Asian American Group Condemns Critical race Theory: 'A Hateful, Divisive, Fraud'

Since Americans of Asian ancestry are overrepresented in colleges, universities, and certain high-income professions, CRT effectively teaches that American society is structurally biased in favor of Asians.

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Ty Gibson's 'Against the Wall' Joint Venture Gets Shut Down

“We have both spent much of the past five months in particular raising our voices—both at rallies and in Zoom pulpits—to declare that all Black Lives Matter and that those who have been slain at the hands of law enforcement need [social] justice.”

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BLM Mob In Oakland Caught On Tape Chanting "Death To America"

Carrying BLM and other signs, they chanted “death to America” while starting fires and smashing car windows and buildings. The real agenda behind the movement is finally coming out.

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Angry BLM Protestors Surround Woman in DC, Demanding That She Join Them

In Adams Morgan (a DC neighborhood), protesters screamed at a lone woman, identified on Twitter as Lauren B. Victor, for several minutes for refusing to raise her fist with them. “Are you a Christian?” a female protester demanded.

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The Witch of Endor Has Nothing On These Black Lives Matter Founders

“And maybe I’m sharing too much but we become very intimate with the spirits that we call on regularly. Each of them seems to have a different presence and personality.”

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Ohio Conference Distributes Social Justice And Black Lives Matter Stewardship Insert

The Church is being divided between those who accept the Everlasting Gospel as it is in the Bible, and those who believe they can mingle political and social justice causes with the Three Angels Messages.

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SAU Apologizes To Outrage Mob For Article on Black Lives Matter by Former Professor

The mob may come for you, but by speaking the truth in love and not caving to the mob, you will earn the admiration of a million onlookers, and most importantly, build maturity for that final test, just ahead.

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African American Smithsonian Museum Releases 'Whiteness' Chart

The museum's "whiteness" chart was shared on Twitter by commentator Bryon York, and immediately met with some backlash, particularly from users who claim that people of color also hold the outlined American values.

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