There's Something Really Fishy Going On With Conferences & Unions in The NAD

But there are those, who are unconverted and use members and church structure as a political playing field for power, office or prestige. The church exists for spiritual purposes, not political ones! And ministers are to be spiritual leaders, not politicians, position seekers, or timeservers!

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A German Legacy of Shame

In an effort to protect themselves, they became complicit in Hitler’s persecution of the Jews and fellow Christians. Now, predictably, they have jumped on the bandwagon with those who accuse the world church of being a “misogynistic” church.

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The Sad Fruit of Mysticism & Liberalism in Ohio: Gina Helbley

I like to think those who heard Jesus understood he was talking about a kingdom that was as impartial and generous as Shiva. Where there's room for everyone and everything…

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From Women's Ordination to LGBT Ordination

So why are we talking about this now?  It is because this particular story about the Church of England, illustrates that it will never end with the ordination of women.

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