God created male and female distinct from each other; different yet complementary. Together in a committed marriage they make a wonderful unit, a perfect illustration of something heavenly (Ephesians 5:22-33).
Read moreGood News: Scottish Judge Rules That Church Ban Is UnLawful
Believers who met for worship in accordance with their religion, could be fined up to £10,000—the usual leftist approach of picking at a scab until it is healed.
Read moreNevada Student Is Bullied In Mandatory Critical Race Theory Class, Sues School
The teacher admittedly teaches her students to become “social justice warriors,” preparing them to fight for critical race theory and intersectionality. William was attacked for being the only male, heterosexual Christian in the class.
Walla Walla University Student Senate Calls For LGBTQ Inclusive Language in Student Handbook
Satanists Sue For Religious Right to Ritual Abortions
Somebody once said, “If you find yourself litigating against biblical principles, you’re probably doing something wrong.” I’ll add, If you find yourself aligning with Satanists, you might be wrong, too.
Read moreNew Zealand Mother Upset That Her 11-year Old Daughter Has To Deliver Sunday Law Books
Haley Rivas Herrera is disgusted her 11-year-old daughter has been asked to deliver a book called National Sunday Law, which she calls “a conspiracy theory” and “extreme propaganda”.
Read moreThis Day in History: Tiberius, Described in Daniel 11, Dies
On March 16, AD 37, Emperor Tiberius, by all accounts a vile person, was dispatched by the commander of his guard.
Read moreUK Lawmaker Seeks to Ban prayer that is 'inconsistent with LGBT theology'
“Religious liberty is fundamental, but so too is people’s liberty to live their lives free from identity-based violence and abuse.” Kearns insisted that any prayer "inconsistent with LGBT theology" should be banned.
Read moreCanadian Pastor Imprisoned Over COVID Edicts
Pastor James Coates of Grace Life Church, near Edmonton, Alberta, has been imprisoned over Covid restrictions.
Read moreIs Your Baby Racist?
Our Message transcends the self-absorption of anti-racism and the fervid dogma of social justice, bidding His people to come out of the cold sarcophagus’ of Babylon’s madness.
Read moreAs If California Wasn't Ungodly Enough . .
Wise Adventists will cling to the Bible and the One Who gave it, rejecting any and all pagan influences as apostate.
Read moreShould Wives Try to Look Good for Their Husbands?
Pastor Stewart-Allen Clark, of Malden, Missouri, is under fire for a sermon he preached about men, women, and marriage.
Read moreTime to Reopen the Churches . . . again
Here is an interesting graph that explains why conservative governors, like Texas Governor Greg Abbott, are re-opening their states.
Read morePotomac Conference Seeks to Change Its Bylaws To Prevent Being Accountable To The World Church
If the Potomac Conference does not need to follow the voted policies of the world church, then it would appear we are moving one step closer to seceding from the worldwide Adventist Church.
Read moreThe Symbolism of "Rachel" Levine
Rachel Levine is a visible symbol of the Left’s support for, and commitment to, rebellion against the created sexual order
Read moreAsian American Group Condemns Critical race Theory: 'A Hateful, Divisive, Fraud'
Since Americans of Asian ancestry are overrepresented in colleges, universities, and certain high-income professions, CRT effectively teaches that American society is structurally biased in favor of Asians.
Read moreThe Equality Act Passes Congress, and is on Track to Become Law
While it attacks religious freedom, freedom of expression and freedom of association, rights recognized in the first amendment, it doesn’t stop there, it also denies the biological fact that men and women are the two created genders of humanity.
Read moreSnopes Article Says Creationism Is Essentially A Conspiracy Theory
We, as followers of Jesus Christ who believe the Bible, must understand that people will not always like us. Jesus taught His disciples that people will hate them as they hated Him (John 15:18).
Read moreThis Day in History: Gladys Aylward, Missionary to China, is Born
The people began to call Gladys, "Ai-weh-deh," a phonetic approximation of Aylward that means "Virtuous One" in Chinese. It was her name from then on
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