Fear is an emotion; a negative emotion. It divides rather than unite. When Adam and Eve sinned, fear entered, and this fear caused them to hide from God.
Read moreTo The Editors of Fulrum7 And My Fellow Adventist Church Members
It is imperative that we church members let our voices be heard and cry out openly about the abuse of power that has taken place in our conference.
Read moreSo, What is The Church?
Over time, an organization can become a complex multi-layered structure that limits efficiency and slows down decision making. We call that a bureaucracy.
Read moreMission or Maintenance?
To be hot for Christ, means to be charged for his service.—not after a lengthy consultation with Risk Management and the Church Manual, but by the conviction the Holy Spirit places on your heart.
Read moreRon Kelly's Son Speaks About His Father Getting Fired By the Michigan Conference
They have attempted to cripple a church that was thriving and doing God’s work. They have done this DIRECTLY against the wishes of those who attend that church.
Read more“Even unto the End of the World”
Oh, most wonderful and glorious Savior, please come very, very soon. We claim Your precious promise, “I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen” (Matthew 28:20).
Read moreSurviving the Shipwreck
People don’t wander because they’re lost, they wander because they forget who they are. We are Adventists, the ones who didn’t fit in with Lutherans, Baptists, Methodists or Catholics.
Read moreThe Kamala Catastrophe
Being called out is a process when a member of the Black community publicly reviews a person’s Black card membership to begin the process of revocation by public shaming, disowning, correctional action or verbal abuse, or excommunication.
Read moreBe The One
With a few tears in my own eyes I stood and put my hand on his shoulder. “James, stay connected, and lean on other people for support. You have your religious faith to lean on to. You’re going to get through this.
Read moreBelonging
We are hard pressed to find a single academy or university who openly offers hope, redemption, love and restoration in Jesus, for anyone identifying as LGBT+.
Read moreI’m Voting for Jesus
An Adventist minister wrote, "I cannot vote for a bad man, for that is against my principles; and, under the present corrupt and corrupting state of politics, I could not wish to elevate a good man to office, for it would ruin him."
Read more"We Are Not The True Church....Yet", Danny Shelton
Diversity, race, equity, inclusion, social justice, and politics have replaced the gospel of Jesus Christ…and no, they are not one and the same!
Read moreLooking For (and Hastening) The Second Coming of Christ
I have seen presentations stating that God is waiting for the 6,000 years to be completed, before He comes the second time. This concerns me that people are basing their expectation upon another date.
Read moreOnus Probandi
For God, the testimony of one righteous man was sufficient to deny the Devil’s claim of total dominion. Hence, God engaged Satan in a discussion of Job.
Read moreWhy We Should Be Thankful for Liberalism
As the darkness works to doom our world and as we suffer defeat after defeat, these defeats only serve to remind us that we must be better, that we must do more, learn more of God and become more in order to reflect His glory (Jude 24)
Read moreThe Delay
How do we deal with this kind of delay? In all honesty we must acknowledge that this issue is creating substantial strains within our church.
Read moreDefeatism vs. Critical Faith Theory
Ultimately, embracing secular mechanisms for earthly justice and equality raises a flag of defeat before our heavenly Father. It is stating that God is helpless to assist me in my predicaments, and faith in fallen humanity is my only choice.
Read moreExperiencing Christ’s Method
The Holy Spirit was working on her heart and mind. God then led me to give her the Great Controversy. She read it in a week and placed an order for the entire Conflict of the Ages series.
Read moreA Binary World
If your failure to act as a leader is because you fear being labeled, racist, homophobe, xenophobe, transphobe, or any uncovered ‘phobe, ‘ist or ‘ism… then step aside. You are not a leader.
Read moreThe Worst … From Within
I couldn’t conceive how such unkind words and contrasting observations and directives could come from a student who had to consider their educational options prior to attending this university.
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