Pope Francis Voices Support For Same-Sex Civil Unions

“Homosexual people have a right to be in a family. They are children of God and have a right to a family. Nobody should be thrown out or be made miserable over it,” Francis said in a documentary, called “Francesco,

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The Pope Joins Microsoft And IBM To Create 'Ethical' Facial Recognition Doctrine

Our Father has promised to keep His children in the hollow of His hand (Isaiah 49:2), and we can rest in that promise, despite human devisings that are gathered against us in the Time of the End.

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Jesuit Students Present 58k Signatures In Support Of Senate Climate Change Bill

Copies of the Catholic Climate Declaration were also shared with Senate offices. This could set the tone for American participation in the upcoming Global Pact meeting hosted at the Vatican on May 14.

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Igniting Panic With "Climate Emergencies"

Their god is Homo Progressivus, born an ape and ascending to singularity synthesis via false religion. Their heaven is a social justice dystopia where skeptics are scorned on Twitter and visited with global inquisition.

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Pope Endorses Social Justice And Climate Change

This year, in particular, it calls us to reflect on the situation of many men, women and children of our time - migrants, refugees and refugees – on the move to escape wars, miseries caused by social injustices and climate change.

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