One Million Methodists Leave the Apostate Church in One Day

At that General Conference, delegates removed the church’s longtime stance that sex is only for marriage between husband and wife. Adultery and extramarital sex were removed as chargeable offenses for clergy, along with homosexual behavior.

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Motion to Stop Ordaining Women Generates Robust Discussion At Ohio Constituency Meeting

After the agenda for the meeting passed, a delegate went to the microphone and made a motion that the Ohio Conference would discontinue ordaining women, and come into harmony with the world SDA church ordination standards.

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Elder Wilson Says Rebellious Church Entities "Are a Problem"

"When we take a vote at the highest level possible . . . if it is not agreed to, by individuals after the vote, then we have a problem. Our whole church holds together by a wonderful aspect of goodwill.

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SDA Church in Minnesota Asks The Conference To Take a Stand Against WO Rebellion

This rebellion, left unchecked, raises a legitimate question. If General Conference Session decisions are openly scorned by church entities, what guarantee does the church have that subsequent decisions will not be scorned?

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