest and resistance to the abuse of spiritual authority is proper.
Read moreThe SDA Church is Like Samson
The Seventh-day Adventist church also to a large degree, gave up its secret to growth. We became jealous of other denominations who had settled pastors over them.
Read moreInteresting Interview With Australian Evangelist Samuel Braga
Media has presented one side of the reality and manipulated it to develop fear in the minds of the population. It is very sad. Australia was a free country, but it no longer is.
Read moreIs God Really a She? — Let Your Voice Be Heard
The article received a lot of attention and was shared by hundreds of people who were very concerned about this pastor.
Read moreMake Pastors Uncool Again
Many Christians have been saying this for years and its past time that I join them: I’m tired of celebrity pastors. Pastors aren’t supposed to be cool. They’re not supposed to be fashion trend setters.
Read moreThe Pillars Of Our Faith And The Omega Deception: A Concerned Seminarian
My brother, if you are walking into an institution that no longer appears to be a Seventh-day Adventist University, church, gathering, or publication, I encourage you to recognize it and begin filtering what you hear and read.
Read moreOrdination Undone
“Suddenly, I felt a hand on my back. It pushed me--hard. 'Go find Bart!' came the strong impression.”
Read moreHillary Wants to Preach
So what do you get when you combine feminism, social justice, Planned Parenthood, an exuberant liberal worldview, LGBT fervor and a church pulpit? You get pastor Hillary.
Read moreYour Pastor Is Wrong. Now What?
As Abimelech was God’s tool to help and support Abraham, we too can honor and help our ministers.
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