We are concerned that these administrators may be applying double standards in their dealings with the Village Church on the one hand, and Andrews University on the other hand.
Read moreThe GC Takes a Stand Against Barbara O'Neill
While the General Conference Adventist Health Ministries supported the Covid vaccine and mandates; Barbara O’Neill was opposed to compulsory vaccination or any coercive policy to encourage vaccination.
Read moreUpdate on Ron Kelly and The Michigan Conference
The Village Church elders suggested that a meeting between Ron Kelly and Jim Micheff occur in a private place with the participation of a third party from the General Conference. That suggestion was rejected by Micheff.
Read moreRon Kelly and Dave Fiedler Coming to Ardmore Oklahoma
How will this message shape the closing chapters of Earth’s history and prepare a people to live faithful, courageous and Christlike lives in the time of the end?
Read moreTrump Bans Sexual Mutilation of Minors
President Trump will no longer abide federal funding for the sexual mutilation of minor children
Read moreReligious Freedom and Opposition to Abortion Can Coexist
John Stevens was so opposed to my litigation to vindicate the rights of this professor that he sought to get the Adventist Church to file a friend of the court brief against me and in support of the University of Detroit.
Read moreThe SDA Church Named on TV for Helping Facilitate Mass Illegal Immigration Into the US
ADRA is one of the top ten organizations helping this, destined to receive $5,000,000 from the new budget to help facilitate mass illegal migration.
Read moreTrump DOJ Dismisses Prosecution of Eithan Haim
The Trump Justice Department has dismissed a Biden criminal case against a whistleblower who had called attention to the sexual mutilation of minors at a Texas hospital
Read moreThe White House Administration Orders End to DEI Programs
All of the people wrecking the country are not acting alone, they’re not irrational, incompetent or corrupt: they’re members of an ugly anti-Christian movement.
Read moreLiberty & Health Alliance Just Released One of the Most Important Documents Ever
In place of those statements a clarifying statement should be made that the church does not support any mandates which can infringe on liberty of conscience, contrary to religious liberty principles found in Scripture.
Read moreThe Federal Government Will No Longer Promote Gender Insanity
The federal government will cease to promote, enforce or implement gender ideology and gender insanity
Read moreSandpoint SDA Church In Idaho makes a Statement About Ron Kelly And Conrad Vine
Pastors and leaders who stand for the truth should not be forced to stand alone. We, the elders of the Sandpoint SDA Church in Idaho write this letter in defense of Ron Kelly and the Village Church.
Read moreNorth Dakota Sunday Blue Law Goes Down in Flames, Vote: 89-4
The House Industry, Business and Labor Committee voted for a “do-not-pass.” Minot Representative Dan Ruby carried that recommendation to the floor. The vote was 89 to 4 against the measure.
Read moreNorth Dakota Considers Bringing Back Sunday Blue Laws With House Bill 1150
Supporters of the bill argue it preserves family time and encourages rest. Opponents, however, see it as a step backward for the state’s economy and individual freedom.
Read moreAn Exciting Event Is Coming in March
Some of the speakers are Ron Kelly, Neil Nedley, Charlie Kirk, Ben Carson, Dr. Joyce Choe, and Dr. Tim Reisenberger.
Read moreJoe Biden Awards Pope Francis The Presidential Medal of Freedom
There is no indication if ADCOM will also receive similar acclaim for their promotion of climate change, or if GC PARL (Ganoune Diop) will be recognized for their tremendous ecumenical efforts.
Read moreVillage Church Denounces Authoritarian Church Management Practices in New Statement
We strongly disapprove of our Michigan Conference leadership for its conduct in the removal of Elder Kelly, which we observe to have lacked transparency, Christian integrity, and the basic principles of justice and due process.
Read more24 Hour Prayer Vigil at Village SDA Church
We also encourage you to fast in any form that works for you, as we seek God’s direction and blessing. Let’s come together as a community and lift up our hearts to God in prayer.
Read moreLoma Linda Recommends Surrogacy For Gay Couples
Gay partners may also choose to use a surrogate in order to have a child that is genetically related to one of the partners.
Read moreIntroducing an Exciting New Tech Savvy Prayer Website and Ron Kelly Interview
And then, the vision came: Michael, create a space where my people can come together—where they can share their burdens and celebrate their blessings. A place for prayer and praise.
Read more