The momentum regarding the Covid vaccine saga has shifted measurably in the last 16-months. The courts now favor those who were coerced and violated by autocratic states and institutions.
Read moreSan Francisco Ordered to Pay $7 Million To Workers Fired Over Vaccination
The workers’ attorney Kevin Snider of the Pacific Justice Institute said in a statement that “the rail employees chose to lose their livelihood rather than deny their faith,” which shows the sincerity of their convictions.
Read moreTennessee Woman Awarded Nearly $700K After Being Fired For Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine
A federal jury found that Tanja Benton "proved by a preponderance of the evidence" that her decision to refuse the vaccine was based on a "sincerely held religious belief.
Read moreHUD to Pay $17,800 To Settle Lawsuit Over Ben Carson's Bible Study
FFRF has claimed that weekly Bible study is a “big waste of taxpayers money” and has called for cabinet members to “study the Bible in your private capacity, not in your official capacity and at your government desk.”
Read more69 Year Old Man Files Lawsuit To Identify As 20 years Younger
Emile Ratelband told a court in Arnhem in the Netherlands that he did not feel “comfortable” with his date of birth, and compared his wish to alter it to people who identified as transgender.
Read morePortland Church Sued For 2.3 Million For Not Allowing LGBT Event On Their Property
God’s Law is eternal and every individual will have to answer for the choices they make in life, and that’s why we have been commissioned to preach the Everlasting Gospel in every nation.
Read moreSupreme Court Sides With Christian Cake Baker Against Gay Agenda
There seems to be a deliberate inclination on the gay Left to turn their weddings into occasions to entrap Christian business owners.
Read moreTwo Adventists Suing Kellogg Co. For Religious Discrimination
One approach would be that the two former employees just move on, trusting God to find them a better job. We will see what happens.
Read moreBen Carson Sued By Atheist Group Over Cabinet Bible Study
Ben Carson weighed in himself on the lawsuit in a Wednesday Facebook post, denying any wrongdoing.
Read moreAdventist Family Claims Deportation Violates Their Religious Beliefs
Juan Rodriguez’ wife and daughters filed a lawsuit in federal court in Houston urging that he cannot be deported because doing so would violate the family’s religious rights.
Read moreAdventists File Lawsuit Against Arkansas City for Anti-Literature Evangelism Ordinance
Students and staff of the Literature Evangelism Program at the Adventist-affiliated Ouachita Hills College were told by White Hall officials that they would need a permit for a planned outreach to residents last month.
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