“Homosexual people have a right to be in a family. They are children of God and have a right to a family. Nobody should be thrown out or be made miserable over it,” Francis said in a documentary, called “Francesco,
Read moreThe Pope Joins Microsoft And IBM To Create 'Ethical' Facial Recognition Doctrine
Our Father has promised to keep His children in the hollow of His hand (Isaiah 49:2), and we can rest in that promise, despite human devisings that are gathered against us in the Time of the End.
Read morePope Calls For Universal Basic Income
Writing to the leaders of social movements across the globe, Francis said universal basic income, something that only far-left American politicians support, would achieve an "ideal."
Read more
Obama Says CV19 Is a Result Of Trump's Rollback of His Climate Change Policies
President Trump unsigns the U.S. from the Paris Climate Treaty. Says we need to protect American interests and American jobs as a priority. The Pope is grumpy about this.
Read morePope Francis Asks Virgin Mary To Deliver World From COVID-19
“We seek refuge under your protection, O Holy Mother of God,” he said. “Do not despise our pleas — we who are put to the test — and deliver us from every danger, O glorious and blessed Virgin.”
Read moreVatican Moves Global Pact on Education Event to October 15
In his address to diplomats, Pope Francis highlighted two key areas related to the Global Educational Pact: climate change and interreligious dialogue.
Read moreJesuit Students Present 58k Signatures In Support Of Senate Climate Change Bill
Copies of the Catholic Climate Declaration were also shared with Senate offices. This could set the tone for American participation in the upcoming Global Pact meeting hosted at the Vatican on May 14.
Read moreUpset Pope Slaps Woman's Hand In Vatican City
He became visibly upset, slapping the woman's hand in an attempt to extricate himself. Footage of the altercation also appears to show him shouting at the woman.
Read morePope Francis Criticizes Conservatives In America
One of the most serious evils of American Evangelical Christians, the article stated, is “the defense of religious liberty,’” which takes the form of “a direct virtual challenge to the secularity of the state.”
Read morePope’s Amazon Synod Proposes Married Priests and Female Deacons
The majority of 180 bishops from nine Amazonian countries also called for the Vatican to reopen a debate on ordaining women as deacons.
Read morePopular Nun Denounces Pope Francis. Says His Global Pact Is Demonic
This radio program from Roman Catholic nun ‘Mother Miriam’ provides further evidence that serious ideological disagreements are rising in the Catholic Church. We will be watching these developments.
Read moreIgniting Panic With "Climate Emergencies"
Their god is Homo Progressivus, born an ape and ascending to singularity synthesis via false religion. Their heaven is a social justice dystopia where skeptics are scorned on Twitter and visited with global inquisition.
Read moreThe Mormons Wonder After The Beast
“What a sweet, wonderful man he is,” Nelson said of Francis, the Mormon Church news site reported, “and how fortunate the Catholic people are to have such a gracious, concerned, loving and capable leader.”
Read morePope Approves Jesuits' Mission For The Next 10 Years
The world’s 15,536 Jesuits are asked to implement these four preferences in their respective areas of work.
Read morePope Endorses Social Justice And Climate Change
This year, in particular, it calls us to reflect on the situation of many men, women and children of our time - migrants, refugees and refugees – on the move to escape wars, miseries caused by social injustices and climate change.
Read moreVatican Ambassador Calls For The Pope To Resign
Viganò named a string of cardinals and archbishops who he said also knew about the McCarrick sexual abuse claims. “Corruption has reached the very top of the church’s hierarchy,” he wrote.
A Half-Million People Buy Tickets To Pope's Mass In Phoenix Park
"We have 6,000 under-18s coming to the RDS alone. This is the highest registration of this age group for any World Meeting to date."
Read morePope Calls For Christian Unity At World Council of Churches
This is a trip toward unity,” representing the “desire for unity” said the Pope. But it is unity on Roman Catholic terms.
Read moreIreland Rejects Catholic Conservatism By Ending Abortion Ban
How did this liberalization, this rapid decay of conservative Christian values, happen so quickly?
Read moreThe Papacy Passes The Buck On Sexual Abuse
No, God didn't make him that way. The Catholic priests did. The priests took their perverted sexual "shoe" and slipped it on to these young boys. Talk about passing the buck.